Ref's flag causes miffed punt


So it goes
Gold Supporting Member
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
This happened very early in Sunday's Cardinals at Jaguars game that I was watching. The network really didn't cover it very well at the time, from what I saw my question was whether Ron Moore was in-bounds when he muffed the punt. I didn't hear of the flag issue until after the game. Fortunately the Cardinals recovered and it didn't have bearing on the game.

This needs to be looked into. At least the ref and his flag didn't poke anybody's eye out.

Crap happens. I know a guy who killed a bird with his shot off the tee one time. Was there when it happened or I wouldn't have believed it.

Refs screw up. In HS, me and a guy from the other team both got flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct when we were literally having a nice chat on the way back to the line of scrimmage after I pummeled him down field. Nothing heated about it at all. The ref just didn't like that we were talking to each other I guess and assumed it was trash talking. He said this was his last game as he wasn't playing next season and I was encouraging him to play again maybe in a different position. He wasn't a big guy but he was super fast.
This happened very early in Sunday's Cardinals at Jaguars game that I was watching. The network really didn't cover it very well at the time, from what I saw my question was whether Ron Moore was in-bounds when he muffed the punt. I didn't hear of the flag issue until after the game. Fortunately the Cardinals recovered and it didn't have bearing on the game.

This needs to be looked into. At least the ref and his flag didn't poke anybody's eye out.

What the hell was a flag doing way up there in the first place?
I see no reason for the ref to throw a flag that close to a player.

Well, they are supposed to throw the flag at the spot of the foul, but really, was there a foul 12 feet in the air? I see no one in the picture but the receiver---- did he foul himself?

Refs have been calling some really insane penalties this season that has everyone scratching their heads.

Business as usual for the NFL.

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