Refugee Crime


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
by Soeren Kern
Migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a confidential police report that wasleaked to the German newspaper, Bild. This figure represents an 80% increase over 2014 and works out to around 570 crimes committed by migrants every day, or 23 crimes each hour, between January and December 2015.

The actual number of migrant crimes is far higher, however, because the report, produced by the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA), includes only crimes that have been solved (aufgeklärten Straftaten). According to Statista, the German statistics agency, on average only around half of all crimes committed in Germany in any given year are solved (Aufklärungsquote). This implies that the actual number of crimes committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000.

Moreover, the report — “Crime in the Context of Immigration” (Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung) — includes data from only 13 of Germany’s 16 federal states.

The report does not include crime data from North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany and also the state with the largest number of migrants. North Rhine-Westphalia’s biggest city is Cologne, where, on New Year’s Eve, hundreds of German women were sexually assaulted by migrants. It is not yet clear why those crimes were not included in the report.

The report also lacks crime data from Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, and Bremen, the second most populous city in Northern Germany.

Further, many crimes are simply not reported or are deliberately overlooked: political leaders across Germany have ordered police to turn a blind eye to crimes perpetrated by migrants, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.

According to the report, most of the crimes were committed by migrants from: Syria (24%), Albania (17%), Kosovo (14%), Serbia (11%), Afghanistan (11%), Iraq (9%), Eritrea (4%), Macedonia (4%), Pakistan (4%) and Nigeria (2%).

Most of the migrant crimes involved theft (Diebstahl): 85,035 incidents in 2015, nearly twice as many as in 2014 (44,793). Those were followed by property and forgery crimes (Vermögens- und Fälschungsdelikte): 52,167 incidents in 2015.

In addition, in 2015, migrants were involved in 36,010 reported cases of assault, battery and robbery (Rohheitsdelikte: Körperverletzung, Raub, räuberische Erpressung), roughly twice as many as in 2014 (18,678). There were also, in 2015, 28,712 reported incidents of fare evasion on public transportation (Beförderungserschleichung).

There were 1,688 reported sexual assaults against women and children, including 458 rapes or acts of sexual coercion (Vergewaltigungen oder sexuelle Nötigungshandlungen).

According to the report, migrants were accused of 240 attempted murders (Totschlagsversuch), in 2015, compared to 127 in 2014. In two-thirds of the cases, the perpetrators and victims were of the same nationality. There were 28 actual murders: migrants killed 27 other migrants, as well as one German.

Finally, the report said that 266 individuals were suspected of being jihadists posing as migrants; 80 of these were determined not to be jihadists; 186 cases are still being investigated. The infiltration of jihadists into the country, according to the report, is “a growing trend.”<<
Millions of immigrants come to America ... and build a strong, free nation.
It's called the U.S.A.
Because muslims have been 1st-cousin-inbreeding for 60 generations (per Mo's example). Every scientist who has studied muslim inbreeding has said they've done "catastrophic damage" (their words) to the muslim gene pool. That's why they're so stupid and violent -- this religion is essentially filled with Jerry Springer guests with a permanent suntan.
Because muslims have been 1st-cousin-inbreeding for 60 generations (per Mo's example). Every scientist who has studied muslim inbreeding has said they've done "catastrophic damage" (their words) to the muslim gene pool. That's why they're so stupid and violent
Every "scientist"?
Please cite two (2) real scientists who used the words "catastrophic damage" in their research discussion.

I am definitely NOT a supporter of the Muslim religion/culture, but i take exception to your extremist statements which are extremely misleading.
Yes, it's not a good idea to marry a 1st cousin (Einstein did it), but the results are by no means "catastrophic"; the percentage of negative mutations usually don't exceed 6%, depending on research methods, i recall.

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