Regulatory agencies EXPLODE under Obama--costing an additional 38 BILLION per year.

That money comes out of the economy and doesn't produce anything.

Wrong! It creates increased staff, support, and capital expenditures to meet increased regulatory requirements! Doesn't all money ultimately come out of the economy?
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I don't know how adding unnecessary costs to the price of electrical new residential construction for unnecessary and problematic non-sense new regulation to the tune of $1500.00 per house stimulates the economy--or makes a new homeowner real HAPPY-when they get stuck with the bill.--:cuckoo:

For instance I am a small business electrical contractor--and have been in business for 30 years. Within the department of regulatory agency exists the NEC aka (national electric code) whom every 3 years comes up with with regulations that even electrical inspectors complain about. They are costly--and they are also problematic.

Unnecessary regulation to JUSTIFY a regulatory agency government JOB does NOT stimulate the private sector economy. It simply is a BOOT on the neck of business and consumers in this country who get the short end of the stick every single time----because services and materials end up costing the consumer much more.
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That money comes out of the economy and doesn't produce anything.

Wrong! It creates increased staff and support to meet increased regulatory requirements! Doesn't all money ultimately come out of the economy?

:lol::lol::lol: Bullshit - It just moves more jobs to China faster you retard! :lol::lol::lol:

If China sells a widget for less than mine because I now have to employ more staff, pay more fines & pay more to comply with regs. Then I will be out of business & everyone loses their current jobs.

Holy shit you are so lost. Regulation Enforcement is stimulative? How? You do realize most regulations make business have to spend money to comply with them right? How in the hell do you think making it more expensive and complicated to have employees is going to stimulate anything?

What the fuck is this, complete and total idiot night on the boards?
Well, it's good to see that someone is doing something to help stimulate the economy.

Only "you" would see this as stimulative to the economy. Things like this are part of the reason why the economy keeps wallowing in the three year quagmire it's been in. Progressives love this crap. Anyone trying to run a business hates it.

Liberals are left leaning socialists--they believe that the Government can do anything better than the private sector even though they have been proved wrong 10,000 times over and over again.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.
That money comes out of the economy and doesn't produce anything.

Wrong! It creates increased staff, support, and capital expenditures to meet increased regulatory requirements! Doesn't all money ultimately come out of the economy?

So if everyone works for the government, the nation will prosper?
Wrong! It creates increased staff and support to meet increased regulatory requirements! Doesn't all money ultimately come out of the economy?

ROFLMAO, No most of the costs of all these regulations will come right out of the Private Sector into the hands of Government. Regulations are burdensome. Are they needed sure, but a balance must be stuck. To little and bad things happen, to many and economic growth and hiring are stifled.

Which is exactly what is happening right now. Businesses are not hiring because they see all these regulations and mandates coming down the pike and they know their costs of operations are going to sky rocket.

You are really very very ignorant on this subject.
That money comes out of the economy and doesn't produce anything.

Wrong! It creates increased staff, support, and capital expenditures to meet increased regulatory requirements! Doesn't all money ultimately come out of the economy?

So if everyone works for the government, the nation will prosper?

For a couple months until we post our first 8 Trillion dollar annual Deficit. Then our Credit rating will go way down, interest rates will go way up, and NOBODY will invest in America, or lend up a dime anymore. In fact people will start cashing in their bonds and wanting the money we already owe.

Lakhota is clearly going to the most ignorant liberal parrot ever award.
Imagine the world under total Republican domination: No social programs; no regulations; no taxes; no quality of life...

Holy shit you are so lost. Regulation Enforcement is stimulative? How? You do realize most regulations make business have to spend money to comply with them right? How in the hell do you think making it more expensive and complicated to have employees is going to stimulate anything?

What the fuck is this, complete and total idiot night on the boards?

Holy Crap--exactly how OLD ARE YOU? All you liberals on this board obviously have never purchased a house--let alone tried to build one yourself.

We have thousands of regulatory agencies within the United States--that regulate everything from A to Z--and what happens in this effort to JUSTIFY their government paychecks is they come up with new regulations every 2 to 3 years--that are unnecessary--problematic--that end up costing the consumer (the average Joe) thousands EXTRA for service and or materials.

The consumer ALWAYS gets screwed in the end.
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Imagine the world under total Republican domination: No social programs; no regulations; no taxes; no quality of life...

YEAH! Except everyone WOULD finally have a quality of life! Business in this country would be booming--everyone would be working--everyone would be able to feed themselves--everyone would be able to take a vacation. All we need is for the FREAKIN Federal Government to get their boot off of the necks of business in this country.

They are currently strangling business in this country with OVER-REGULATION.
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Wrong! It creates increased staff, support, and capital expenditures to meet increased regulatory requirements! Doesn't all money ultimately come out of the economy?

So if everyone works for the government, the nation will prosper?

For a couple months until we post our first 8 Trillion dollar annual Deficit. Then our Credit rating will go way down, interest rates will go way up, and NOBODY will invest in America, or lend up a dime anymore. In fact people will start cashing in their bonds and wanting the money we already owe.

Lakhota is clearly going to the most ignorant liberal parrot ever award.
Boy ain't bright, that's for sure.

Have you liberals EVER worked a day in your life? I mean you're so stupid I am not even going to click on that link. The EPA is the WORST disaster. Did you know that THEY ARE now after wind-mills that are providing GREEN energy. Because they are killing birds. The EPA also STOPPED two hydro--electric dams from being built in California--because some type of mouse would be threatened by them--they also STOPPED a single transmission line from windmills to feed California from being ran through a national forest.

You're not going to have your cake and eat it too--when the EPA gets involved in ANYTHING.


You voted for it--You got it.
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Imagine the world under total Republican domination: No social programs; no regulations; no taxes; no quality of life...

Imagine a world where leftists didn't unthinkingly believe each other's lies about Republicans.
That money comes out of the economy and doesn't produce anything.

Wrong! It creates increased staff, support, and capital expenditures to meet increased regulatory requirements! Doesn't all money ultimately come out of the economy?

Yes, and that increased staff, support and capital expenditures adds to the cost of doing business, which is a disincentive. Come on "MBA boy"...give me an explanation as to why increased regulations is a boost to the economy. As for "all money coming out of the economy"? What are you babbling about?
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