religions r based upon fear, whimsy, irrationality


May 5, 2014
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.

You know how you can tell Christians don't even believe the shit they say? If they did they wouldn't be afraid of dying or cry when their love ones die. Why cry if they are going to heaven? So I don't even think Christians truly believe. They just don't dare question because they are told if they do they will go to hell. What a great scam. Like George Carlin said, religion is the greatest bs story in history.
nobody; nothing; has killed more people in the modern era than godless left-wing ideology


Examples please.

Fact is, prison is filled with christians and muslims and there are very few athiests in prison.

Think about how many people with alzheimers or cancer will die because Bush and the christians didn't allow stem cell research.

Here is another fact. A human life is not worth any more than a mosquito. Maybe not according to the law but if there really is a God somewhere, he doesn't care about you any more than he cares about the fish you are eating for dinner tonight.
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.

You know how you can tell Christians don't even believe the shit they say? If they did they wouldn't be afraid of dying or cry when their love ones die. Why cry if they are going to heaven? So I don't even think Christians truly believe. They just don't dare question because they are told if they do they will go to hell. What a great scam. Like George Carlin said, religion is the greatest bs story in history.

Christians cry for themselves when the death of a loved one occurs, not for the loved one. Because we will miss them. They on the other hand, couldn't be in more loving capable hands.

I can verify for you that Christians do believe. I am one of them and have none of the maladies mentioned above. Why fear when death is gain, and has no sting? Because you fear, you naturally assume we must too, that we are just hiding it.
I have a news flash for you:
Christianity does not prevent death. It just moves you to a higher level. You are spirit wrapped in clay. Clay decays, you do not. You are made in the image of your Father, you are eternal also.

So, either way what is there to fear exactly? That I continue for eternity, or simply cease to exist? And if one fears neither, then what does that do to your theory? :eusa_angel:
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.

Not all religions were started with the purpose of fleecing and controlling the masses. I imagine that none of the religions you have in mind were started with that intent. If people without religion have warmth in their hearts it pleases God also. Maybe even more so. No one should fear death. The end of life is a great change however. Whether it is the end or a new beginning it does make people nervous whoever they are and whatever they might believe.
I don't see how taking care of the widow and the fatherless is done out of fear.
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.

You know how you can tell Christians don't even believe the shit they say? If they did they wouldn't be afraid of dying or cry when their love ones die.

Because we are going to miss them. People who care do that.
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.

You know how you can tell Christians don't even believe the shit they say? If they did they wouldn't be afraid of dying or cry when their love ones die. Why cry if they are going to heaven? So I don't even think Christians truly believe. They just don't dare question because they are told if they do they will go to hell. What a great scam. Like George Carlin said, religion is the greatest bs story in history.

My stepsister died and I still cried but I shifted my focus from the dead to helping the living like my family members.

I'm not scared of dying.

God is not silent. God is there.

Hebrews 4:7 Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

People can hear his voice. It is what caused revival and the Reformation.

X. The supreme judge by which all controversies of religion are to be determined, and all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, doctrines of men, and private spirits, are to be examined, and in whose sentence we are to rest, can be no other but the Holy Spirit speaking in the Scripture.

Article 10, Westminster Confession of Faith

Our forefathers heard it, other Christians heard God and I can hear God today just like you can possibly hear God today.

God is there and His presence makes life all the more real.
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.

I'm sorry for you, that you view life in such a dismal light. From your description, why would anyone want to continue living if all it is is pain, torture, and disability?
people fear death and disability. Charlatans long ago figured out a way to fleece and control them, by calling their bs a "religion", and people STILL brainwash little kids into believng such tripe. Ayn Rand gave us a modern philosphy and ethics, so how about we USE that gift, hmm?

when you're dead, that'S IT, man. BE GLAD of it. Death will be a welcome surcease from pain, one day, for everybody. there is no reason to fear it, and it's THE way "out" from torture, disability, etc.

You know how you can tell Christians don't even believe the shit they say? If they did they wouldn't be afraid of dying or cry when their love ones die. Why cry if they are going to heaven? So I don't even think Christians truly believe. They just don't dare question because they are told if they do they will go to hell. What a great scam. Like George Carlin said, religion is the greatest bs story in history.

Gee, I don't know, maybe because they loved them and they'll miss them? You seriously asked that question? :cuckoo:
I really do pity these people, their blindness is so apparent.
I really do pity these people, their blindness is so apparent.

Pray that you angry gawds will burn them in hell.

There - feel better about your religion?

Hate, hate, hate. It defines you angry, self-hating fundies. You hate yourselves, you hate each other and you use your religion to promote your hate.
I really do pity these people, their blindness is so apparent.

Pray that you angry gawds will burn them in hell.

There - feel better about your religion?

Hate, hate, hate. It defines you angry, self-hating fundies. You hate yourselves, you hate each other and you use your religion to promote your hate.

You really would celebrate that, wouldn't you? Cause then it might justify your irrational hatred of all things Christian. I don't know what ever happened to you, I do feel sorry for you, I can't imagined being so full of hate for other people because they believe differently than you do. Unfortunate for you, the only one displaying hate in here is you, I'll pray for you, you obviously need it.
I really do pity these people, their blindness is so apparent.

Pray that you angry gawds will burn them in hell.

There - feel better about your religion?

Hate, hate, hate. It defines you angry, self-hating fundies. You hate yourselves, you hate each other and you use your religion to promote your hate.

You really don't understand Christianity do you?

We don't pray to destroy the wicked. We pray for their redemption.

We warn people of the consequences of their actions because they need to know them so they can avoid them.

We aren't angry at you in the slightest. In fact, we are encouraging you not to be angry.
I really do pity these people, their blindness is so apparent.

Pray that you angry gawds will burn them in hell.

There - feel better about your religion?

Hate, hate, hate. It defines you angry, self-hating fundies. You hate yourselves, you hate each other and you use your religion to promote your hate.

What an asswhole. Project much?
I really do pity these people, their blindness is so apparent.

Pray that you angry gawds will burn them in hell.

There - feel better about your religion?

Hate, hate, hate. It defines you angry, self-hating fundies. You hate yourselves, you hate each other and you use your religion to promote your hate.

You really don't understand Christianity do you?

We don't pray to destroy the wicked. We pray for their redemption.

We warn people of the consequences of their actions because they need to know them so they can avoid them.

We aren't angry at you in the slightest. In fact, we are encouraging you not to be angry.

Hollie does have a point.

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