Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

Gay Marriage has nothing to do with "civil rights" at all.

If you look at the Declaration of Independence, signed on this date in 1776, you will see a lot of grievance against the liberal tyrant in England, George III.

But not a single complaint insisting on homosexual rights.
. You found some examples showing that gender roles are not absolute or completely rigid. I correctly pointed out to you, that that does not make your claim that they are thus arbitrary. You ignored that, and now tell yourself that you made a point. This is standard liberal dishonesty.
Gezzzus Fucking Khrist on a Cracker! I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to get this bogged down on the issue of the origin and purpose of gender rolls or the extent to which they are arbitrary. The issue is the arbitrariness of bans on same sex marriage, whether you try to justify them based on gender rolls or any other damned thing. It has been established that those bans had no rational basis. What part of that do you not understand?
Gay Marriage has nothing to do with "civil rights" at all.

If you look at the Declaration of Independence, signed on this date in 1776, you will see a lot of grievance against the liberal tyrant in England, George III.

But not a single complaint insisting on homosexual rights.
There is nothing about slavery, women's suffrage or child labor either
No walking it back. You've admitted that at least part of your reasoning, is that gender roles have changed with time.

That means, that the institution of Marriage, created thousands of years ago, cannot be attacked as arbitrary, based on changes in gender roles occurring in the last few decades.

1. I did not "admit " anything . I made a statement of fact with respect to gender rolls

2. The debate over same sex marriage was never about gender rolls -you just made that shit up because you thought it would stick. It's not

3. Making marriage more inclusive is not attacking it. It is strengthening it as an institution.
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Correll is always good for a laugh.

You are always good to make fun of people and think that you are supporting an position.

LIbs are dim like that.
Making fun of you. ? You reap what you sow Dude. You are ridiculous!

It is ridiculous that I try so hard to get you libs to actually discuss the issues, instead of degenerate to your normal mode of behavior.

That more deserves sympathy, not ridicule.

You are just an asshole. You and yours.
More horseshit! I made my points, that were all lost on you because you are stuck in the mud with your traditionalism, fear of change and bigotry

You have repeated your initial position over and over again, and made a lot of personal attacks and unsupported assertions.

So far you have only made two actual points.

1. That the idea of Gay Marriage being a civil rights case, is based on the idea that the restrictions against it, were arbitrary.

2. That the gender roles have changed in the modern era.

Everything else has been sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Thank you for making my case. Everything else has been in response to your pathetic and failed attempt to justify bigotry based on your made up crap
Dear TheProgressivePatriot
They don't want beliefs they don't agree with endorsed, established, imposed or enforced through Govt.
Even if you don't get the mechanism in their thinking behind this,
just know
it's roughtly parallel (not exactly the same)
as you NOT wanting churches to get law enforcement power.
That's crossing a line where you understand these should stay separate.
Well, that's how they see same sex marriage beliefs
going too far by getting involved with government.
That crosses the line for them.

More of you usual convoluted blather where you seem to be trying to placate both sides of the issue.
"They don't want beliefs they don't agree with endorsed, established, imposed or enforced through Gov"? To damned bad. Np one is imposing anything on them . The "beliefs " that they don't agree with is treating a group of people with respect, dignity and equality.

My position on granting a church police powers is in no way equivalent. I want to keep religion out of government, they wan government based on religion

I imagine I am with the majority in my opinion on this.
I don't 100% support either side. I totally support a private business not wanting to do something if it is against their beliefs. Even not serve minorities if that is their thing. And then I will enjoy sitting back and watch their business crumble. People should be able to do what they want to do. We don't need the government mandating our morals.
At the same time, I have no issue with gay marriage. Because...wait for it... people should be able to do what they want to do.
I do not support a church having to perform a gay marriage if it is against their beliefs. Why the fuck would two gay people want to get married there if not to antagonize?
Gay marriage? No problem.
Gay people trying to force themselves onto people who clearly don't want it... problem.

If you are what you seem, I'd say you are a well-balanced, sensible person who forms his own opinions rather than being a warrior for a tribe.

I also support gay marriage, but bristle at the notion that others must all agree or face punishment. One does not eliminate intolerance by being completely intolerant.
You said the left is attacking marriage ~ you were countered by the behavior of the current Republican President of the United States' behavior.

The fact that President Trump has had divorces is irrelevant to any argument. People have a right to divorce, that's the law, for any reason or no reason at all.

But, personally , I have a real problem with Gay Divorces. Normative judges- many of them who are broads in 2019- really don't have to hear the details of what a couple of Bum Buddies are doing and why they think they are "incompatible".

Gay Divorces should be done strictly online or by correspondence. Airing this kind of dirty laundry publicly is abusive to the general public.

If People want engage in sodomy, that's one thing, but making a public spectacle of it is pushing the envelope. Keeping someone's Gay Marriage information sealed, where the couple can do the right thing and keep it confidential, is the decent thing to do.
So you think that people who go to court to get divorced provide graphic details of their sexual practice in front of the judge.
You said the left is attacking marriage ~ you were countered by the behavior of the current Republican President of the United States' behavior.

The fact that President Trump has had divorces is irrelevant to any argument. People have a right to divorce, that's the law, for any reason or no reason at all.

But, personally , I have a real problem with Gay Divorces. Normative judges- many of them who are broads in 2019- really don't have to hear the details of what a couple of Bum Buddies are doing and why they think they are "incompatible".

Gay Divorces should be done strictly online or by correspondence. Airing this kind of dirty laundry publicly is abusive to the general public.

If People want engage in sodomy, that's one thing, but making a public spectacle of it is pushing the envelope. Keeping someone's Gay Marriage information sealed, where the couple can do the right thing and keep it confidential, is the decent thing to do.
So you think that people who go to court to get divorced provide graphic details of their sexual practice in front of the judge.

Normative people don't. But homosexuals looking to "freak out" the straight arrow K Mart shoppers on the jury sure the hell would. That's the whole purpose of the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place, to rile up the Deplorables.

The fact that over the past several years, the institution is no longer Freaking people out as much as it did 10 and 20 years ago, is the main motivations toward emphasizing She Males and Sex Changes and whether dudes should be welcomed into the nation's ladies' rooms.

If that becomes acceptable, homosexuals will just move the bar even further in the direction of extremism. Anything to rile the Deplorables.
You said the left is attacking marriage ~ you were countered by the behavior of the current Republican President of the United States' behavior.

The fact that President Trump has had divorces is irrelevant to any argument. People have a right to divorce, that's the law, for any reason or no reason at all.

But, personally , I have a real problem with Gay Divorces. Normative judges- many of them who are broads in 2019- really don't have to hear the details of what a couple of Bum Buddies are doing and why they think they are "incompatible".

Gay Divorces should be done strictly online or by correspondence. Airing this kind of dirty laundry publicly is abusive to the general public.

If People want engage in sodomy, that's one thing, but making a public spectacle of it is pushing the envelope. Keeping someone's Gay Marriage information sealed, where the couple can do the right thing and keep it confidential, is the decent thing to do.
So you think that people who go to court to get divorced provide graphic details of their sexual practice in front of the judge.

Normative people don't. But homosexuals looking to "freak out" the straight arrow K Mart shoppers on the jury sure the hell would. That's the whole purpose of the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place, to rile up the Deplorables.

The fact that over the past several years, the institution is no longer Freaking people out as much as it did 10 and 20 years ago, is the main motivations toward emphasizing She Males and Sex Changes and whether dudes should be welcomed into the nation's ladies' rooms.

If that becomes acceptable, homosexuals will just move the bar even further in the direction of extremism. Anything to rile the Deplorables.
You have some mighty strange ideas. Might strange!!
You said the left is attacking marriage ~ you were countered by the behavior of the current Republican President of the United States' behavior.

The fact that President Trump has had divorces is irrelevant to any argument. People have a right to divorce, that's the law, for any reason or no reason at all.

But, personally , I have a real problem with Gay Divorces. Normative judges- many of them who are broads in 2019- really don't have to hear the details of what a couple of Bum Buddies are doing and why they think they are "incompatible".

Gay Divorces should be done strictly online or by correspondence. Airing this kind of dirty laundry publicly is abusive to the general public.

If People want engage in sodomy, that's one thing, but making a public spectacle of it is pushing the envelope. Keeping someone's Gay Marriage information sealed, where the couple can do the right thing and keep it confidential, is the decent thing to do.
So you think that people who go to court to get divorced provide graphic details of their sexual practice in front of the judge.

Normative people don't. But homosexuals looking to "freak out" the straight arrow K Mart shoppers on the jury sure the hell would. That's the whole purpose of the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place, to rile up the Deplorables.

The fact that over the past several years, the institution is no longer Freaking people out as much as it did 10 and 20 years ago, is the main motivations toward emphasizing She Males and Sex Changes and whether dudes should be welcomed into the nation's ladies' rooms.

If that becomes acceptable, homosexuals will just move the bar even further in the direction of extremism. Anything to rile the Deplorables.
You have some mighty strange ideas. Might strange!!

Its the only reasonable explanation for the sudden rise in Sex Changes and She Males. Its a new bridge to cross since the SCOTUS legitimized Sodomy in 2003 and Gay Marriage in 2015. Time to move on to something even crazier. Its not an accident that Bruce decided to be Caitlyn as soon as the Gay Marriage Bridge was crossed
You said the left is attacking marriage ~ you were countered by the behavior of the current Republican President of the United States' behavior.

The fact that President Trump has had divorces is irrelevant to any argument. People have a right to divorce, that's the law, for any reason or no reason at all.

But, personally , I have a real problem with Gay Divorces. Normative judges- many of them who are broads in 2019- really don't have to hear the details of what a couple of Bum Buddies are doing and why they think they are "incompatible".

Gay Divorces should be done strictly online or by correspondence. Airing this kind of dirty laundry publicly is abusive to the general public.

If People want engage in sodomy, that's one thing, but making a public spectacle of it is pushing the envelope. Keeping someone's Gay Marriage information sealed, where the couple can do the right thing and keep it confidential, is the decent thing to do.
So you think that people who go to court to get divorced provide graphic details of their sexual practice in front of the judge.

Normative people don't. But homosexuals looking to "freak out" the straight arrow K Mart shoppers on the jury sure the hell would. That's the whole purpose of the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place, to rile up the Deplorables.

The fact that over the past several years, the institution is no longer Freaking people out as much as it did 10 and 20 years ago, is the main motivations toward emphasizing She Males and Sex Changes and whether dudes should be welcomed into the nation's ladies' rooms.

If that becomes acceptable, homosexuals will just move the bar even further in the direction of extremism. Anything to rile the Deplorables.
You have some mighty strange ideas. Might strange!!

Its the only reasonable explanation for the sudden rise in Sex Changes and She Males. Its a new bridge to cross since the SCOTUS legitimized Sodomy in 2003 and Gay Marriage in 2015. Time to move on to something even crazier. Its not an accident that Bruce decided to be Caitlyn as soon as the Gay Marriage Bridge was crossed
Sure! Right !! perfectly good sense. People are deciding to have gender reassignment surgury purely for the shock value. You can't think of any other possible explanation??
The fact that President Trump has had divorces is irrelevant to any argument. People have a right to divorce, that's the law, for any reason or no reason at all.

But, personally , I have a real problem with Gay Divorces. Normative judges- many of them who are broads in 2019- really don't have to hear the details of what a couple of Bum Buddies are doing and why they think they are "incompatible".

Gay Divorces should be done strictly online or by correspondence. Airing this kind of dirty laundry publicly is abusive to the general public.

If People want engage in sodomy, that's one thing, but making a public spectacle of it is pushing the envelope. Keeping someone's Gay Marriage information sealed, where the couple can do the right thing and keep it confidential, is the decent thing to do.
So you think that people who go to court to get divorced provide graphic details of their sexual practice in front of the judge.

Normative people don't. But homosexuals looking to "freak out" the straight arrow K Mart shoppers on the jury sure the hell would. That's the whole purpose of the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place, to rile up the Deplorables.

The fact that over the past several years, the institution is no longer Freaking people out as much as it did 10 and 20 years ago, is the main motivations toward emphasizing She Males and Sex Changes and whether dudes should be welcomed into the nation's ladies' rooms.

If that becomes acceptable, homosexuals will just move the bar even further in the direction of extremism. Anything to rile the Deplorables.
You have some mighty strange ideas. Might strange!!

Its the only reasonable explanation for the sudden rise in Sex Changes and She Males. Its a new bridge to cross since the SCOTUS legitimized Sodomy in 2003 and Gay Marriage in 2015. Time to move on to something even crazier. Its not an accident that Bruce decided to be Caitlyn as soon as the Gay Marriage Bridge was crossed
Sure! Right !! perfectly good sense. People are deciding to have gender reassignment surgury purely for the shock value. You can't think of any other possible explanation??

They are being forced to into it, PP.

When I was a young man, sodomy itself was considered unacceptable and anti-social. It shocked the public conscience when the police busted homosexual parks and bus station mens rooms and gay bars (like the Stonewall). Now that stuff is considered normal, the envelope has been pushed along.
So you think that people who go to court to get divorced provide graphic details of their sexual practice in front of the judge.

Normative people don't. But homosexuals looking to "freak out" the straight arrow K Mart shoppers on the jury sure the hell would. That's the whole purpose of the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place, to rile up the Deplorables.

The fact that over the past several years, the institution is no longer Freaking people out as much as it did 10 and 20 years ago, is the main motivations toward emphasizing She Males and Sex Changes and whether dudes should be welcomed into the nation's ladies' rooms.

If that becomes acceptable, homosexuals will just move the bar even further in the direction of extremism. Anything to rile the Deplorables.
You have some mighty strange ideas. Might strange!!

Its the only reasonable explanation for the sudden rise in Sex Changes and She Males. Its a new bridge to cross since the SCOTUS legitimized Sodomy in 2003 and Gay Marriage in 2015. Time to move on to something even crazier. Its not an accident that Bruce decided to be Caitlyn as soon as the Gay Marriage Bridge was crossed
Sure! Right !! perfectly good sense. People are deciding to have gender reassignment surgury purely for the shock value. You can't think of any other possible explanation??

They are being forced to into it, PP.

When I was a young man, sodomy itself was considered unacceptable and anti-social. It shocked the public conscience when the police busted homosexual parks and bus station mens rooms and gay bars (like the Stonewall). Now that stuff is considered normal, the envelope has been pushed along.
I find it hard to believe that you believe this crap. You can't be for real. Who is doing the forcing and how?
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Normative people don't. But homosexuals looking to "freak out" the straight arrow K Mart shoppers on the jury sure the hell would. That's the whole purpose of the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place, to rile up the Deplorables.

The fact that over the past several years, the institution is no longer Freaking people out as much as it did 10 and 20 years ago, is the main motivations toward emphasizing She Males and Sex Changes and whether dudes should be welcomed into the nation's ladies' rooms.

If that becomes acceptable, homosexuals will just move the bar even further in the direction of extremism. Anything to rile the Deplorables.
You have some mighty strange ideas. Might strange!!

Its the only reasonable explanation for the sudden rise in Sex Changes and She Males. Its a new bridge to cross since the SCOTUS legitimized Sodomy in 2003 and Gay Marriage in 2015. Time to move on to something even crazier. Its not an accident that Bruce decided to be Caitlyn as soon as the Gay Marriage Bridge was crossed
Sure! Right !! perfectly good sense. People are deciding to have gender reassignment surgury purely for the shock value. You can't think of any other possible explanation??

They are being forced to into it, PP.

When I was a young man, sodomy itself was considered unacceptable and anti-social. It shocked the public conscience when the police busted homosexual parks and bus station mens rooms and gay bars (like the Stonewall). Now that stuff is considered normal, the envelope has been pushed along.
I find it hard to believe that you believe this crap. You can't be for real.

I've lived life, and I know that people, particularly troubled youth, crave discipline and limits. Telling them they can do anything they dam well want to will push them to even crazier behavior.

In reality, the conservatives who put these limits up are doing homosexuals more of a favor than the libs who pretend like they are their allies.

After Transexuality becomes the norm- and it might- do you really think that will be the end of it?

People will just change orientations and identities and every one will be happy?

No, something crazier is around the corner.
I've lived life, and I know that people, particularly troubled youth, crave discipline and limits. Telling them they can do anything they dam well want to will push them to even crazier behavior.
In reality, the conservatives who put these limits up are doing homosexuals more of a favor than the libs who pretend like they are their allies.
I have lived too. 72 years .I also know about troubled kids as I was a social worker for a long time. And, I agree that kids need boundaries and limits. But none of that has a damned thing to do with gender dysphoria . It is something that people experience in a very real way and it must be taken seriously.

You cant seem to decide if kids are being forced or just allowed to do this, but no conservatives are doing them a favor. That is ridiculous
After Transexuality becomes the norm- and it might- do you really think that will be the end of it?

People will just change orientations and identities and every one will be happy?

No, something crazier is around the corner.
Slippery slope horseshit. You know, I recall that you also said that in a same sex marriage, one person is the husband and the other the wife...… so you don't have a lot of credibility with me.
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. You found some examples showing that gender roles are not absolute or completely rigid. I correctly pointed out to you, that that does not make your claim that they are thus arbitrary. You ignored that, and now tell yourself that you made a point. This is standard liberal dishonesty.
Gezzzus Fucking Khrist on a Cracker! I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to get this bogged down on the issue of the origin and purpose of gender rolls or the extent to which they are arbitrary. The issue is the arbitrariness of bans on same sex marriage, whether you try to justify them based on gender rolls or any other damned thing. It has been established that those bans had no rational basis. What part of that do you not understand?

We agreed that the basis of the claim that the restriction was a civil rights issue was the restriction being arbitrary.

THat the structure of the institution of Marriage was based on gender roles, makes it NOT arbitrary.

I understand why you want to avoid defending your claim that restriction was arbitrary.

You dont' want to do that, because you NOW realize that it was NOT.

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