Remember everyone demanding proof a Tea Partier spit on a congressman? I found video

"The Left"....

Now I suppose you're going to run around telling everyone how it's unfair to use one example as proof of the entire GOP and do it with a straight face, right?

Abortion proponents are growing ever more uncivil as they sense the downfall of their deadly cause and beloved storefront,*Planned Parenthood. From*, August 17:A bus tour event on behalf of*Mitt Romney*turned ugly Friday afternoon when a protester interrupted a rally and spit in a supporter’s face.The event featured Wisconsin state Sen.*Alberta Darlingand Lt. Gov.*Rebecca Kleefisch.During Darling’s remarks, the protester,*Mary Hoglund, 83, of*Appleton, interrupted the event to ask about*Republicanopposition to*Planned Parenthood.A local Romney supporter began arguing with Hoglund, who then spit in her face.I notice the newspaper did not call Planned Parenthood or*President Obama*to ask whether they condemned Hoglund’s boarish behavior, pardon the pun. Had the tables been turned (which I cannot imagine), we can rest assured the Romney campaign and entire pro-life movement would have stood accused of being uncouth pigs.
You guys are all to quick to post shit like this when it occurs on my side of the isle. So fuck it I'm in too.
"The Left"....

Now I suppose you're going to run around telling everyone how it's unfair to use one example as proof of the entire GOP and do it with a straight face, right?

Ohh no more than the right does about that one shot of a guy pooping on a cop car.
I think that was Dissent.
"The Left"....

Now I suppose you're going to run around telling everyone how it's unfair to use one example as proof of the entire GOP and do it with a straight face, right?

Ohh no more than the right does about that one shot of a guy pooping on a cop car.
I think that was Dissent.

The totality of recorded behavior of left wing supporters speaks for itself.
I won't judge all Democrats by the actions of that one person now if that had been a Tea Party person or any Republican spitting on Democrat how many of you from the left would do the same?
"The Left"....

Now I suppose you're going to run around telling everyone how it's unfair to use one example as proof of the entire GOP and do it with a straight face, right?

Take your lumps bitch

The only thing taking lumps with this post is your cred

According to many on the left and a couple loons on the right I have no credibility so how exactly does posting this video hurt?
You guys are all to quick to post shit like this when it occurs on my side of the isle. So fuck it I'm in too.

When the left has actually arrived at the point that they have no issues with death threats by the NBP's, no issues with threats of violence from the NBP over the RNC convention any thing goes now I guess.

Spitting on supporters now. Wow. Just wow. I'm glad people are capturing these moments on video though.
You guys are all to quick to post shit like this when it occurs on my side of the isle. So fuck it I'm in too.

When the left has actually arrived at the point that they have no issues with death threats by the NBP's, no issues with threats of violence from the NBP over the RNC convention any thing goes now I guess.

Spitting on supporters now. Wow. Just wow. I'm glad people are capturing these moments on video though.

Ultimately I don't think it matters. There are loons on both sides and in the middle. I just get tired of many on the left pretending like this type of bullshit is exclusive to the right. Neither side has a monopoly on stupidity.

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