Remember when Sarah Palin was mocked for predicting Russia would invade Ukraine?

Dumbfuck, you idiotically claimed Biden unilaterally gave that aid to Ukraine without a vote in Congress.

Are you ever not a rambtard?

Did you see congress vote on the extensive aid?....I didn't...I have not seen Joe explain the money and weapons shipments and ask for a vote.....he is just doing it on his own....
Don't try and whitewash the fact that you voted for voted for this clown....
Spits the idiot who says we're in a recession.


U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) was -1.4%, increasing fears that a recession could be a nearer proposition than many had thought.

Did you see congress vote on the extensive aid?....I didn't...I have not seen Joe explain the money and weapons shipments and ask for a vote.....he is just doing it on his own....
Don't try and whitewash the fact that you voted for voted for this clown....


Poor, deranged rambtard, I gave you a link explaining Congress voted on it. It wasn't Biden giving out aid without Congressional approval. You're fucked in the head to not understand that even after being given a news article educating you.

U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) was -1.4%, increasing fears that a recession could be a nearer proposition than many had thought.


You're batshit insane, rambtard. :cuckoo:

You literally said we're inside the definition of a recession.

Now you post article saying we're not in a recession.
Rambtard, that's 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth, i.e., less than zero. And unlike every single Republican president since the BEA has been tracking GDP, that hasn't happened under Biden.
Isn't one defintion of a Recession being Two back to back quarters of negative growth.
Or half a year of Non-growth.
Inflation is rising as disposable income is falling.
With Stagflation { Jimmy Carter years } that indubitably leads into
a Recession.Plus with massive debt and spending and printing of money,
there are few places left to Invest and make moola.
You will also indubitable hear these leftist' democrats used terms like
That's a " False dichotomy ". Meaning Biden talk.
The words { False and Dichotomy } oppose each other.
Ask yeself then ... Tap yerself on the shoulder and ask ...
Then what makes for a " Positive Dichotomy ".
The same thing as what makes for a Ministry of Truth when
the people charged with running it are blatant State run Liars.
You want examples.Those 51 Intelligence higher ups who signed a letter
stating that The Hunter Biden Laptop scandal was nothing but disinformation.

Poor, deranged rambtard, I gave you a link explaining Congress voted on it. It wasn't Biden giving out aid without Congressional approval. You're fucked in the head to not understand that even after being given a news article educating you.
Because in yer screwball world If one likes being lied to by their
Doctor then one can still keep that doctor.
Plus there will be no Death Panels.If one is 85 years old and is rich
they can have a Heart transplant.But the cost of aspirins will be as mush
as the surgeons fee.
Meaning one can't win no matter what.Get the Heart Transplant and go
broke complaining about the cost of ObamaCare aspirins.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

"Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns"​

October 22, 2008, 1:09 PM

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.
Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns

And the op is reaching for straws, because Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine no matter who was elected in 2008. The man who would be running Russia Dmitry Medvedev, the russian reformer actually advocated for closer ties with the US, and :
On 31 August 2008, Medvedev announced a shift in the Russian foreign policy under his government, built around five main principles:

Fundamental principles of international law are supreme.
The world will be multipolar.
Russia will not seek confrontation with other nations.
Russia will protect its citizens wherever they are.
Russia will develop ties in friendly regions.

Additionally in 2008 the military started downsizing, not expanding for war.

Significant reforms of the Russian Armed Forces were announced in October 2008 under Defence Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov, and major structural reorganisation began in early 2009. The stated aims of the reform are to reorganize the structure and the chain of command in the Russian army, and to reduce it in size,

Thus shifting Russian policy, making a Ukraine invasion impossible.

Sarah Palin predicted it, and was proven wrong.
Isn't one defintion of a Recession being Two back to back quarters of negative growth.
Or half a year of Non-growth.
Inflation is rising as disposable income is falling.
With Stagflation { Jimmy Carter years } that indubitably leads into
a Recession.Plus with massive debt and spending and printing of money,
there are few places left to Invest and make moola.
You will also indubitable hear these leftist' democrats used terms like
That's a " False dichotomy ". Meaning Biden talk.
The words { False and Dichotomy } oppose each other.
Ask yeself then ... Tap yerself on the shoulder and ask ...
Then what makes for a " Positive Dichotomy ".
The same thing as what makes for a Ministry of Truth when
the people charged with running it are blatant State run Liars.
You want examples.Those 51 Intelligence higher ups who signed a letter
stating that The Hunter Biden Laptop scandal was nothing but disinformation.

If next quarter is negative, then we're in a recession. But to say we're in one now is ludicrous.
Because in yer screwball world If one likes being lied to by their
Doctor then one can still keep that doctor.
Plus there will be no Death Panels.If one is 85 years old and is rich
they can have a Heart transplant.But the cost of aspirins will be as mush
as the surgeons fee.
Meaning one can't win no matter what.Get the Heart Transplant and go
broke complaining about the cost of ObamaCare aspirins.

I've hade the same doctor for some 20 years. And that's been with 4 or 5 insurance changes. So I was not lied to.

And there are no death panels with regards to ObamaCare. As far as wealthy people having access to things poor people don't, that spans most aspects in life and always has.

You're batshit insane, rambtard. :cuckoo:

You literally said we're inside the definition of a recession.

Now you post article saying we're not in a recession.
We are....

Poor, deranged rambtard, I gave you a link explaining Congress voted on it. It wasn't Biden giving out aid without Congressional approval. You're fucked in the head to not understand that even after being given a news article educating you.
So they voted for each bundle of money?....
So they voted for each bundle of money?....

Rambtard, Biden asked Congress for $10 billion in aid for Ukraine. Congress debated it and gave him $13.6 billion.

Then along comes a retard who proclaims Biden spent $13.6 billion without a vote from Congress.

Rambtard, Biden asked Congress for $10 billion in aid for Ukraine. Congress debated it and gave him $13.6 billion.

Then along comes a retard who proclaims Biden spent $13.6 billion without a vote from Congress.

Biden voter^^^^^ :auiqs.jpg:
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