Remembering The Romney-Bush-Reagan-Hoover-Coolidge Brand! Who Got Hit(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Famously, Sicilian-Americans were not widely involved in the Ivy League, Financial Houses, mortgage crisis: Of the Bush-Cheney laundry kind of making. The Bain Capital method of hoarding all the money, among the already prosperous: Has its history certain. It is also clearly shown therein.

That is all about the law, and what is legal. The outcome disproportionately left Hispanics and Blacks most outrageously at risk of losing all their assets--compared with whites. The Executive Summary linked shows the problem, even amongst tribal Americans, and indigenous Islander ethnics, and others even trying to escape the igloo?

Famously, any Ivy Leaguer, educated: Was shown unable to sell an igloo to an Eskimo(?)!

People avoiding the great lesson, Matthew 25:14-30, are nevertheless famously shown supportive of the law of various peoples: Just not that. That likely doesn't bring that much attention to the Vatican, or to Buckingham--or even to the airports, white with Hare Krishna! South Chicago seems better able to point out an actual group of folks!

The inability to recognize the concept of a market-place: Clearly dogged Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Ronald Reagan(?). . .or someone in the Reagan Trajectory admiration(?). . .and then Bush-Cheney. Now the inability is with the House of Representatives, GOP Controlled. That brings up Boehner, Paul Ryan, Cantor, and along with Romney and the family. Lincoln, in comparison, mostly tried to kill off all the White People he could even dream of. Mostly that was noted in the South.

Hoarding is not a viable policy, and including worldwide. It most recently hit the non-white new homeowners. In the The German Third Republic it famously hit the dissident, homosexual, Slavic, and Jewish: And even without regared to the lice, ticks and fleas. Goebbels seemed to think they were actually to be spared in the New Third Reich, At least they would be reserved for elimination last.

That is really not a market friendly approach, at all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Reservation Indians now understand the seating arrangement Cheney-Bush-Romney-Boehner-Ryan Brand, out past the kitchen door, to an "Undiscolsed Location!")
So scripture only has it out for the republicans? Lucifer and the rest of the republicans were kicked out of heaven while the other 2/3, dems, flew around in tranquility?
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Id love to respond to this post but I cant find coherent thought to respond to.

How can you lump Romney, Bush, Reagan, Hoover, and Coolidge together when they each have had different policies? Id love it if Romney was from the Coolidge school of thought. I just dont see the evidence of it.
I forgot how insane Mescal was.


He makes FrancoWTF look, well Franco is still bat shit crazy
Banks and corporations ain't your enemy you hypocrite socialist fools. Leave it to the radical left to support the dog eating stoner rather than the successful businessman.
Id love to respond to this post but I cant find coherent thought to respond to.

How can you lump Romney, Bush, Reagan, Hoover, and Coolidge together when they each have had different policies? Id love it if Romney was from the Coolidge school of thought. I just dont see the evidence of it.

It's like those aptitude tests where you have a dog, house, fly rod, planet, metamorphic rock and somehow they all fit in the square.
Mostly like at RNC, and ABC, CBS, CNBC, CNN, Fantacize-Along-With-FoxTV-News, MNBC, NBC, TNT, and The Holy Father's Own Christian Hitler Youth: Apparently neither the Holocaust of the German Third Reich, or the Bush-Cheney Financial Meltdown: Ever happened!

RNC famously appears to contend that the current economy only exists since January 20, 2009. Nothing before that, ever happened.

So where are posters, LordBrownTrout, blackhawk, Whitehall, CrusaderFrank, and Avatar4321: To be found on the matter of Matthew 25::14-30, of the Greater Deities of Greece? Anyone might guess that they follow the path of Judeo-Christian denial in Commandment Two. The religion of the Pythagoreans is a non-starter, and forever!

Chauvanistic Commandment Two, of Moses who said of Israel, "I am Not Going In There! I wouldn't even do that to a dog!" slammed even the religions of the ancients doing math, in a rock--maybe twice(?)!

Mostly, Western Civilization now understands the Amendment Two, kind of version.

Coolidge was pro-white business, Hoover was pro-white business, Reagan was pro-white, punto, Bush-Cheney were Helter Skelter pro-white business, Romney is so white that even at RNC the feeling is that he is some nature of new cult member. . . .Mormon hatred aside.

Investment marketeers do not have the funny little colored-ears yamika-hats to show off what they do. They do not send the money into Haiti. They do not send money to East Africa in drought. It is not clear, anymore, if even any money is finding its way into the Middle East. Apparently less of it is flowing into China, anymore. Mostly: Even Reagan knew that the engineering classes are bascially unable to make it on their own. Reagan sent them mega-federal-deficit-bucks, and none to the poor.

Can anyone notice the widespread denial?!?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes write, "Helter Skelter," even on walls of Medicine Lodges: At least in Spirit, if not in deed! Mostly, ten percent of Iraquis had to flee Helter-Skelter based morality, even only recently!)
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Compared to Matthew 24:14-30, the liberal Democrats--and especially Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid--tend to Matthew 20:1-16 in behavior. That is actually, "market friendly," which would otherwise be expected if Jesus was speaking in Israel. In that parable, like in the "Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax-Credit," the people get the equal amount of the increase--regardless if they had worked all the year or only a part. In the parable, another one of the Deity "Days" is the the time spend working.

A Roman-era workday, many note, was actually only six hours. Most likely in Genesis One, a day was upwards of multiple eons. Otherwise, Deity did the night and day: And that left 18 hours, somewhere missing(?)!

Famously, Republicans took away the "Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax-Credit," as soon as they were able. Tax breaks for the rich they are for.

Republicans are widely on record as being clearly opposed to tax breaks for the Middle and lower income parts of the market. They took those away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Funny Jewish-Loving Deity of White Eyes: Maybe Inhaling, all those hours(?)!)

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