Remembering WWII

I was born during the war, 1943, on the west coast of the US. My father and most uncles served in the war in Europe and the Pacific.

A memoir like this is very important, for my generation, and for those generations coming after. So much is forgotten about those times, and the people who lived them are now going so rapidly.

Thank you, Professor Kuwalskil.
Thank you for committing your memories to paper and sharing them with the world. To those of us who only know of the War through history books, this is a wonderful, priceless resource.
Reminds me of some of the stories my parents tell, though Belgium didn't have it one-tenth as bad as Russia. Thanks for the story. It's a time in history we shouldn't ever forget, when humans showed how inhumane they can be.
Great post.

I do look forward to much, much more work from many sources on how much we owe the Russians for taking the brunt of the fighting.

If it wasn't for Hitler's blunder in attacking them, the EU would surely look different today, since D-Day would never have happened, or at least never have succeeded.
Great post.

I do look forward to much, much more work from many sources on how much we owe the Russians for taking the brunt of the fighting.

If it wasn't for Hitler's blunder in attacking them, the EU would surely look different today, since D-Day would never have happened, or at least never have succeeded.

My Great Uncle was liberated by the Red Army from Auschwitz-Birkenau

Unfortunately others of my family died in the camps

The liberation of Auschwitz - January 27, 1945

If it wasn't for the Soviets the world would indeed be a very different place, and not for the better either.

My relatives were in Rozan, Poland when hitler invaded.
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I hope some of you will like my brief WWII recollection. The link is:



Last time you posted your "memories" you claimed you lived in Poland near Lviv! There to refresh your memory: "Germany invaded Poland when I was ten years old, on September 1, 1939. We lived in a small town in eastern Poland, where my parents had a general store and we lived comfortably."

Can you make up your mind on bullshit you keep posting?!

He also posted this attacking the Soviets and trying to hawk his book:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Ludwik Kowalski, a retired nuclear scientist and the author of a free ON-LINE book entitled “Diary of a Former Communist: Thoughts, Feelings, Reality.” It is an autobiography illustrating my evolution from one extreme to another--from a devoted Stalinist to an active anti-communist. This testimony is based on a diary I kept between 1946 and 2004 (in the USSR, Poland, France and the USA). Why am I distributing these books on-line, instead of selling them for profit? Because I want to share what I know and think about communism.


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Everyone on the planet suffered in some way during the conflagration we call World War 2. A single anecdotal account is fine but it hardly represents a generation.
My father spent some time in Archangel and Mermansk during WWII.

He liked the Russian people.

He thought they were quite noble, and humane despite the hardships they were going through.

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