Rep. Chip Roy standing up for American Womanhood

What in the hell is "American Womanhood." As far as I know, approximately one-half of Americans are female and one-half are male. This phrase seems to imply that having a biological sex is some sort of religious idea, a belief. A body is just a body.
I happen to agree with this bill.

When they start signing up our women for war, they'll think extra hard before going to war.
..plain and simple---females are not suited at all for combat--physically ....this is undeniable---SOME, yes, but mostly no......
....not only do they have less muscle mass, that muscle takes longer to recover from exertion ......etc
..don't talk about the Russians or Israelis.....generally, they were not doing the same physical requirements as the males
Why do libs think that forcing broads to combat duty is a good idea? I
It’s called EQUALITY and FEMINISM. If these gals want to be Equal, they need to take the unpleasant equality along with the pleasant parts.

If they’re willing to stay home where they belong, great, don’t draft them. If they want Equality, sign that Selective Service card.
"chicks"? :eusa_eh:
Anyone who refers to his/her fellow humans, fellow Americans, family members, and neighbors as "chicks" and "broads" has sacrificed all credibility. People who do this advertise that they don't fit in with general society. The rest of us, regardless of biological sex, respect each other and walk with each other into the future. We respect each other, and sometimes love each other as family members and as lovers.
Anyone who refers to his/her fellow humans, fellow Americans, family members, and neighbors as "chicks" and "broads" has sacrificed all credibility. People who do this advertise that they don't fit in with general society. The rest of us, regardless of biological sex, respect each other and walk with each other into the future. We respect each other, and sometimes love each other as family members and as lovers.
hahahhahahhah--we referred to them as BAMs in the USMC = Broad Assed Marines
......o, but redneck/Karen/hillbilly/whitey/Honkie, etc is OK!!!!????????
Anyone who refers to his/her fellow humans, fellow Americans, family members, and neighbors as "chicks" and "broads" has sacrificed all credibility. People who do this advertise that they don't fit in with general society. The rest of us, regardless of biological sex, respect each other and walk with each other into the future. We respect each other, and sometimes love each other as family members and as lovers.
Anyone who refers to his/her fellow humans, fellow Americans, family members, and neighbors as redneck, Karen, white, and hillbilly has sacrificed all credibility. People who do this advertise that they don't fit in with general society. The rest of us, regardless of biological sex, respect each other and walk with each other into the future. We respect each other, and sometimes love each other as family members and as lovers.
It’s called EQUALITY and FEMINISM. If these gals want to be Equal, they need to take the unpleasant equality along with the pleasant parts.

If they’re willing to stay home where they belong, great, don’t draft them. If they want Equality, sign that Selective Service card.

So you deny the service of women. Women have already signed up as Marines, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force. Many come home alive, some come home alive but maimed, some have their bodies shipped back home. The women in my family were U.S. Navy and USAF. try supporting your fellow Americans. At least one Marine just lost her life in Kabul. Tammy Duckworth's legs were blown off. If you have no respect for military service, just say so.
Stupid thread.

We’ll never have a draft. Know why?

Because then the cost of war would hit everyone and America won’t stand for that.

Vietnam proved that
The Dems voted to send American chicks off to battle, but one American had the courage to stand up to them.

Why do libs think that forcing broads to combat duty is a good idea? Is this just another case of Liberal Misogyny?

No...if women want to fight they can fight.

You can give a woman a gun and send her into the ghetto to wrestle thugs...poorly...and require men to help them.

No one has a problem with that.

As a matter of fact when you raise the point of their inept physical structure everyone calls you a misogynist.

How is the military any different?
So you deny the service of women. Women have already signed up as Marines, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force. Many come home alive, some come home alive but maimed, some have their bodies shipped back home. The women in my family were U.S. Navy and USAF. try supporting your fellow Americans. At least one Marine just lost her life in Kabul. Tammy Duckworth's legs were blown off. If you have no respect for military service, just say so
I have the greatest respect for military service. I have great reverence for those who have served, both Male and female.

My family is filled with veterans and military dead. I spent most of the weekend a couple weeks ago cleaning the graves of two veterans… my father (died of cancer likely from Agent Orange exposure) and my first cousin (suicide from PTSD - Afghanistan). The US Army turned me away for medical reasons in 1992 and again in 2001.

With that in mind, I do not believe women belong in the military. I never have and never will. if this country cannot find enough Men to defend it, maybe it’s time we got wiped off the map.

More importantly, I believe that if you want Equality of Opportunities you need to accept an Equality of Consequences. If women want to serve they need to meet the same standards as the Men. They need to carry out the same duties. They need to run the risk of being drafted. No special treatment.
Anyone who refers to his/her fellow humans, fellow Americans, family members, and neighbors as redneck, Karen, white, and hillbilly has sacrificed all credibility. People who do this advertise that they don't fit in with general society. The rest of us, regardless of biological sex, respect each other and walk with each other into the future. We respect each other, and sometimes love each other as family members and as lovers.
Do you want to discuss who people are by birth, or do you want to discuss actions? I am white. I am female. The words that you use: "redneck, Karen, white, and hillbilly" are assessments of ACTIONS taken by certain people, not who they are by birth. I hope that my personal actions would never cause anyone to apply these words to me. (accept for "white" of course, as my skin color and ethnicity is an accident of birth). I act as an individual person, according to my standards.

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