Rep. Chip Roy standing up for American Womanhood

So you deny the service of women. Women have already signed up as Marines, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force. Many come home alive, some come home alive but maimed, some have their bodies shipped back home. The women in my family were U.S. Navy and USAF. try supporting your fellow Americans. At least one Marine just lost her life in Kabul. Tammy Duckworth's legs were blown off. If you have no respect for military service, just say so.
not as many died and wounded as males......please see my first post--they have no business in combat.....they get special treatment/etc
Do you want to discuss who people are by birth, or do you want to discuss actions? I am white. I am female. The words that you use: "redneck, Karen, white, and hillbilly" are assessments of ACTIONS taken by certain people, not who they are by birth. I hope that my personal actions would never cause anyone to apply these words to me. (accept for "white" of course, as my skin color and ethnicity is an accident of birth). I act as an individual person, according to my standards.
total bullshit--those are DEROGATORY --you look even MORE silly by trying to defend it
Stupid thread.

We’ll never have a draft. Know why?

Because then the cost of war would hit everyone and America won’t stand for that.

Vietnam proved that

That's not exactly it. People remember WW2, and how they were forced to serve in FDR's Jim Crow Army, supposed to stop Hitler from coming over here and instituting gun control, genocide and government health care.

Socialized Medicine was a huge part of Hitler's national Socialist platform.

Once Obama established the ACA- his answer to Germany's Hitlercare program- WW2 vets were mortified and many died with broken hearts realizing that their efforts to stop Socialized Medicine from coming here had failed.
What in the hell is "American Womanhood." As far as I know, approximately one-half of Americans are female and one-half are male. This phrase seems to imply that having a biological sex is some sort of religious idea, a belief. A body is just a body.

Do you know who Chip Roy is?

There's one of the best arguments for abortion there is.
total bullshit--those are DEROGATORY --you look even MORE silly by trying to defend it
They are not DEROGATORY by race or sex. They apply only to people who are playing identity politics and perform shady actions because of identity politics. I'm no white supremacist, no moronic bleach blond type calling the cops because someone is having a cookout. I don't want to have anything to do with racism or crazy religious cults. DO NOT TRY TO RECRUIT ME INTO ANY OF THIS TRASHY FANATICISM.
The Dems voted to send American chicks off to battle, but one American had the courage to stand up to them.

Why do libs think that forcing broads to combat duty is a good idea? Is this just another case of Liberal Misogyny?

Maybe you ought to take your head out of your ass once in a while? American women are not drafted, they volunteer to join up and have the courage to volunteer for combat units.
Do you know who Chip Roy is?

There's one of the best arguments for abortion there is.
The conservative men prefer women who stay home and teach the kids, love women as incubators, want yes women, and want to go back in time.
Make American Great, Again!! What do you think Again means?
Maybe you ought to take your head out of your ass once in a while? American women are not drafted, they volunteer to join up and have the courage to volunteer for combat units.

The gals aren't being drafted now, but the Liberal bill that is being considered would change that. Fortunately, tremendous congresspeople like Rep. Roy are fighting it.
They are not DEROGATORY by race or sex. They apply only to people who are playing identity politics and perform shady actions because of identity politics. I'm no white supremacist, no moronic bleach blond type calling the cops because someone is having a cookout. I don't want to have anything to do with racism or crazy religious cults. DO NOT TRY TO RECRUIT ME INTO ANY OF THIS TRASHY FANATICISM.
they ARE derogatory --you PROVE to be a hypocrite /etc--it's OK to hate whites/etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but not blacks!!!!!
total bullshit
The conservative men prefer women who stay home and teach the kids, love women as incubators, want yes women, and want to go back in time.
Make American Great, Again!! What do you think Again means?

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..plain and simple---females are not suited at all for combat--physically ....this is undeniable---SOME, yes, but mostly no......
....not only do they have less muscle mass, that muscle takes longer to recover from exertion ......etc
..don't talk about the Russians or Israelis.....generally, they were not doing the same physical requirements as the males
Lyudmila Belova would laugh at you.
Then it shouldn’t be a big deal to get the chickies down to the Selective Service office to sign their name on the dotted line.
Selective Service should be ended. It has had no purpose in more than thirty is now just another government bureaucracy: it exists to exist and existing is its purpose.
That's not exactly it. People remember WW2, and how they were forced to serve in FDR's Jim Crow Army, supposed to stop Hitler from coming over here and instituting gun control, genocide and government health care.

Socialized Medicine was a huge part of Hitler's national Socialist platform.

Once Obama established the ACA- his answer to Germany's Hitlercare program- WW2 vets were mortified and many died with broken hearts realizing that their efforts to stop Socialized Medicine from coming here had failed.
That has got to be about the stupidest post I have ever flippin seen. WW2 vets died from broken hearts because Obamacare was socialized medicine, meanwhile, those vets had been on socialized medicine through the veterans administration since the damn day they got home more than sixty years ago. What a damn moron.
The conservative men prefer women who stay home and teach the kids, love women as incubators, want yes women, and want to go back in time.
Make American Great, Again!! What do you think Again means?
Yes, those men don't want a partner, they want a possession.
Selective Service should be ended. It has had no purpose in more than thirty is now just another government bureaucracy: it exists to exist and existing is its purpose.
No, selective service should not only remain in place, the draft should return, with no deferrals. If we never would have ended the draft we would never have invaded Iraq or Afghanistan. As it is now, we expect the poor and minorities to fight our wars. Hell, we even have "illegal immigrants" in our armed forces. It is despicable, and no small part, one of the reason our country has turned to shit.
they ARE derogatory --you PROVE to be a hypocrite /etc--it's OK to hate whites/etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but not blacks!!!!!
total bullshit

You are so ignorant that you do not even realize the difference between characteristics that a person is born with, like skin color and reproductive organs, and people who play identity politics like yourself. You act as if your whiteness and your maleness make you more important and more entitled than others. People with other physical characteristics can do the same things that you do and with the same level of skill, Mr. Important.

Are you one of those incompetent, overweight little white boys with the salt-and-pepper goat beards who run around yelling at people in the street? A Proud Incel dressed in yellow and black? An I-Don't-Believe-In-Keeping-My-Oath hoodlum?
You are so ignorant that you do not even realize the difference between characteristics that a person is born with, like skin color and reproductive organs, and people who play identity politics like yourself. You act as if your whiteness and your maleness make you more important and more entitled than others. People with other physical characteristics can do the same things that you do and with the same level of skill, Mr. Important.

Are you one of those incompetent, overweight little white boys with the salt-and-pepper goat beards who run around yelling at people in the street? A Proud Incel dressed in yellow and black? An I-Don't-Believe-In-Keeping-My-Oath hoodlum?
You are so ignorant --you are racist, bigot, and hypocrite--proven by your posts

'''whiteness'' ''white boys''' hahahahhahahahah

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