Rep Collins Gets Democrat Lawyer Daniel Goldman to Admit Joe Biden Only One Who Did Quid Pro Quo


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

The impeachment is starting to blow up in the Democrats faces and it hasnt even left the House yet.

Just wait till it gets to the Senate.


BOMBSHELL: Dem Impeachment Lawyer ADMITS Biden Did 'Quid Pro Quo' With Ukraine
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.
And since the Ukes got the money without any such announcement, Trump was not witholding it for that reason, obviously.
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.
And since the Ukes got the money without any such announcement, Trump was not witholding it for that reason, obviously.

Until he got caught and it doesn't matter, if he didn't get caught there would probably of been a public announcement on CNN. That is how hard up Zelensky was and still is.

he tried and he got caught.
Until he got caught and it doesn't matter, if he didn't get caught there would probably of been a public announcement on CNN. That is how hard up Zelensky was and still is.
That is Democrat SPIN. No one KNOWS if Trump would have done something different, you are only projecting because that is what you and your friends would have done.
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.

Prove that Shokin wasn't corrupt, and also prove that Biden was corrupt.

Tramp did a Quid pro Quo for investigation into a pollical rival!!

You are mixed up.
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.

Prove that Shokin wasn't corrupt, and also prove that Biden was corrupt.

Tramp did a Quid pro Quo for investigation into a pollical rival!!

You are mixed up.

I don't have to "prove" anything. I stated the way I see it.
Prove that Shokin wasn't corrupt, and also prove that Biden was corrupt.

One cannot prove that a hypothetical event has never happened. that is why the burden of evidence is on the accuser.

Joe Biden confessed to it on video. What more do you want?

Tramp did a Quid pro Quo for investigation into a pollical rival!!

Biden is not yet a political rival to Trump until he gets the nom, and I doubt that is going to happen, the other Democrat POTUS candidates are the rivals.

You are mixed up.

True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.
Shotkin was removed for NOT INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION....

Which is why not one of you dic sucking Trumpers objected to the IMF, NATO, the US and others all coming together to demand his removal....

You dic suckers didn't object to it until after Trump dumb ass got himself in a pickle and now suddenly, Shotkin isn't corrupt, now all of a sudden, Russia didn't meddle in the election, it was all Ukraine...all of a sudden we need to investigate Biden...well fucking do it or shut the fuck up
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True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they Find therapeutic-grade tea tree oil here.insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.
Shotkin was removed for NOT INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION....

Which is why not one of you dic sucking Trumpers objected to the IMF, NATO, the US and others all coming together to demand his removal....

You dic suckers didn't object to it until after Trump dumb ass got himself in a pickle and now suddenly, Shotkin isn't corrupt, all of a sudden, now all of a sudden, Russia didn't meddle in the election, it was all Ukraine...all of a sudden we need to investigate Biden...well fucking do it or shut the fuck up

Why so angry little man?
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they Find therapeutic-grade tea tree oil here.insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.
Shotkin was removed for NOT INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION....

Which is why not one of you dic sucking Trumpers objected to the IMF, NATO, the US and others all coming together to demand his removal....

You dic suckers didn't object to it until after Trump dumb ass got himself in a pickle and now suddenly, Shotkin isn't corrupt, all of a sudden, now all of a sudden, Russia didn't meddle in the election, it was all Ukraine...all of a sudden we need to investigate Biden...well fucking do it or shut the fuck up

Why so angry little man?
I get annoyed by dic suckers like you who ignore all of the facts you can't refute...

Now can you refute the fact that Shotkin was removed by an INTERNATIONAL EFFORT for NOT INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION??

Or are you gonna continue getting your pissy panties in a bunch because you think I'm angry??
As an old GOP that has flown the coop for obvious reasons, I am embarrassed by Rump, his merry band of criminals and the criminal actions I see in the Republican side of Congress. The Republican Party is dead (RIP). It's now the Party of the Rump.
None of the republicans had a problem with Hunter Biden working for Burisma since 2014, but since his daddy is running against tramp, now they do.

How precious is that?
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.
Shotkin was removed for NOT INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION....

Which is why not one of you dic sucking Trumpers objected to the IMF, NATO, the US and others all coming together to demand his removal....

You dic suckers didn't object to it until after Trump dumb ass got himself in a pickle and now suddenly, Shotkin isn't corrupt, all of a sudden, now all of a sudden, Russia didn't meddle in the election, it was all Ukraine...all of a sudden we need to investigate Biden...well fucking do it or shut the fuck up

Hissy fits convince no one of anything. I do not support Trump. Never have.
None of the republicans had a problem with Hunter Biden working for Burisma since 2014, but since his daddy is running against tramp, now they do.

How precious is that?

It's all smoking mirrors. Rump will do anything and say anything to stay in office. Including trashing the Constitution of the United States which he has done way to many times. This is exactly what the impeachment is all about. And the Public is just about fed up with the antics of the Republicans in the House these days. This last round allowed the Democrats of the House to present a pretty solid case while the Republicans were playing "Hey, Look over there" and "You are hurting my Feelings". Evidence is not personal attacks. Maybe someone should have told the Republicans that. But that is all they have. And today, look for the articles of impeachment to be adopted. Looks like the House isn't going to wait until after the Christmas Break.
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.
Shotkin was removed for NOT INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION....

Which is why not one of you dic sucking Trumpers objected to the IMF, NATO, the US and others all coming together to demand his removal....

You dic suckers didn't object to it until after Trump dumb ass got himself in a pickle and now suddenly, Shotkin isn't corrupt, all of a sudden, now all of a sudden, Russia didn't meddle in the election, it was all Ukraine...all of a sudden we need to investigate Biden...well fucking do it or shut the fuck up

Hissy fits convince no one of anything. I do not support Trump. Never have.

Speaking of hissy fits. Did you watch the last round of Impeachment hearings? That's about all the Republicans could muster. The best they could come up with is personal insults. Rump has taught them well. We don't have an operational Congress or Presidency these days and it needs to be fixed quickly.
True, but give and take. Shokin was corrupt according to the IMF and EU. As Mulvaney said Quid Pro Quo's happen all the time, but they don't want a favor for a congressional money allotted to a country for defense, for an public announcement of a investigation of tramps political rival.

No, it wasn't done to investigate a political rival but rather to stop an investigation into the corruption where his son was "employed". The son who had been recently dumped for doing drugs. The son that was a screw up his entire life. The son that had absolutely no skills outside of a close relationship with the VP to be making 50k a month.

I'd have a little sympathy for the (D)'s argument if they insisted that Joe step down. If the (D)'s would impeach Trump and Joe won the process starts all over.

I see it as both sides being incredibly corrupt and deserving of each other but certainly not what the country needs, though maybe it deserves it.
Shotkin was removed for NOT INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION....

Which is why not one of you dic sucking Trumpers objected to the IMF, NATO, the US and others all coming together to demand his removal....

You dic suckers didn't object to it until after Trump dumb ass got himself in a pickle and now suddenly, Shotkin isn't corrupt, all of a sudden, now all of a sudden, Russia didn't meddle in the election, it was all Ukraine...all of a sudden we need to investigate Biden...well fucking do it or shut the fuck up

Hissy fits convince no one of anything. I do not support Trump. Never have.
Let me know when you gonna address the facts....

When you parrot trump talking points and AVOID and or FAIL to refute any of the facts -- you are a trumper….fuck how you feel about it

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