Replacing The Stone Mountain Mural With Acceptable Subsitutes


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
This is a thread for suggesting altering that mural at Stone Mountain to something more acceptable to Social Just ice Warriors and 'Black People', according to the the PBS specials and stuff re 'The Conversation' the Media says we're all having, but really aren't.

I think a mural depicting George Floyd taking a hit off a meth pipe while holding a pistol jammed into a pregnant woman's stomach while his buddy beats on her is a highly appropriate replacement; it certainly represents BLM's values and its DNC fan club to a T. Can't imagine any Democrat objecting.
First time I saw that thing while swinging around the mountain on that highway ….. They need to put up warning signs. LOL

Good luck scouring that thing off the mountain. And I'm not really sure it was one of the Daughters of the Confederacy's monuments to Jim Crow.
This is a thread for suggesting altering that mural at Stone Mountain to something more acceptable to Social Just ice Warriors and 'Black People', according to the the PBS specials and stuff re 'The Conversation' the Media says we're all having, but really aren't.

I think a mural depicting George Floyd taking a hit off a meth pipe while holding a pistol jammed into a pregnant woman's stomach while his buddy beats on her is a highly appropriate replacement; it certainly represents BLM's values and its DNC fan club to a T. Can't imagine any Democrat objecting.

How about reworking Stone Mountain to commemorate George Floyd, Trayvon and Michael Brown?

The heroes of the left?
This is a thread for suggesting altering that mural at Stone Mountain to something more acceptable to Social Just ice Warriors and 'Black People', according to the the PBS specials and stuff re 'The Conversation' the Media says we're all having, but really aren't.

I think a mural depicting George Floyd taking a hit off a meth pipe while holding a pistol jammed into a pregnant woman's stomach while his buddy beats on her is a highly appropriate replacement; it certainly represents BLM's values and its DNC fan club to a T. Can't imagine any Democrat objecting.

How about reworking Stone Mountain to commemorate George Floyd, Trayvon and Michael Brown?

The heroes of the left?

Yes, an engraving of Saint Trayvon slamming someone's head on a side walk would certainly be acceptable to our brave Democrats. I forget what brown did; was he the thug who pushed around that store keeper half his size while he was stealing cigars? Damn right that's appropriate as hell. All the social values treasured by the DNC and black politicians would be represented then.
This is a thread for suggesting altering that mural at Stone Mountain to something more acceptable to Social Just ice Warriors and 'Black People', according to the the PBS specials and stuff re 'The Conversation' the Media says we're all having, but really aren't.

I think a mural depicting George Floyd taking a hit off a meth pipe while holding a pistol jammed into a pregnant woman's stomach while his buddy beats on her is a highly appropriate replacement; it certainly represents BLM's values and its DNC fan club to a T. Can't imagine any Democrat objecting.

Yours is a good suggestion. Also what about a mural of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) :smoke:

Stone Mountain is an abomination. Dr MLK said “let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!” in his “I have a dream” speech and a few years later they decided to make it a monument to hate.

“Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev” was spoken by the right God Reagan. That wall was also a monument to hate. No one said “whoa, the Berlin Wall is History!”
This is a thread for suggesting altering that mural at Stone Mountain to something more acceptable to Social Just ice Warriors and 'Black People', according to the the PBS specials and stuff re 'The Conversation' the Media says we're all having, but really aren't.

I think a mural depicting George Floyd taking a hit off a meth pipe while holding a pistol jammed into a pregnant woman's stomach while his buddy beats on her is a highly appropriate replacement; it certainly represents BLM's values and its DNC fan club to a T. Can't imagine any Democrat objecting.

Yours is a good suggestion. Also what about a mural of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) :smoke:

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They hate positive images of blacks, they want feral animals to worship.
I'd erase the faces of Lee, Davis and Jackson and replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly.

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Stone Mountain is an abomination. Dr MLK said “let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!” in his “I have a dream” speech and a few years later they decided to make it a monument to hate.

“Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev” was spoken by the right God Reagan. That wall was also a monument to hate. No one said “whoa, the Berlin Wall is History!”

The commie who cheated on his wife all the time, and allegedly with underage girls more than a few times? lol great example for Democrats, certainly. Clinton's role model. Faggots wouldn't approve, though; just too much hetero sex going on in MLK's life.
Don't laugh.
A city in North Carolina just voted to pay slavery reparations.

Now watch the wave spread across the nation like a virus.

Lot of idiots in that city. None of them know anyone who was a slave, and I'm sure none of them know anyone who owned a slave.

More PC bullshit.
Stone Mountain is an abomination. Dr MLK said “let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!” in his “I have a dream” speech and a few years later they decided to make it a monument to hate.

“Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev” was spoken by the right God Reagan. That wall was also a monument to hate. No one said “whoa, the Berlin Wall is History!”
I'd erase the faces of Lee, Davis and Jackson and replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly.

lame. yawn.
I was serious. They contributed more to the nation than those three traitors up on the mountain now.

The Confederates, including the leaders, were all exonerated of "treason", john.

President Lincoln , as well as his successors, looked to HEAL the nation. Why are liberals so hell bent on reopening hostilities in the War of Northern Aggression? Weren't enough people killed?

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