Report: green new deal could cost every US household 65,000 a year

Her green crap would bankrupt the country and she and the other Dem idiots pushing this green crap are to stupid to know how economics work.

Idiots one and all.
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Don't you get it?

This is a pure political scam. They have proposed a PACKAGE of idiotic, Utopian-sounding proposals that they think will sound great to low-information proto-Leftists. Then when Normal People make a stink about how stupid they are, they will point to "us" and say, LOOK AT THESE BASTARDS, STANDING IN THE WAY OF PROGRESS!!!!!!!

With the exception of AO-C, all of the Lefties who are on board with this KNOW that it's a bunch of hogwash, and if forced to vote on each and every "plank" of this GND they would be forced to "re-consider," but they know that none of it will even come up for a vote, so they can just sit back and watch their sophomoric constituents complain about "Right Wing Extremists" standing in the way of progress.
The left have dumb down their voters to such an extent that they will fall for anything.....
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this crap they are pushing would bankrupt the country.

What a pack of morons.
The Green New Deal could cost up to $93 trillion over a decade, according to a new report by the right-leaning American Action Forum (AAF).

Report: Green New Deal Could Cost Every US Household $65,000 A Year

Well we know democratic morons can't think with logic and are the dumbest sob there is.

But we know they'll scream fake lmfao, because stupid asses do that best. It's all they know .
This is how the corrupt Democrat politicians become multi-millionaires.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this crap they are pushing would bankrupt the country.

What a pack of morons.

Yeah, but all they need to do is sell it to clueless idiots like R-Derp and Winger! Just saying...
Yes, but the Low Information crowd that the left depends on thinks the Green New Deal is a great idea anyhow.

So if President Trump were to be defeated , we'll get this Abomination anyhow.

Red China had a similar program back in the day, it was called the "Great Leap Forward". We will have a similar result as our Red Chinese friends if we implement this.
Yes, but the Low Information crowd that the left depends on thinks the Green New Deal is a great idea anyhow.

So if President Trump were to be defeated , we'll get this Abomination anyhow.

Red China had a similar program back in the day, it was called the "Great Leap Forward". We will have a similar result as our Red Chinese friends if we implement this.

Call me cynical, Prince but I don't think the real power players in the Democratic Party have any intention of pushing this "Green New Deal" through any time soon! They know quite well that it's a pipe dream and there's no way to pay for it! They'll let idiots like Ocasio Cortez lead the charge and then shoot it down behind the scenes.
50% of America pays no income tax so it would just be republicans paying this
Beware. Always scheming. This could all be to muddy the waters so the Beast or dumboBiden appear sane? Each candidate to date is a fruitcake. Keep your eye off spygate ub-masking or FISA fraud.

They are up to something? Set the bar crazy high and get foot in door.
The Green New Deal could cost up to $93 trillion over a decade, according to a new report by the right-leaning American Action Forum (AAF).

Report: Green New Deal Could Cost Every US Household $65,000 A Year

Well we know democratic morons can't think with logic and are the dumbest sob there is.

But we know they'll scream fake lmfao, because stupid asses do that best. It's all they know .
Well she don't care. But don't make her angry. You will not like to see her angry. She turns red.

Fascist ‘boss’ AOC goes bananas over photo of Chief of Staff eating a planet-destroying hamburger
Fascist 'boss' AOC goes bananas over photo of Chief of Staff eating a planet-destroying hamburger ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

The whole Green New Deal was nothing but a bone thrown to the radicals in the base at the start of the new Congress. It will slowly fizzle out altogether in the next several weeks because it is absurd beyond words.

Congress hasn't done dick on climate change in over a decade. So now they are suddenly going to bring something to the floor with a 93 trill price tag? OK!!:2up:

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