Repub Base increasingly frustrated w/ Reps leading to 2014

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
People said Kasich was a Randian earlier in the year but I KNEW he had SOME good in him:

Top Ohio Republicans face down intraparty critics
Kasich upset some by pushing for certain tax increases and embracing Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul; Boehner is clashing with conservative groups over the federal budget; and Portman faces backlash from social conservatives over his about-face in favor of gay marriage.

Their "Base" needs to get out more in the REAL WORLD and see that obstruction isn't how things get done in this great nation.

34 views? wonder how many of those were/are repub-voters :eusa_whistle:
Seems more and more Republicans want jobs, education and health care. Difficult to obtain when your party's byline is "Let him die".
rw'ers are avoiding this thread for good reason, the truth hurts.
rw'ers are avoiding this thread for good reason, the truth hurts.

I don't know why. It hasn't seem to hurt them so far. Any history they don't like, no matter how recent, they simply change.
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People said Kasich was a Randian earlier in the year but I KNEW he had SOME good in him:

Top Ohio Republicans face down intraparty critics
Kasich upset some by pushing for certain tax increases and embracing Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul; Boehner is clashing with conservative groups over the federal budget; and Portman faces backlash from social conservatives over his about-face in favor of gay marriage.

Their "Base" needs to get out more in the REAL WORLD and see that obstruction isn't how things get done in this great nation.

Only if you assume their goal is to "get things done". From the perspective of someone who believes that government its already doing way too much, obstruction makes sense.
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People said Kasich was a Randian earlier in the year but I KNEW he had SOME good in him:

Top Ohio Republicans face down intraparty critics
Kasich upset some by pushing for certain tax increases and embracing Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul; Boehner is clashing with conservative groups over the federal budget; and Portman faces backlash from social conservatives over his about-face in favor of gay marriage.

Their "Base" needs to get out more in the REAL WORLD and see that obstruction isn't how things get done in this great nation.

Only if you assume their goal its to "get things done". From the perspective of someone who believes that government its already doing way too much, obstruction makes sense.

Such is the belief of a have ^^^ with total disregard for the half nots.

Mitch McConnell: Saving my ass in 2014 in the primaries is my number 1 priority. Screw the jobless, I need to keep my job.
People said Kasich was a Randian earlier in the year but I KNEW he had SOME good in him:

Top Ohio Republicans face down intraparty critics

Their "Base" needs to get out more in the REAL WORLD and see that obstruction isn't how things get done in this great nation.

Only if you assume their goal its to "get things done". From the perspective of someone who believes that government its already doing way too much, obstruction makes sense.

Such is the belief of a have ^^^ with total disregard for the half nots.

Also the belief of those who have noticed how government redistribution schemes invariably favour the interests of the "haves".
The problem for the left is that they are at war with information and freedom and they really don't understand nor are they educated enough to deal with the concept of legitimate debate. Lefties are used to abuses like forcing their own former V.P. candidate out of the party for failure to comply with strict liberal standards. The left misunderstands the healthy give and take of ideas and philosophies in the republican party and long for the easy Stalinist decrees from wannabe monarch like Hussein and his brain damaged V.P.
Only if you assume their goal its to "get things done". From the perspective of someone who believes that government its already doing way too much, obstruction makes sense.

Such is the belief of a have ^^^ with total disregard for the half nots.

Also the belief of those who have noticed how government redistribution schemes invariably favour the interests of the "haves".

'Really? You really believe that, or do you hope 'the base' (aka the echo chamber) will believe your opinion and echo it over and over?

Your use of "government redistribution" is a cliché, a hackneyed catchall phrase used ad nausea and usually with a lie of omission.

Sure, there are welfare programs, but they are primarily state funded (AFDC ended decades ago) and general assistance is limited, and has many requirements (hoops) for recipients to jump through. Not so the welfare provided to industry, the loop holes in the tax code available only to business executives, real estate moguls and hedge fund managers.

Yet these are never mentioned, likely because they are esoteric benefits not publicly acknowledged, unlike the salary and benefits of union members.
Well we know the Democrat base isn't upset with their bunch of elected idiots

They just march along in blissful lockstep and let them do whatever the hell they want to the people in this country
Well we know the Democrat base isn't upset with their bunch of elected idiots

They just march along in blissful lockstep and let them do whatever the hell they want to the people in this country

Brilliant, one of your most intelligent, fair and balanced posts.
[sarcasm alert]
None have proven to be intelligent, fair, balanced or credible.
Well we know the Democrat base isn't upset with their bunch of elected idiots

They just march along in blissful lockstep and let them do whatever the hell they want to the people in this country

Brilliant, one of your most intelligent, fair and balanced posts.
[sarcasm alert]
None have proven to be intelligent, fair, balanced or credible.

Everything from you is sarcasm and not just to me..You spew it on everyone here

and none of it is brilliant as you think you are..just your usual nasty
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Only if you assume their goal its to "get things done". From the perspective of someone who believes that government its already doing way too much, obstruction makes sense.

Such is the belief of a have ^^^ with total disregard for the half nots.

Also the belief of those who have noticed how government redistribution schemes invariably favour the interests of the "haves".

but, but, the Repubs have been in charge of the purse-strings these last two years :eusa_whistle: :eusa_eh:
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Imagine how Democrats feel if the Republicans are frusterated.

Democrats feel terrible. At the two unfunded wars, the deficit creating tax cuts, the cuts to education, the attempt to deny Americans health care, the mis-spellings, cutting veterans benefits and so on.
Imagine how Democrats feel if the Republicans are frusterated.

Democrats feel terrible. At the two unfunded wars, the deficit creating tax cuts, the cuts to education, the attempt to deny Americans health care, the mis-spellings, cutting veterans benefits and so on.

...all the while w/ Lyin' Ryan(R) wanting to shower MORE tax-cuts on the wealthy.
People said Kasich was a Randian earlier in the year but I KNEW he had SOME good in him:

Top Ohio Republicans face down intraparty critics
Kasich upset some by pushing for certain tax increases and embracing Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul; Boehner is clashing with conservative groups over the federal budget; and Portman faces backlash from social conservatives over his about-face in favor of gay marriage.

Their "Base" needs to get out more in the REAL WORLD and see that obstruction isn't how things get done in this great nation.


The reactionary right is only interested in living in the past by adhering to failed, naïve dogma that has no place in a modern, 21st Century industrialized society.

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