Republican Establishment Not Trump To Blame For No Red Wave!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Practically all the Republican establishment is blaming former President Donald Trump for the fact that there wasn't a red wave in these past mid-term elections, the outcome wasn't Republicans winning the House by twenty or thirty seats and taking control of the Senate. The truth of the matter is that the lion's share of blame goes to the Republican establishment for this outcome. During this election season they unduly focused on things like the crime problem, the border problem and numerous hyper partisan issues it was like they were running a campaign for Fox News viewers always looking for applause from the right-wing electorate. The crime and border problems do matter but economic topics matter more plus spot lighting Democrats radical agenda also matters more. The Republican establishment seems to be playing games to regain power in Washington it is not about the best interests of the country. The Republican establishment kept proclaiming that with the Democrats Inflation Reduction act they were going to be hiring eighty-five thousand additional IRS enforcement agents what a contrived nonsense criticism. The IRS won't be hiring that many enforcement personnel, the agency is way understaffed they were not even able to timely do their present job, the organization desperately needs expanded and upgraded information technology and so what if they will be hiring tens of thousands of more enforcement agents at the agency that would just bring them to their 1990's staffing level; Republicans are supposed to be the law and order party they should support individuals and businesses paying the taxes they owe!

The Republican establishment did not focus on the terrible piece of legislation called the American Rescue Act passed in March of 2021 which spent $1.9 trillion it created too much demand in the economy which unleashed a tsunami inflation force which has caused an inflation crisis in America; this was even predicted by the Democrat economist and former Democrat Secretary Treasury Larry Summers. For people that are supposed to be stewards of America's economy which members of Congress are supposed to be the bill contained many obvious inflationary causing provision, the bill sent $300 per month per child to American families with no work requirement and for Americans receiving unemployment insurance at any time during 2021 the Federal government picked up the entire tab for their ACA health insurance taking away the incentive to work. One could say well in early 2021 most American weren't Covid vaccinated so they couldn't work anyway; not so fast the Covid vaccination was available to everyone across the country by May 1 2021 so for most of the year these Americans could have safely worked and we know from America's employers their struggle to find workers raised their costs and drove up their prices.

The Inflation Reduction Act was another piece of evidence that the Democrats are a disaster as stewards of America's economy. Fifty percent of the driver of inflation is sky rocketing fossil fuel prices and the instability of such prices, not only are fossil fuels used in the making of parts for products like plastics and fertilizers but fossil fuels especially diesel fuels for trucks are needed to transport products to the stores where consumers purchase goods and to their homes where goods are delivered. The Inflation Reduction Act exponentially increased the cost of leases of Federal land for fossil fuel production; fossil fuel prices are dictated by trading markets and those markets operate on the supply/demand curve and part of the reason U.S. producers aren't producing more fossil fuel is because they aren't confident in the affordability and availability of reserves because of the reserve and production killing government actions like these in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act put a tax on releases of methane which will drive up the ordinary family's natural gas bill by twelve percent and the IRA went way over board on spending to reduce the use of fossil fuels in America and expand the use of renewable energy this overboard spending will drive inflation.

The Republican establishment in this election cycle spent too much time on hyper partisan issues which turned off voters like on investigating Hunter Biden and investigating the January 6th Committee and investigating the withdraw from Afghanistan, the Average American voter does not really care about these things these actions won't help them! Also, the Republican establishment makes a lot of noise about what they are against with respect to opposing Democrats policies but they don't have much of an agenda of what they are for what they are going to do for the American People that matters. Yes the Republican Party is for American energy independence and that is great but other than that there isn't much that the American voter can be moved by and conclude yes the Republicans are the better political party.

This is not an easy thing to say but it is one hundred percent accurate but come 2024 Donald Trump may be the best candidate for America and this is coming from a Republican that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 this is from a voter that is crystal clear on Dondald Trumps drawbacks. I was alarmed by his egomaniac and rash tendencies in 2016 coming out with things like he would withdrawal from NATO and that he may as President partially default on America's sovereign debt. In 2020 I was alarmed by his track record of disrespecting people, his narcissism and the hatred that he stokes in people toward him that might have permanently split the country and ended the nation during a Donald Trump second term. But with all that said and acknowledgement that Donald Trump can and would likely act worse than described if there was a Presidential election today I would vote for Donald Trump for Presidency without a doubt I am one hundred percent certain I would. Because the moderate Democrat Party is dead Joe Biden ran as one but it was one big con job by him he has governed as a solidly left-wing politician and the radical left Democrat party if given free reign in America will spend way too much money and end up raising crushing taxes on individuals and businesses and ruin prosperity in America. The Republican Party today is the same Republican Party that existed prior to when Trump came onto the scene they are for the globalism economic agenda with unrestricted free trade which leaves our critical domestic manufacturing and production and their especially critical middle class jobs unsecure. The Republican Party is for dismantling America's social programs which try to give a decent standard of living to Americans that play by the rules and work but their job doesn't provide the income for a good standard of living.

Donald Trump for all his drawbacks at least genuinely cares about ordinary Americans he is the only national politician that openly and firmly stands up against this economic model of globalism and stands up for protecting good paying American manufacturing and production jobs and their threat from foreign competition. And he is the only major Republican politician that repeatedly recognizes that what the pharmaceutical industry is doing to the American people and the drug bill they stick them with is wrong and needs to be stopped! When the balance of the Republican Party was going to allow the Democrats to intimidate the Republican Party to cave on getting the funding to build the wall to stop this ruining of America with this massive illegal immigration Donald Trump alone stood up and fought for and won this funding!

I know "today" if the Presidential election was held Trump would lose he would lose the independent and traditional Republican vote because of his antics and other things already aforementioned but things may change by 2024 because this recession America will be entering next year will be severe the pain will be a real real hardship for many Americans. The facts from the Federal Reserve Board are that unquestionably the Fed Funds rate will be increased to between five to seven percent before the FED declares victory against inflation that means the thirty year home mortgage interest rate will blow through eight and probably reach close to or exceeding nine percent, this means auto loan rates and credit card rates will dramatically increase from today's rates and since America is a two-thirds consumer based economy and the consumer will be on the ropes the recession will be a bad one. The only way to stop this is for America to have its domestic fossil fuel producers go on a major production drive and expand and/or reopen shuttered refineries which would require the federal government to stop its war against these producers and commit to supportive policies. This is a lost cause because Joe Biden was crystal clear after the recent mid-term election he isn't reversing course on his transition agenda away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Olde Joe has revealed what he is all about during his first two years in office he is okay with the pain America is currently feeling over this issue his focus is on the long term; he speaks like a career Washington politician that has lost touch with ordinary Americans. Biden will have his Obamacare legacy referring to President Barack Obama signature success, it will be called the Biden Renewable Energy agenda he will transition America energy use to renewables even if it causes the destruction of a significant part of our economy and many Americans to go through hell!

Donald Trump's winning hand is that he has good instincts on the right policy and he keeps his promise! Barring Donald Trumps legal problems either disqualifying him from running again or wounding him too much like if he was sitting in a Federal prison in 2024 he could be the strongest and best candidate to win both the primary and general election in 2024. Trump best positions himself to win in 2024 making sure he is right on the policy. Trump has gotten the protecting U.S manufacturing and production jobs issue right, he has the American Energy Independence issue right. But he can improve on other issues and he knows it is risky but it is the right thing to do what he should come out for is comprehensive immigration reform of course finish building the wall but there is too many illegal immigrants for the system to deport them not to mention the injustice that would be involved in many cases doing such. He should come out for giving legal status for those who have been in the country for four years or more in exchange for ending the asylum loophole and ending birthright citizenship which just perpetuates this problem. Trump should come out for price regulation for pharmaceuticals just like European countries have because otherwise we will never get health insurance cost in a good range and he should come out for a thin mandate version of health insurance on the exchanges have a board be convened periodically to adjust the mandates this way to lower costs but still provide a great safety net if one gets sick give shoppers this option. Of course, there is many other issues Trump could better the Democrat and Republican establishment on!
Practically all the Republican establishment is blaming former President Donald Trump for the fact that there wasn't a red wave in these past mid-term elections, the outcome wasn't Republicans winning the House by twenty or thirty seats and taking control of the Senate. The truth of the matter is that the lion's share of blame goes to the Republican establishment for this outcome. During this election season they unduly focused on things like the crime problem, the border problem and numerous hyper partisan issues it was like they were running a campaign for Fox News viewers always looking for applause from the right-wing electorate. The crime and border problems do matter but economic topics matter more plus spot lighting Democrats radical agenda also matters more. The Republican establishment seems to be playing games to regain power in Washington it is not about the best interests of the country. The Republican establishment kept proclaiming that with the Democrats Inflation Reduction act they were going to be hiring eighty-five thousand additional IRS enforcement agents what a contrived nonsense criticism. The IRS won't be hiring that many enforcement personnel, the agency is way understaffed they were not even able to timely do their present job, the organization desperately needs expanded and upgraded information technology and so what if they will be hiring tens of thousands of more enforcement agents at the agency that would just bring them to their 1990's staffing level; Republicans are supposed to be the law and order party they should support individuals and businesses paying the taxes they owe!

The Republican establishment did not focus on the terrible piece of legislation called the American Rescue Act passed in March of 2021 which spent $1.9 trillion it created too much demand in the economy which unleashed a tsunami inflation force which has caused an inflation crisis in America; this was even predicted by the Democrat economist and former Democrat Secretary Treasury Larry Summers. For people that are supposed to be stewards of America's economy which members of Congress are supposed to be the bill contained many obvious inflationary causing provision, the bill sent $300 per month per child to American families with no work requirement and for Americans receiving unemployment insurance at any time during 2021 the Federal government picked up the entire tab for their ACA health insurance taking away the incentive to work. One could say well in early 2021 most American weren't Covid vaccinated so they couldn't work anyway; not so fast the Covid vaccination was available to everyone across the country by May 1 2021 so for most of the year these Americans could have safely worked and we know from America's employers their struggle to find workers raised their costs and drove up their prices.

The Inflation Reduction Act was another piece of evidence that the Democrats are a disaster as stewards of America's economy. Fifty percent of the driver of inflation is sky rocketing fossil fuel prices and the instability of such prices, not only are fossil fuels used in the making of parts for products like plastics and fertilizers but fossil fuels especially diesel fuels for trucks are needed to transport products to the stores where consumers purchase goods and to their homes where goods are delivered. The Inflation Reduction Act exponentially increased the cost of leases of Federal land for fossil fuel production; fossil fuel prices are dictated by trading markets and those markets operate on the supply/demand curve and part of the reason U.S. producers aren't producing more fossil fuel is because they aren't confident in the affordability and availability of reserves because of the reserve and production killing government actions like these in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act put a tax on releases of methane which will drive up the ordinary family's natural gas bill by twelve percent and the IRA went way over board on spending to reduce the use of fossil fuels in America and expand the use of renewable energy this overboard spending will drive inflation.

The Republican establishment in this election cycle spent too much time on hyper partisan issues which turned off voters like on investigating Hunter Biden and investigating the January 6th Committee and investigating the withdraw from Afghanistan, the Average American voter does not really care about these things these actions won't help them! Also, the Republican establishment makes a lot of noise about what they are against with respect to opposing Democrats policies but they don't have much of an agenda of what they are for what they are going to do for the American People that matters. Yes the Republican Party is for American energy independence and that is great but other than that there isn't much that the American voter can be moved by and conclude yes the Republicans are the better political party.

This is not an easy thing to say but it is one hundred percent accurate but come 2024 Donald Trump may be the best candidate for America and this is coming from a Republican that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 this is from a voter that is crystal clear on Dondald Trumps drawbacks. I was alarmed by his egomaniac and rash tendencies in 2016 coming out with things like he would withdrawal from NATO and that he may as President partially default on America's sovereign debt. In 2020 I was alarmed by his track record of disrespecting people, his narcissism and the hatred that he stokes in people toward him that might have permanently split the country and ended the nation during a Donald Trump second term. But with all that said and acknowledgement that Donald Trump can and would likely act worse than described if there was a Presidential election today I would vote for Donald Trump for Presidency without a doubt I am one hundred percent certain I would. Because the moderate Democrat Party is dead Joe Biden ran as one but it was one big con job by him he has governed as a solidly left-wing politician and the radical left Democrat party if given free reign in America will spend way too much money and end up raising crushing taxes on individuals and businesses and ruin prosperity in America. The Republican Party today is the same Republican Party that existed prior to when Trump came onto the scene they are for the globalism economic agenda with unrestricted free trade which leaves our critical domestic manufacturing and production and their especially critical middle class jobs unsecure. The Republican Party is for dismantling America's social programs which try to give a decent standard of living to Americans that play by the rules and work but their job doesn't provide the income for a good standard of living.

Donald Trump for all his drawbacks at least genuinely cares about ordinary Americans he is the only national politician that openly and firmly stands up against this economic model of globalism and stands up for protecting good paying American manufacturing and production jobs and their threat from foreign competition. And he is the only major Republican politician that repeatedly recognizes that what the pharmaceutical industry is doing to the American people and the drug bill they stick them with is wrong and needs to be stopped! When the balance of the Republican Party was going to allow the Democrats to intimidate the Republican Party to cave on getting the funding to build the wall to stop this ruining of America with this massive illegal immigration Donald Trump alone stood up and fought for and won this funding!

I know "today" if the Presidential election was held Trump would lose he would lose the independent and traditional Republican vote because of his antics and other things already aforementioned but things may change by 2024 because this recession America will be entering next year will be severe the pain will be a real real hardship for many Americans. The facts from the Federal Reserve Board are that unquestionably the Fed Funds rate will be increased to between five to seven percent before the FED declares victory against inflation that means the thirty year home mortgage interest rate will blow through eight and probably reach close to or exceeding nine percent, this means auto loan rates and credit card rates will dramatically increase from today's rates and since America is a two-thirds consumer based economy and the consumer will be on the ropes the recession will be a bad one. The only way to stop this is for America to have its domestic fossil fuel producers go on a major production drive and expand and/or reopen shuttered refineries which would require the federal government to stop its war against these producers and commit to supportive policies. This is a lost cause because Joe Biden was crystal clear after the recent mid-term election he isn't reversing course on his transition agenda away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Olde Joe has revealed what he is all about during his first two years in office he is okay with the pain America is currently feeling over this issue his focus is on the long term; he speaks like a career Washington politician that has lost touch with ordinary Americans. Biden will have his Obamacare legacy referring to President Barack Obama signature success, it will be called the Biden Renewable Energy agenda he will transition America energy use to renewables even if it causes the destruction of a significant part of our economy and many Americans to go through hell!

Donald Trump's winning hand is that he has good instincts on the right policy and he keeps his promise! Barring Donald Trumps legal problems either disqualifying him from running again or wounding him too much like if he was sitting in a Federal prison in 2024 he could be the strongest and best candidate to win both the primary and general election in 2024. Trump best positions himself to win in 2024 making sure he is right on the policy. Trump has gotten the protecting U.S manufacturing and production jobs issue right, he has the American Energy Independence issue right. But he can improve on other issues and he knows it is risky but it is the right thing to do what he should come out for is comprehensive immigration reform of course finish building the wall but there is too many illegal immigrants for the system to deport them not to mention the injustice that would be involved in many cases doing such. He should come out for giving legal status for those who have been in the country for four years or more in exchange for ending the asylum loophole and ending birthright citizenship which just perpetuates this problem. Trump should come out for price regulation for pharmaceuticals just like European countries have because otherwise we will never get health insurance cost in a good range and he should come out for a thin mandate version of health insurance on the exchanges have a board be convened periodically to adjust the mandates this way to lower costs but still provide a great safety net if one gets sick give shoppers this option. Of course, there is many other issues Trump could better the Democrat and Republican establishment on!
Practically all the Republican establishment is blaming former President Donald Trump for the fact that there wasn't a red wave in these past mid-term elections, the outcome wasn't Republicans winning the House by twenty or thirty seats and taking control of the Senate. The truth of the matter is that the lion's share of blame goes to the Republican establishment for this outcome. During this election season they unduly focused on things like the crime problem, the border problem and numerous hyper partisan issues it was like they were running a campaign for Fox News viewers always looking for applause from the right-wing electorate. The crime and border problems do matter but economic topics matter more plus spot lighting Democrats radical agenda also matters more. The Republican establishment seems to be playing games to regain power in Washington it is not about the best interests of the country. The Republican establishment kept proclaiming that with the Democrats Inflation Reduction act they were going to be hiring eighty-five thousand additional IRS enforcement agents what a contrived nonsense criticism. The IRS won't be hiring that many enforcement personnel, the agency is way understaffed they were not even able to timely do their present job, the organization desperately needs expanded and upgraded information technology and so what if they will be hiring tens of thousands of more enforcement agents at the agency that would just bring them to their 1990's staffing level; Republicans are supposed to be the law and order party they should support individuals and businesses paying the taxes they owe!

The Republican establishment did not focus on the terrible piece of legislation called the American Rescue Act passed in March of 2021 which spent $1.9 trillion it created too much demand in the economy which unleashed a tsunami inflation force which has caused an inflation crisis in America; this was even predicted by the Democrat economist and former Democrat Secretary Treasury Larry Summers. For people that are supposed to be stewards of America's economy which members of Congress are supposed to be the bill contained many obvious inflationary causing provision, the bill sent $300 per month per child to American families with no work requirement and for Americans receiving unemployment insurance at any time during 2021 the Federal government picked up the entire tab for their ACA health insurance taking away the incentive to work. One could say well in early 2021 most American weren't Covid vaccinated so they couldn't work anyway; not so fast the Covid vaccination was available to everyone across the country by May 1 2021 so for most of the year these Americans could have safely worked and we know from America's employers their struggle to find workers raised their costs and drove up their prices.

The Inflation Reduction Act was another piece of evidence that the Democrats are a disaster as stewards of America's economy. Fifty percent of the driver of inflation is sky rocketing fossil fuel prices and the instability of such prices, not only are fossil fuels used in the making of parts for products like plastics and fertilizers but fossil fuels especially diesel fuels for trucks are needed to transport products to the stores where consumers purchase goods and to their homes where goods are delivered. The Inflation Reduction Act exponentially increased the cost of leases of Federal land for fossil fuel production; fossil fuel prices are dictated by trading markets and those markets operate on the supply/demand curve and part of the reason U.S. producers aren't producing more fossil fuel is because they aren't confident in the affordability and availability of reserves because of the reserve and production killing government actions like these in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act put a tax on releases of methane which will drive up the ordinary family's natural gas bill by twelve percent and the IRA went way over board on spending to reduce the use of fossil fuels in America and expand the use of renewable energy this overboard spending will drive inflation.

The Republican establishment in this election cycle spent too much time on hyper partisan issues which turned off voters like on investigating Hunter Biden and investigating the January 6th Committee and investigating the withdraw from Afghanistan, the Average American voter does not really care about these things these actions won't help them! Also, the Republican establishment makes a lot of noise about what they are against with respect to opposing Democrats policies but they don't have much of an agenda of what they are for what they are going to do for the American People that matters. Yes the Republican Party is for American energy independence and that is great but other than that there isn't much that the American voter can be moved by and conclude yes the Republicans are the better political party.

This is not an easy thing to say but it is one hundred percent accurate but come 2024 Donald Trump may be the best candidate for America and this is coming from a Republican that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 this is from a voter that is crystal clear on Dondald Trumps drawbacks. I was alarmed by his egomaniac and rash tendencies in 2016 coming out with things like he would withdrawal from NATO and that he may as President partially default on America's sovereign debt. In 2020 I was alarmed by his track record of disrespecting people, his narcissism and the hatred that he stokes in people toward him that might have permanently split the country and ended the nation during a Donald Trump second term. But with all that said and acknowledgement that Donald Trump can and would likely act worse than described if there was a Presidential election today I would vote for Donald Trump for Presidency without a doubt I am one hundred percent certain I would. Because the moderate Democrat Party is dead Joe Biden ran as one but it was one big con job by him he has governed as a solidly left-wing politician and the radical left Democrat party if given free reign in America will spend way too much money and end up raising crushing taxes on individuals and businesses and ruin prosperity in America. The Republican Party today is the same Republican Party that existed prior to when Trump came onto the scene they are for the globalism economic agenda with unrestricted free trade which leaves our critical domestic manufacturing and production and their especially critical middle class jobs unsecure. The Republican Party is for dismantling America's social programs which try to give a decent standard of living to Americans that play by the rules and work but their job doesn't provide the income for a good standard of living.

Donald Trump for all his drawbacks at least genuinely cares about ordinary Americans he is the only national politician that openly and firmly stands up against this economic model of globalism and stands up for protecting good paying American manufacturing and production jobs and their threat from foreign competition. And he is the only major Republican politician that repeatedly recognizes that what the pharmaceutical industry is doing to the American people and the drug bill they stick them with is wrong and needs to be stopped! When the balance of the Republican Party was going to allow the Democrats to intimidate the Republican Party to cave on getting the funding to build the wall to stop this ruining of America with this massive illegal immigration Donald Trump alone stood up and fought for and won this funding!

I know "today" if the Presidential election was held Trump would lose he would lose the independent and traditional Republican vote because of his antics and other things already aforementioned but things may change by 2024 because this recession America will be entering next year will be severe the pain will be a real real hardship for many Americans. The facts from the Federal Reserve Board are that unquestionably the Fed Funds rate will be increased to between five to seven percent before the FED declares victory against inflation that means the thirty year home mortgage interest rate will blow through eight and probably reach close to or exceeding nine percent, this means auto loan rates and credit card rates will dramatically increase from today's rates and since America is a two-thirds consumer based economy and the consumer will be on the ropes the recession will be a bad one. The only way to stop this is for America to have its domestic fossil fuel producers go on a major production drive and expand and/or reopen shuttered refineries which would require the federal government to stop its war against these producers and commit to supportive policies. This is a lost cause because Joe Biden was crystal clear after the recent mid-term election he isn't reversing course on his transition agenda away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Olde Joe has revealed what he is all about during his first two years in office he is okay with the pain America is currently feeling over this issue his focus is on the long term; he speaks like a career Washington politician that has lost touch with ordinary Americans. Biden will have his Obamacare legacy referring to President Barack Obama signature success, it will be called the Biden Renewable Energy agenda he will transition America energy use to renewables even if it causes the destruction of a significant part of our economy and many Americans to go through hell!

Donald Trump's winning hand is that he has good instincts on the right policy and he keeps his promise! Barring Donald Trumps legal problems either disqualifying him from running again or wounding him too much like if he was sitting in a Federal prison in 2024 he could be the strongest and best candidate to win both the primary and general election in 2024. Trump best positions himself to win in 2024 making sure he is right on the policy. Trump has gotten the protecting U.S manufacturing and production jobs issue right, he has the American Energy Independence issue right. But he can improve on other issues and he knows it is risky but it is the right thing to do what he should come out for is comprehensive immigration reform of course finish building the wall but there is too many illegal immigrants for the system to deport them not to mention the injustice that would be involved in many cases doing such. He should come out for giving legal status for those who have been in the country for four years or more in exchange for ending the asylum loophole and ending birthright citizenship which just perpetuates this problem. Trump should come out for price regulation for pharmaceuticals just like European countries have because otherwise we will never get health insurance cost in a good range and he should come out for a thin mandate version of health insurance on the exchanges have a board be convened periodically to adjust the mandates this way to lower costs but still provide a great safety net if one gets sick give shoppers this option. Of course, there is many other issues Trump could better the Democrat and Republican establishment on!
Manufacturing is doing just fine actually despite all the problems. It just seems to be one industry, for now, that keeps chugging along. Trump hurt manufacturing when he showed off and started a trade war with China. I hope he doesn't come back. Business hopes he doesn't come back. It likes stability.
Practically all the Republican establishment is blaming former President Donald Trump for the fact that there wasn't a red wave in these past mid-term elections, the outcome wasn't Republicans winning the House by twenty or thirty seats and taking control of the Senate. The truth of the matter is that the lion's share of blame goes to the Republican establishment for this outcome. During this election season they unduly focused on things like the crime problem, the border problem and numerous hyper partisan issues it was like they were running a campaign for Fox News viewers always looking for applause from the right-wing electorate. The crime and border problems do matter but economic topics matter more plus spot lighting Democrats radical agenda also matters more. The Republican establishment seems to be playing games to regain power in Washington it is not about the best interests of the country. The Republican establishment kept proclaiming that with the Democrats Inflation Reduction act they were going to be hiring eighty-five thousand additional IRS enforcement agents what a contrived nonsense criticism. The IRS won't be hiring that many enforcement personnel, the agency is way understaffed they were not even able to timely do their present job, the organization desperately needs expanded and upgraded information technology and so what if they will be hiring tens of thousands of more enforcement agents at the agency that would just bring them to their 1990's staffing level; Republicans are supposed to be the law and order party they should support individuals and businesses paying the taxes they owe!

The Republican establishment did not focus on the terrible piece of legislation called the American Rescue Act passed in March of 2021 which spent $1.9 trillion it created too much demand in the economy which unleashed a tsunami inflation force which has caused an inflation crisis in America; this was even predicted by the Democrat economist and former Democrat Secretary Treasury Larry Summers. For people that are supposed to be stewards of America's economy which members of Congress are supposed to be the bill contained many obvious inflationary causing provision, the bill sent $300 per month per child to American families with no work requirement and for Americans receiving unemployment insurance at any time during 2021 the Federal government picked up the entire tab for their ACA health insurance taking away the incentive to work. One could say well in early 2021 most American weren't Covid vaccinated so they couldn't work anyway; not so fast the Covid vaccination was available to everyone across the country by May 1 2021 so for most of the year these Americans could have safely worked and we know from America's employers their struggle to find workers raised their costs and drove up their prices.

The Inflation Reduction Act was another piece of evidence that the Democrats are a disaster as stewards of America's economy. Fifty percent of the driver of inflation is sky rocketing fossil fuel prices and the instability of such prices, not only are fossil fuels used in the making of parts for products like plastics and fertilizers but fossil fuels especially diesel fuels for trucks are needed to transport products to the stores where consumers purchase goods and to their homes where goods are delivered. The Inflation Reduction Act exponentially increased the cost of leases of Federal land for fossil fuel production; fossil fuel prices are dictated by trading markets and those markets operate on the supply/demand curve and part of the reason U.S. producers aren't producing more fossil fuel is because they aren't confident in the affordability and availability of reserves because of the reserve and production killing government actions like these in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act put a tax on releases of methane which will drive up the ordinary family's natural gas bill by twelve percent and the IRA went way over board on spending to reduce the use of fossil fuels in America and expand the use of renewable energy this overboard spending will drive inflation.

The Republican establishment in this election cycle spent too much time on hyper partisan issues which turned off voters like on investigating Hunter Biden and investigating the January 6th Committee and investigating the withdraw from Afghanistan, the Average American voter does not really care about these things these actions won't help them! Also, the Republican establishment makes a lot of noise about what they are against with respect to opposing Democrats policies but they don't have much of an agenda of what they are for what they are going to do for the American People that matters. Yes the Republican Party is for American energy independence and that is great but other than that there isn't much that the American voter can be moved by and conclude yes the Republicans are the better political party.

This is not an easy thing to say but it is one hundred percent accurate but come 2024 Donald Trump may be the best candidate for America and this is coming from a Republican that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 this is from a voter that is crystal clear on Dondald Trumps drawbacks. I was alarmed by his egomaniac and rash tendencies in 2016 coming out with things like he would withdrawal from NATO and that he may as President partially default on America's sovereign debt. In 2020 I was alarmed by his track record of disrespecting people, his narcissism and the hatred that he stokes in people toward him that might have permanently split the country and ended the nation during a Donald Trump second term. But with all that said and acknowledgement that Donald Trump can and would likely act worse than described if there was a Presidential election today I would vote for Donald Trump for Presidency without a doubt I am one hundred percent certain I would. Because the moderate Democrat Party is dead Joe Biden ran as one but it was one big con job by him he has governed as a solidly left-wing politician and the radical left Democrat party if given free reign in America will spend way too much money and end up raising crushing taxes on individuals and businesses and ruin prosperity in America. The Republican Party today is the same Republican Party that existed prior to when Trump came onto the scene they are for the globalism economic agenda with unrestricted free trade which leaves our critical domestic manufacturing and production and their especially critical middle class jobs unsecure. The Republican Party is for dismantling America's social programs which try to give a decent standard of living to Americans that play by the rules and work but their job doesn't provide the income for a good standard of living.

Donald Trump for all his drawbacks at least genuinely cares about ordinary Americans he is the only national politician that openly and firmly stands up against this economic model of globalism and stands up for protecting good paying American manufacturing and production jobs and their threat from foreign competition. And he is the only major Republican politician that repeatedly recognizes that what the pharmaceutical industry is doing to the American people and the drug bill they stick them with is wrong and needs to be stopped! When the balance of the Republican Party was going to allow the Democrats to intimidate the Republican Party to cave on getting the funding to build the wall to stop this ruining of America with this massive illegal immigration Donald Trump alone stood up and fought for and won this funding!

I know "today" if the Presidential election was held Trump would lose he would lose the independent and traditional Republican vote because of his antics and other things already aforementioned but things may change by 2024 because this recession America will be entering next year will be severe the pain will be a real real hardship for many Americans. The facts from the Federal Reserve Board are that unquestionably the Fed Funds rate will be increased to between five to seven percent before the FED declares victory against inflation that means the thirty year home mortgage interest rate will blow through eight and probably reach close to or exceeding nine percent, this means auto loan rates and credit card rates will dramatically increase from today's rates and since America is a two-thirds consumer based economy and the consumer will be on the ropes the recession will be a bad one. The only way to stop this is for America to have its domestic fossil fuel producers go on a major production drive and expand and/or reopen shuttered refineries which would require the federal government to stop its war against these producers and commit to supportive policies. This is a lost cause because Joe Biden was crystal clear after the recent mid-term election he isn't reversing course on his transition agenda away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Olde Joe has revealed what he is all about during his first two years in office he is okay with the pain America is currently feeling over this issue his focus is on the long term; he speaks like a career Washington politician that has lost touch with ordinary Americans. Biden will have his Obamacare legacy referring to President Barack Obama signature success, it will be called the Biden Renewable Energy agenda he will transition America energy use to renewables even if it causes the destruction of a significant part of our economy and many Americans to go through hell!

Donald Trump's winning hand is that he has good instincts on the right policy and he keeps his promise! Barring Donald Trumps legal problems either disqualifying him from running again or wounding him too much like if he was sitting in a Federal prison in 2024 he could be the strongest and best candidate to win both the primary and general election in 2024. Trump best positions himself to win in 2024 making sure he is right on the policy. Trump has gotten the protecting U.S manufacturing and production jobs issue right, he has the American Energy Independence issue right. But he can improve on other issues and he knows it is risky but it is the right thing to do what he should come out for is comprehensive immigration reform of course finish building the wall but there is too many illegal immigrants for the system to deport them not to mention the injustice that would be involved in many cases doing such. He should come out for giving legal status for those who have been in the country for four years or more in exchange for ending the asylum loophole and ending birthright citizenship which just perpetuates this problem. Trump should come out for price regulation for pharmaceuticals just like European countries have because otherwise we will never get health insurance cost in a good range and he should come out for a thin mandate version of health insurance on the exchanges have a board be convened periodically to adjust the mandates this way to lower costs but still provide a great safety net if one gets sick give shoppers this option. Of course, there is many other issues Trump could better the Democrat and Republican establishment on!
Ziehl-Abegg will invest over $100 million and create 189 new jobs at Union Cross Industrial Center in Forsyth County, NC.
November 23, 2022
This from yesterday

Pittsburgh startup gets $5M grant for manufacturing line in city​

CorePower's CEO Sam Kernion says the funding will help them streamline their production and will enable the company to establish its manufacturing roots in the city of Pittsburgh.

Do we really need Trump?​


The number of job openings rose unexpectedly in September, despite the Fed’s aggressive actions​

U.S. Cargo and Passenger Airlines Added 8,404 Jobs in September 2022; Employment Remains 4.6% Above Pre-Pandemic September 2019​

Thursday, November 10, 2022

U.S. payrolls surged by 261,000 in October, better than expected as hiring remains strong​

Practically all the Republican establishment is blaming former President Donald Trump for the fact that there wasn't a red wave in these past mid-term elections, the outcome wasn't Republicans winning the House by twenty or thirty seats and taking control of the Senate. The truth of the matter is that the lion's share of blame goes to the Republican establishment for this outcome. During this election season they unduly focused on things like the crime problem, the border problem and numerous hyper partisan issues it was like they were running a campaign for Fox News viewers always looking for applause from the right-wing electorate. The crime and border problems do matter but economic topics matter more plus spot lighting Democrats radical agenda also matters more. The Republican establishment seems to be playing games to regain power in Washington it is not about the best interests of the country. The Republican establishment kept proclaiming that with the Democrats Inflation Reduction act they were going to be hiring eighty-five thousand additional IRS enforcement agents what a contrived nonsense criticism. The IRS won't be hiring that many enforcement personnel, the agency is way understaffed they were not even able to timely do their present job, the organization desperately needs expanded and upgraded information technology and so what if they will be hiring tens of thousands of more enforcement agents at the agency that would just bring them to their 1990's staffing level; Republicans are supposed to be the law and order party they should support individuals and businesses paying the taxes they owe!

The Republican establishment did not focus on the terrible piece of legislation called the American Rescue Act passed in March of 2021 which spent $1.9 trillion it created too much demand in the economy which unleashed a tsunami inflation force which has caused an inflation crisis in America; this was even predicted by the Democrat economist and former Democrat Secretary Treasury Larry Summers. For people that are supposed to be stewards of America's economy which members of Congress are supposed to be the bill contained many obvious inflationary causing provision, the bill sent $300 per month per child to American families with no work requirement and for Americans receiving unemployment insurance at any time during 2021 the Federal government picked up the entire tab for their ACA health insurance taking away the incentive to work. One could say well in early 2021 most American weren't Covid vaccinated so they couldn't work anyway; not so fast the Covid vaccination was available to everyone across the country by May 1 2021 so for most of the year these Americans could have safely worked and we know from America's employers their struggle to find workers raised their costs and drove up their prices.

The Inflation Reduction Act was another piece of evidence that the Democrats are a disaster as stewards of America's economy. Fifty percent of the driver of inflation is sky rocketing fossil fuel prices and the instability of such prices, not only are fossil fuels used in the making of parts for products like plastics and fertilizers but fossil fuels especially diesel fuels for trucks are needed to transport products to the stores where consumers purchase goods and to their homes where goods are delivered. The Inflation Reduction Act exponentially increased the cost of leases of Federal land for fossil fuel production; fossil fuel prices are dictated by trading markets and those markets operate on the supply/demand curve and part of the reason U.S. producers aren't producing more fossil fuel is because they aren't confident in the affordability and availability of reserves because of the reserve and production killing government actions like these in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act put a tax on releases of methane which will drive up the ordinary family's natural gas bill by twelve percent and the IRA went way over board on spending to reduce the use of fossil fuels in America and expand the use of renewable energy this overboard spending will drive inflation.

The Republican establishment in this election cycle spent too much time on hyper partisan issues which turned off voters like on investigating Hunter Biden and investigating the January 6th Committee and investigating the withdraw from Afghanistan, the Average American voter does not really care about these things these actions won't help them! Also, the Republican establishment makes a lot of noise about what they are against with respect to opposing Democrats policies but they don't have much of an agenda of what they are for what they are going to do for the American People that matters. Yes the Republican Party is for American energy independence and that is great but other than that there isn't much that the American voter can be moved by and conclude yes the Republicans are the better political party.

This is not an easy thing to say but it is one hundred percent accurate but come 2024 Donald Trump may be the best candidate for America and this is coming from a Republican that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 this is from a voter that is crystal clear on Dondald Trumps drawbacks. I was alarmed by his egomaniac and rash tendencies in 2016 coming out with things like he would withdrawal from NATO and that he may as President partially default on America's sovereign debt. In 2020 I was alarmed by his track record of disrespecting people, his narcissism and the hatred that he stokes in people toward him that might have permanently split the country and ended the nation during a Donald Trump second term. But with all that said and acknowledgement that Donald Trump can and would likely act worse than described if there was a Presidential election today I would vote for Donald Trump for Presidency without a doubt I am one hundred percent certain I would. Because the moderate Democrat Party is dead Joe Biden ran as one but it was one big con job by him he has governed as a solidly left-wing politician and the radical left Democrat party if given free reign in America will spend way too much money and end up raising crushing taxes on individuals and businesses and ruin prosperity in America. The Republican Party today is the same Republican Party that existed prior to when Trump came onto the scene they are for the globalism economic agenda with unrestricted free trade which leaves our critical domestic manufacturing and production and their especially critical middle class jobs unsecure. The Republican Party is for dismantling America's social programs which try to give a decent standard of living to Americans that play by the rules and work but their job doesn't provide the income for a good standard of living.

Donald Trump for all his drawbacks at least genuinely cares about ordinary Americans he is the only national politician that openly and firmly stands up against this economic model of globalism and stands up for protecting good paying American manufacturing and production jobs and their threat from foreign competition. And he is the only major Republican politician that repeatedly recognizes that what the pharmaceutical industry is doing to the American people and the drug bill they stick them with is wrong and needs to be stopped! When the balance of the Republican Party was going to allow the Democrats to intimidate the Republican Party to cave on getting the funding to build the wall to stop this ruining of America with this massive illegal immigration Donald Trump alone stood up and fought for and won this funding!

I know "today" if the Presidential election was held Trump would lose he would lose the independent and traditional Republican vote because of his antics and other things already aforementioned but things may change by 2024 because this recession America will be entering next year will be severe the pain will be a real real hardship for many Americans. The facts from the Federal Reserve Board are that unquestionably the Fed Funds rate will be increased to between five to seven percent before the FED declares victory against inflation that means the thirty year home mortgage interest rate will blow through eight and probably reach close to or exceeding nine percent, this means auto loan rates and credit card rates will dramatically increase from today's rates and since America is a two-thirds consumer based economy and the consumer will be on the ropes the recession will be a bad one. The only way to stop this is for America to have its domestic fossil fuel producers go on a major production drive and expand and/or reopen shuttered refineries which would require the federal government to stop its war against these producers and commit to supportive policies. This is a lost cause because Joe Biden was crystal clear after the recent mid-term election he isn't reversing course on his transition agenda away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Olde Joe has revealed what he is all about during his first two years in office he is okay with the pain America is currently feeling over this issue his focus is on the long term; he speaks like a career Washington politician that has lost touch with ordinary Americans. Biden will have his Obamacare legacy referring to President Barack Obama signature success, it will be called the Biden Renewable Energy agenda he will transition America energy use to renewables even if it causes the destruction of a significant part of our economy and many Americans to go through hell!

Donald Trump's winning hand is that he has good instincts on the right policy and he keeps his promise! Barring Donald Trumps legal problems either disqualifying him from running again or wounding him too much like if he was sitting in a Federal prison in 2024 he could be the strongest and best candidate to win both the primary and general election in 2024. Trump best positions himself to win in 2024 making sure he is right on the policy. Trump has gotten the protecting U.S manufacturing and production jobs issue right, he has the American Energy Independence issue right. But he can improve on other issues and he knows it is risky but it is the right thing to do what he should come out for is comprehensive immigration reform of course finish building the wall but there is too many illegal immigrants for the system to deport them not to mention the injustice that would be involved in many cases doing such. He should come out for giving legal status for those who have been in the country for four years or more in exchange for ending the asylum loophole and ending birthright citizenship which just perpetuates this problem. Trump should come out for price regulation for pharmaceuticals just like European countries have because otherwise we will never get health insurance cost in a good range and he should come out for a thin mandate version of health insurance on the exchanges have a board be convened periodically to adjust the mandates this way to lower costs but still provide a great safety net if one gets sick give shoppers this option. Of course, there is many other issues Trump could better the Democrat and Republican establishment on!
Republicans won the House; next step Georgia Senate. No red wave?? Meh. It would have been nice.

Republicans won the House; next step Georgia Senate. No red wave?? Meh. It would have been nice.

I was glad to hear not only did Gretchen Whitmer win re election, Democrats took back control of the MI state House and Senate for the first time in 40 years.

I hear you guys in GA still treat blacks like 1/7th of a human. It's true. They make up 25% of your population but because of gerrymandering blacks only get 1/7th representation in the state government. Jim Crow shit!
Manufacturing is doing just fine actually despite all the problems. It just seems to be one industry, for now, that keeps chugging along. Trump hurt manufacturing when he showed off and started a trade war with China. I hope he doesn't come back. Business hopes he doesn't come back. It likes stability.

Current shortages here: Canned cat food, canned energy drinks, anything that comes in an aluminum can, cream cheese, diesel fuel, breakfast cereal, insulin, and smaller selections of other products like paper towels, napkins, paper plates, cleaning supplies, bleach. Fresh fruits and vegetables are whatever the Walmart Supercenter has on stock at the time. Availability of other things vary from week to week. There have also been several small manufacturing companies that have gone out of business over the last year in town, and many companies are having trouble hiring people. There also seems to be a decrease in quality control in many products. This is the new normal under Biden, I don't remember this ever happening when Trump was President.
I did not read the entire OP. Too many wrong assumptions in the first three chapters.

The only reason the GOP did not do better is because there is the McConnel/RINO/Bush elite fighting to keep power. They fight against the Trump MAGA conservatives who are taking over.

And let us not forget that we are fighting an uphill battle on the side of a mountain against the onslaught of powerful politicians, powerful media, television, newspapers, and internet giants.
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Current shortages here: Canned cat food, canned energy drinks, anything that comes in an aluminum can, cream cheese, diesel fuel, breakfast cereal, insulin, and smaller selections of other products like paper towels, napkins, paper plates, cleaning supplies, bleach. Fresh fruits and vegetables are whatever the Walmart Supercenter has on stock at the time. Availability of other things vary from week to week. There have also been several small manufacturing companies that have gone out of business over the last year in town, and many companies are having trouble hiring people. There also seems to be a decrease in quality control in many products. This is the new normal under Biden, I don't remember this ever happening when Trump was President.
Not under Biden. We have a drought down in the Colorado River. That's where we get our produce this time of year. So lettuce heads are so crappy small and pathetic right now. And expensive because of that. Not just because of gas. Not just because of Russia. Not just because of supply chain problems. Inflation.

Relax. Daddy Biden has you. He will fix those things. Trump wouldn't do any better. He'd do worse because he'd be busy with 5 trials.

How about DiSantis?
Current shortages here: Canned cat food, canned energy drinks, anything that comes in an aluminum can, cream cheese, diesel fuel, breakfast cereal, insulin, and smaller selections of other products like paper towels, napkins, paper plates, cleaning supplies, bleach. Fresh fruits and vegetables are whatever the Walmart Supercenter has on stock at the time. Availability of other things vary from week to week. There have also been several small manufacturing companies that have gone out of business over the last year in town, and many companies are having trouble hiring people. There also seems to be a decrease in quality control in many products. This is the new normal under Biden, I don't remember this ever happening when Trump was President.
We can fix this without Trump

At first, it was a toilet paper shortage, and now the COVID effect has spread to aluminum cans — causing a nationwide aluminum can shortage for breweries and other beverage producers. With fewer cans being produced and an increase in demand for canned beverages, many teams have pivoted to find alternative ways to package and distribute their products to consumers.

Switch to Bottles​

Not under Biden. We have a drought down in the Colorado River. That's where we get our produce this time of year. So lettuce heads are so crappy small and pathetic right now. And expensive because of that. Not just because of gas. Not just because of Russia. Not just because of supply chain problems. Inflation.

Relax. Daddy Biden has you. He will fix those things. Trump wouldn't do any better. He'd do worse because he'd be busy with 5 trials.

How about DiSantis?
We get our Lettuce from Salinas California.

The Imperial Valley Lettuce is a problem, but that is only because Arizona and Nevada have taken their share of Colorado river water which has put a stop to California's Imperial Valley stealing a share of the Colorado river water greater than allotted.

Drought? Yep, the Colorado River drought began a good million years ago and continues today. We most likely should call that area, a desert!

Hell, it is a desert. Yes, there is a drought in the desert.
We get our Lettuce from Salinas California.

The Imperial Valley Lettuce is a problem, but that is only because Arizona and Nevada have taken their share of Colorado river water which has put a stop to California's Imperial Valley stealing a share of the Colorado river water greater than allotted.

Drought? Yep, the Colorado River drought began a good million years ago and continues today. We most likely should call that area, a desert!

Hell, it is a desert. Yes, there is a drought in the desert.
Well it's droughtier than ever. One of the liberals predictions did come true. The Colorado River drying up. Hate to say we told you so. You guys didn't listen and just kept sucking it up to water your desert grass.


This is a yard in "the desert". No shit that rivers running dry.
The other problem, might be that there is a fertilizer shortage. That arises with the Democratic party destroying the Oil Industry.

Too many refineries have been shutdown in the USA. This the effect of that policy.
Well it's droughtier than ever. One of the liberals predictions did come true. The Colorado River drying up. Hate to say we told you so. You guys didn't listen and just kept sucking it up to water your desert grass.

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This is a yard in "the desert". No shit that rivers running dry.
10% of the water in the west is used by the public. 90% goes to agriculture and industry.

Sure, people should not have lawns, and we should not be dependent on desert agriculture unless it is proven, sustainable.

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