Republican SNAP Proposals Could Take Food Away From Millions of Low-Income Individuals and Families

Why don't you hold your breath until that orange guy does all of this. BTW, I don't believe I said a word about ethnicity, bigot. I believe in enforcing the laws. I know exactly who I elected--it wasn't YOU or any of your fascist commie buddies.
You're going to get a rude awakening when this idiot you elected destroys our country with his "All-Star" team of clowns. He's going to destroy all of us, while he and his wealthy cronies are safe in their well-stocked, luxurious bunkers, you and I are going to be reduced to glowing dust blowing in the wind.
You're going to get a rude awakening when this idiot you elected destroys our country with his "All-Star" team of clowns. He's going to destroy all of us, while he and his wealthy cronies are safe in their well-stocked, luxurious bunkers, you and I are going to be reduced to glowing dust blowing in the wind.
I guess all of the experts are also wearing tinfoil hats because they all agree with me. Trump is going to plunge this country into an epic catastrophe, and we're the ones who are going to suffer the most. He and his fellow billionaires will be fine, it's us, the regular folks, the vast majority of people, who are going to bear the weight of his poor leadership.
I guess all of the experts are also wearing tinfoil hats because they all agree with me. Trump is going to plunge this country into an epic catastrophe, and we're the ones who are going to suffer the most. He and his fellow billionaires will be fine, it's us, the regular folks, the vast majority of people, who are going to bear the weight of his poor leadership.
Your moronic video is not an expert. Please link to said experts. LMAO, you're a fool.
LMFAO, Sounds like Adam Schiff---Everybody know..., WE HAVE EVIDENCE. Here's some real evidence moron--crypto currency is here. If you don't like it, don't buy it. How stoooopid can you be? Don't answer, it is evident.
Meme coins are a scam and he scammed his own supporters of billions. He started a pump-and-dump meme coin scam and you support him. You're a fucking idiot.

There are no "cuts".

Dems just don't like the way the funds are allocated because it largely mitigates the opportunity for waste, fraud and abuse.

Ya know, the triad of Leftist philosophy when it comes to our grossly over-bloated government.

Dems are pissed because they can’t buy votes with freebies anymore.
The subhuman needs to make cuts to programs like SNAP to make up for the massive tax cut he's cooking up for himself & his millionaire & billionaire cronies who got his no good fascist ass reelected.

Cruelty to the poor is the name of the game. He's been doing that his entire life.
Nope. The jobs need filled from all the illegal alien deportations. They’re will be a lot of work for these people. It’s a win win for everybody.
Meme coins are a scam and he scammed his own supporters of billions. He started a pump-and-dump meme coin scam and you support him. You're a fucking idiot.
Did you buy any? How about Trump cards and bibles? No? Run along doomsdayer. BTW, go back to school and learn. The sitting POTUS has his business interests in a blind trust and he is completely isolated from them. You resemble your last sentence.
“Prominent Republican lawmakers and conservative think tanks have proposed cuts and other harmful policy changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that could gain traction in Congress this year. These changes would cut food assistance across the U.S., making it harder for millions of people to buy the groceries they need to eat a healthy diet.”

Why are able-bodied people without dependents on subsidies? I’m not even sure why having dependents is an issue. Most people with kids work everyday. Yet it’s a big “mystery” why there are different outcomes for some people in this country.

The majority of folks on SNAP are children and the elderly.
You're going to get a rude awakening when this idiot you elected destroys our country with his "All-Star" team of clowns. He's going to destroy all of us, while he and his wealthy cronies are safe in their well-stocked, luxurious bunkers, you and I are going to be reduced to glowing dust blowing in the wind.

Do you remember when Trump destroyed all of us during his first term? That was so scary!
There is a great quote about the effect of government “charity”. For the life of me I can’t find it but to paraphrase, it says when government is involved in charity the person receiving becomes entitled and the person giving (the tax payer) begins to feel like they are being cheated. However, when individuals do charity the person receiving feels thankful and the person giving feels appreciated.

In this short clip Thomas Sowell touches on another aspect of government subsidies. These government agencies have their own interest in not solving these issues. These problems are the rational for the agency’s funding. I have heard the same thing about the homeless issue in liberal cities. These cities dump millions into their homeless issue. But if these well funded government agencies were to solve the issue of homelessness, that money would dry up and they would be out of jobs.

In my Dem run shithole they buy cases of water...pour out all the water...turn in the bottles for the bottle deposit and buy drugs with the money.
Where do they get the money to buy cases of water in the first place? You’re not saying that taxpayers are providing food stamps for bottled water when there’s free water from the tap, I hope.

With Trump at the helm, we're more likely to go to war with China.

Below is a selection of publicly known analysts, publications, and commentary suggesting that a military conflict with China or Russia is a significant risk—possibly even likely—before 2030.

1. Admiral Philip S. Davidson’s 2021 Testimony Before the Senate Armed Services Committee​

  • Who: Admiral Philip Davidson served as the Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM).
  • Key Statement: In a March 2021 Senate hearing, Admiral Davidson warned of a potential Chinese military move against Taiwan within the next six years (i.e., by 2027).
  • Representative Quote:
    " I think the threat is manifest during this decade, in fact in the next six years.”
Link (U.S. Senate testimony transcript):
  • Armed Services Committee Hearing (March 9, 2021)

2. General Mike Minihan’s 2023 Memo on Potential Conflict by 2025​

  • Who: General Mike Minihan is a four-star general in the U.S. Air Force and head of Air Mobility Command.
  • Key Statement: In January 2023, a leaked memo from Gen. Minihan predicted that the United States would likely be at war with China in about two years.
  • Representative Quote:
    “My gut tells me we will fight in 2025… I hope I am wrong. My intent is to push us to go faster, sharpen our readiness, and integrate for a fight that is inevitable.”
    (As reported in multiple news outlets; phrasing may vary slightly depending on the source.)
Links (News Coverage):
  • NBC News coverage of Minihan memo

3. Hal Brands and Michael Beckley – Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China (2022)​

  • About the authors:
    • Hal Brands is a professor of Global Affairs at Johns Hopkins SAIS and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
    • Michael Beckley is an associate professor at Tufts University and also a fellow at AEI.
  • Representative Quote:
    “A great power that senses both opportunities and intensifying dangers can become especially reckless… The 2020s could be the most perilous decade for Sino-American relations.”
    (Approximate paraphrase from the early chapters focusing on “peak China.”)

4. RAND Corporation – War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable (2016)​

  • About the Study: This RAND report (by David C. Gompert, Astrid Stuth Cevallos, and Cristina L. Garafola) examines scenarios for a hypothetical U.S.-China war.
  • Representative Quote:
    “China’s growing military capabilities increase the possibility of escalation in the Western Pacific… Regardless of how a war would begin, once started, it could become intense and protracted.”
    (From the Executive Summary.)
  • RAND report PDF

5. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) / Various Think Tank Briefs​

Some annual risk assessments by organizations like the Economist Intelligence Unit, Atlantic Council, and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) also highlight the potential for conflict escalation involving China or Russia:

  • Atlantic Council: Has published multiple policy briefs on Great Power Conflict scenarios, suggesting that the U.S. and China could face a “dangerous decade” ahead if tensions remain high over Taiwan and the South China Sea, and if Russia’s confrontational posture in Eastern Europe persists or expands.
  • Representative Statement (Atlantic Council, Global Risks 2035):
    “The risk of direct conflict between the world’s major powers has risen to levels not seen since the height of the Cold War.”
  • IISS “Military Balance” Reports: Annually assess global military capabilities and highlight intensifying U.S.-China and NATO-Russia rivalries, though not always with a definitive “likely war” statement.

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