Republicanism and Christianity


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
You can't be a republican and a Christian ?
First of all, whether or not you agree with their opinion has nothing to do with whether or not they are Christian.
They are Christian if they believe that Jesus died for their sins on the cross, that's it.

People who hate religion, often scream and yell that the Roman Empire supposedly fell because of Christianity... which isn't true... but lets just say for instance that it is.
Lets say its true just for this argument.

Humanity should be glad that Christianity felled the roman empire, it felled the roman empire, because the thought patterns that made the roman empire was changing, and those thought patterns, while still evil because of the times in human urban history...

Was also a lesser evil, than the level of evil that is vital to maintaining such a political map in the first place.
None of those places were nice places, not a single one of them.

The Roman Empire ran on evils almost beyond any modern western comprehension.... there were more people in the holocaust.... but percentage wise.. it pales in comparison.

The Roman empire, because its time... had all the evils that man could possibly have.

It had slavery and they killed those slaves in ways that very few modern murderers have yet thought of.
They used human death for entertainment every which way possible.
They had, and followed absolutely none of the rules of warfare that we have today.

They almost surely lived a bad life with other people through victimization, criminal behavior (whether it was legal or not) ..and anger.

Being the most ancient westernized union establishment, they used and abused women.

Death sentences were given out like 30 day sentences are today.... for things which are not even crimes today.
Back then, a crime was anything that challenged the government, and not necessarily victimizes somebody else or causes a disturbance or a nuisance or an ethical problem, or corruption.

So guess what ?

Christianity could have been a factor in its decline because you had to be evil to maintain it.
Christianity was an improvement back then, whether or not you see that by today's standards isn't the question.

And it also served as improvements in American thinking as well.
You can't be a republican and a Christian ?
First of all, whether or not you agree with their opinion has nothing to do with whether or not they are Christian.
They are Christian if they believe that Jesus died for their sins on the cross, that's it.

People who hate religion, often scream and yell that the Roman Empire supposedly fell because of Christianity... which isn't true... but lets just say for instance that it is.
Lets say its true just for this argument.

Humanity should be glad that Christianity felled the roman empire, it felled the roman empire, because the thought patterns that made the roman empire was changing, and those thought patterns, while still evil because of the times in human urban history...

Was also a lesser evil, than the level of evil that is vital to maintaining such a political map in the first place.
None of those places were nice places, not a single one of them.

The Roman Empire ran on evils almost beyond any modern western comprehension.... there were more people in the holocaust.... but percentage wise.. it pales in comparison.

The Roman empire, because its time... had all the evils that man could possibly have.

It had slavery and they killed those slaves in ways that very few modern murderers have yet thought of.
They used human death for entertainment every which way possible.
They had, and followed absolutely none of the rules of warfare that we have today.

They almost surely lived a bad life with other people through victimization, criminal behavior (whether it was legal or not) ..and anger.

Being the most ancient westernized union establishment, they used and abused women.

Death sentences were given out like 30 day sentences are today.... for things which are not even crimes today.
Back then, a crime was anything that challenged the government, and not necessarily victimizes somebody else or causes a disturbance or a nuisance or an ethical problem, or corruption.

So guess what ?

Christianity could have been a factor in its decline because you had to be evil to maintain it.
Christianity was an improvement back then, whether or not you see that by today's standards isn't the question.

And it also served as improvements in American thinking as well.

Loved the links.
You can't be a republican and a Christian ?
First of all, whether or not you agree with their opinion has nothing to do with whether or not they are Christian.
They are Christian if they believe that Jesus died for their sins on the cross, that's it.

People who hate religion, often scream and yell that the Roman Empire supposedly fell because of Christianity... which isn't true... but lets just say for instance that it is.
Lets say its true just for this argument.

Humanity should be glad that Christianity felled the roman empire, it felled the roman empire, because the thought patterns that made the roman empire was changing, and those thought patterns, while still evil because of the times in human urban history...

Was also a lesser evil, than the level of evil that is vital to maintaining such a political map in the first place.
None of those places were nice places, not a single one of them.

The Roman Empire ran on evils almost beyond any modern western comprehension.... there were more people in the holocaust.... but percentage wise.. it pales in comparison.

The Roman empire, because its time... had all the evils that man could possibly have.

It had slavery and they killed those slaves in ways that very few modern murderers have yet thought of.
They used human death for entertainment every which way possible.
They had, and followed absolutely none of the rules of warfare that we have today.

They almost surely lived a bad life with other people through victimization, criminal behavior (whether it was legal or not) ..and anger.

Being the most ancient westernized union establishment, they used and abused women.

Death sentences were given out like 30 day sentences are today.... for things which are not even crimes today.
Back then, a crime was anything that challenged the government, and not necessarily victimizes somebody else or causes a disturbance or a nuisance or an ethical problem, or corruption.

So guess what ?

Christianity could have been a factor in its decline because you had to be evil to maintain it.
Christianity was an improvement back then, whether or not you see that by today's standards isn't the question.
Emperor Constantine used his new religion of Catholicism to unite people under an equally brutal regime which continued for over a thousand years with the papacy.

Now, the origins of Christianity were actually quite benign, the church of Christ in ancient Rome consisted of followers who tried to live like Jesus, they gave away possessions, lived in poverty and helped the poor and downtrodden in the Roman empire while spreading the message of Jesus Christ, while seen as an oddity and a cult in those times, their message was often well received (the Roman gods and their religion were hardly benign) as the church of Christ gained in popularity Constantine sought to use its influence with common people to create his own empire out of the decaying Roman empire. By creating some alterations and including some tales from neighboring tribal religions, he used what was a message of peace and tolerance to unite a land beneath him and begin years of bloody wars.

So, while the church of Christ was actually in my humble opinion, one of the kindest, for the people religions, it was perverted into an instrument for perpetual warfare and indoctrination.
Christianity was an improvement back then, whether or not you see that by today's standards isn't the question.

And it also served as improvements in American thinking as well.

Yeah that pre-Christian American thinking be like, stoopid.

Linear time: it's not just a good idea --- IT'S THE LAW.

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