Republicans are quietly deleting mentions of abortion from their websites. We asked them why


The left just hates women. Children too.

In fact, the left hates everyone.


But they've managed to institutionalize their hatred for women and children, and made it a part of their political platform.

Aren't they a bunch of smart fuckers? If we tried to pull off a trick like that, we'd never hear the end of it. :laughing0301:
I get that you convinced yourself that turning a preborn baby into hamburger isn't a problem, but for nearly half the country, IT IS MURDER. Thank God we have many with the integrity to say so out loud.

You're not among them
OK, fair enough.....Still does not change the fact that abortion is a millstone around the gop's neck.

What gets me is good folks like you want to keep it there when the notion of the utility of abortion is a accepted fact by 60+% of everywhere the people are given a vote on it.
‘Texas Republican Rep. Monica De La Cruz recently deleted mentions of her pro-life stance on her website, The Daily Beast reported earlier this month. “Monica believes in finding common ground on this issue. This includes protecting sensible exceptions for women in heartbreaking situations and improving access to prenatal care,” her campaign manager Andrew Baughman told The Independent in a statement.

She’s not alone. The Independent found three other Congressional Republicans who removed all vestiges of their once-vocal pro-life stance, eliminating terms like “abortion” or “pro-life” or “protecting the unborn” from their re-election campaign websites.

Take Ohio Rep. Troy Balderson, for example. In 2022, his campaign website listed a “Faith and Values” section, under which read: “As a Christian, Troy believes life begins at conception and is 100% pro-life, and it’s why Ohio Right to Life PAC has endorsed his campaign.” But his 2024 website makes no reference to his stance at all; the entire section was deleted. His 2022 official House website also read: “As a principled conservative, Troy supports protecting life”— but that sentence no longer appears on his current page.


The 2024 campaign website for Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer also no longer mentions the anti-abortion stance that was listed on her previous website. Chavez-DeRemer’s site said in 2022 that she “won’t stand” for “abortion on demand.” The claim was prominently displayed.’

Political cowards and hypocrites who clearly understand that opposing a woman’s right to privacy and reproductive autonomy is a losing issue, and don’t have the courage to admit it.
Eh, as long as Democrats profit from abortion and especially in your case the further exterminations of the Black race you have nothing to worry about oddly enough... just keep voting Democrat and denying your race and soul.
I hope palookas like JGalt, Lord Long Rod, airplanemechanic and Lastamender run to their candidates and demand they put back abortion on their websites and run on making it illegal.

It's supposedly a winning issue for them, they should be saying it w/their chests!
Abortion is not the huge issue with voters you are trying to make it out to be. And abortion is legal.
Abortion is not the huge issue with voters you are trying to make it out to be. And abortion is legal.
You piss aunts are the only MFers who spew the word "abortion" every other sentence.

Snap out of your funk!

They don't bring it up. Democrats consider it a winning issue and the media pushes a response from Republicans. Should they give up principle to win an election?
No....What they need to do is stop answering the loaded questions based upon absurd presuppositions.
Liberals, not the left.
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. Wikipedia
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  • National
  • Paternalistic
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