Republicans Aren't Starting Off Well After Winning The Elections!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
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The current and new Republican leadership in Washington really seems to be dropping the ball! The Republican House is poised to release the ethics report on former Congressman Matt Gaetz. While a Congressman Matt Gaetz disgraced himself and his office on a grand scale with his sexual and drug use antics but it still does not justify releasing the ethics there is a super important institutional safeguard for the House of Representatives that House leadership is about to destroy with this ethics report release. There is a very important principle at play here that being when a member of the House resigns or leaves office the Ethics committee stops its work on that respective representative if it had an outstanding investigation proceeding on that person the logic being since that person is no longer a member of the body of the House there is no reason to make any type of ruling on ethics violations for past conduct the person is no longer a member of your chamber of Congress. This principle this rule holds great value for the House of Representative because it creates a strong incentive for members of Congress that committed an ethical wrongdoing that will cause a big public controversy and be detrimental to the work of the House to leave office so the ethics investigation will be stopped and that person's reputation will not be harmed by an ethics report release. This principle this rule get's rid of problem members for the House Chamber allowing the Chamber to more effectively function. This ethics report release on Gaetz will go a long way to nullifying or voiding this rule that resignations or leaving the House stops an ongoing ethics probe for a member. Payback against Gaetz for embarrassing House Republicans with his prior effort removing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House doesn't override the importance of the rule and neither does criticism from the media over not releasing the report or to stop a future run for Governor of Florida by Gaetz; Florida has a lot of Senior citizen retirees who don't need an ethics report to learn of Gaetz extremely immoral behavior at issue and for this group this is an election race killer, Florida Republican aren't going to run this toxic candidate!

Why did Congressional Republican leadership agree to this Continuing Resolution to continue to fund the government that is a Christmas tree for the Democrats you have Democrat leader Senator Chuck Schumer on the Senate Floor celebrating all the social program spending in the bill. I wouldn't criticize the Republicans leadership here if they got a big take away in this bill that will bolster their reputation for the next election but they didn't. Republican leadership needs to use their brains a big reason why the American people gave the reins of power in Washington to the Republicans is because they want the flood of illegal immigrants into America stopped and the existing problem remedied. President Elect Donald Trump is planning mass deportations to deliver on this promise to the American people and deporting a million to a million and a half illegal immigrants per year is not unreasonable or going over board because six plus million came in during the last four years during the Biden administration. This is big hangup in President Trump's plan he is going to need a lot of money to do this for agents to arrest the illegal immigrants and hearing officer to hear their legal rights etc.. Current Republican leadership since there was no clean CR slated for the deal should have demanded deportation monies. Because the only guarantee for President Trump to get the money he needs for his deportation plan is the reconciliation bill where he extends the 2017 tax cuts and that bill doesn't have a real chance of passage until the end of 2025 because there is going to be a lot of cutting and adjustments to the tax code to pay for the tax cut extensions and anyone that has a competent knowledge of the machinations of Congress and is candid knows that there will need to be a lot of hard negotiations with such a bill. President Trump will really be hurt if he has to wait until 2026 to get his robust deportation program for illegal immigrants up and running!

President Trump desperately needs to make some personal corrections in this life meaning he desperately needs to get some wise advisors to advise him and not become unhinged and send them to the guillotine when they tell him things he doesn't want to hear. President Trump is wrong to call for the current CR to raise the debt ceiling so he does not have to deal with the issue over the next two years. President Trump if you are only able to learn one thing from now until the end of 2028 let it be this America is dangerously close to a sovereign debt crisis like the country of Greece had in 2009 and if this happens the American economy will be indefinitely saddled with painful growth suppressing high interest rates and unless the Federal Reserve Bank steps in like their Johnny-on-the-Spot buying treasuries the world's bond and stock markets will collapse. The lesson here President Trump is that you cannot significantly increase our nation's current sky high yearly budget deficits, you do and sovereign debt investors will be charging you double digit interest rates for Treasury bonds meaning catastrophic debt crisis. To spell it out for you President Trump the reconciliation bill cannot significantly increase America's yearly budget deficit in other words President Trump you have no choice in the matter for your second term you are on the side of House Republicans the nation describes as Budget Hawks and to set the needed tempo in the bill you push next year to raise the nation's debt limit you are going to need to put terms in it that prevents Washington from spending or cutting taxes in a manner that significantly increases yearly budget deficits. President Trump don't forget this rule until January 20th 2029 that the Second Trump Administration' fate its success rests on not significantly increasing the nation's yearly budget deficit!

One aside note the America public hears House and Senate leadership talk about as soon as they begin next year's Congress they are going to put together a great immigration bill and enact that into law and solve the illegal immigration problem for the American People. Let me turn the lights on for the American people if they need it, House and Senate Republicans are passing nothing on immigration next Congress because Republicans need sixty Senators to vote for the bill to get it through the Senate because of the filibuster rule and there will only be fifty-three Republicans in the Senate so they will need Democrat Senators to sign on to the bill and it ain't happening no way on God's green earth because the bill will look a lot like the House's current immigration bill passed this term and that bill is too onerous and unfair toward asylum claims toward the standard of what qualifies as persecution or fear of persecution to qualify for asylum!

America's recent news history indicates again that the American media needs a come to Jesus moment and stop being at their essence sellers of advertisement and get back to their roots and being good journalists that serve, bolster and work for a good America and world! It is an abject media failure that they did not know and report that over a month ago the House Ethics Committee voted to release the ethics report on Congressman Gaetz. Further, why does it take as late as two days before a government shut down that the American public learns that the CR is a Christmas tree that has things like a four percent pay raise for members of Congress, America's media really sucks these days (I am not against this cost of living raise for Congress but if the CR is not going to be a clean CR lets make sure the additions are what America needs as priority in this nation's budgetary bill!)!

Better than doing this again...and again...
The current and new Republican leadership in Washington really seems to be dropping the ball! The Republican House is poised to release the ethics report on former Congressman Matt Gaetz. While a Congressman Matt Gaetz disgraced himself and his office on a grand scale with his sexual and drug use antics but it still does not justify releasing the ethics there is a super important institutional safeguard for the House of Representatives that House leadership is about to destroy with this ethics report release. There is a very important principle at play here that being when a member of the House resigns or leaves office the Ethics committee stops its work on that respective representative if it had an outstanding investigation proceeding on that person the logic being since that person is no longer a member of the body of the House there is no reason to make any type of ruling on ethics violations for past conduct the person is no longer a member of your chamber of Congress. This principle this rule holds great value for the House of Representative because it creates a strong incentive for members of Congress that committed an ethical wrongdoing that will cause a big public controversy and be detrimental to the work of the House to leave office so the ethics investigation will be stopped and that person's reputation will not be harmed by an ethics report release. This principle this rule get's rid of problem members for the House Chamber allowing the Chamber to more effectively function. This ethics report release on Gaetz will go a long way to nullifying or voiding this rule that resignations or leaving the House stops an ongoing ethics probe for a member. Payback against Gaetz for embarrassing House Republicans with his prior effort removing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House doesn't override the importance of the rule and neither does criticism from the media over not releasing the report or to stop a future run for Governor of Florida by Gaetz; Florida has a lot of Senior citizen retirees who don't need an ethics report to learn of Gaetz extremely immoral behavior at issue and for this group this is an election race killer, Florida Republican aren't going to run this toxic candidate!

Why did Congressional Republican leadership agree to this Continuing Resolution to continue to fund the government that is a Christmas tree for the Democrats you have Democrat leader Senator Chuck Schumer on the Senate Floor celebrating all the social program spending in the bill. I wouldn't criticize the Republicans leadership here if they got a big take away in this bill that will bolster their reputation for the next election but they didn't. Republican leadership needs to use their brains a big reason why the American people gave the reins of power in Washington to the Republicans is because they want the flood of illegal immigrants into America stopped and the existing problem remedied. President Elect Donald Trump is planning mass deportations to deliver on this promise to the American people and deporting a million to a million and a half illegal immigrants per year is not unreasonable or going over board because six plus million came in during the last four years during the Biden administration. This is big hangup in President Trump's plan he is going to need a lot of money to do this for agents to arrest the illegal immigrants and hearing officer to hear their legal rights etc.. Current Republican leadership since there was no clean CR slated for the deal should have demanded deportation monies. Because the only guarantee for President Trump to get the money he needs for his deportation plan is the reconciliation bill where he extends the 2017 tax cuts and that bill doesn't have a real chance of passage until the end of 2025 because there is going to be a lot of cutting and adjustments to the tax code to pay for the tax cut extensions and anyone that has a competent knowledge of the machinations of Congress and is candid knows that there will need to be a lot of hard negotiations with such a bill. President Trump will really be hurt if he has to wait until 2026 to get his robust deportation program for illegal immigrants up and running!

President Trump desperately needs to make some personal corrections in this life meaning he desperately needs to get some wise advisors to advise him and not become unhinged and send them to the guillotine when they tell him things he doesn't want to hear. President Trump is wrong to call for the current CR to raise the debt ceiling so he does not have to deal with the issue over the next two years. President Trump if you are only able to learn one thing from now until the end of 2028 let it be this America is dangerously close to a sovereign debt crisis like the country of Greece had in 2009 and if this happens the American economy will be indefinitely saddled with painful growth suppressing high interest rates and unless the Federal Reserve Bank steps in like their Johnny-on-the-Spot buying treasuries the world's bond and stock markets will collapse. The lesson here President Trump is that you cannot significantly increase our nation's current sky high yearly budget deficits, you do and sovereign debt investors will be charging you double digit interest rates for Treasury bonds meaning catastrophic debt crisis. To spell it out for you President Trump the reconciliation bill cannot significantly increase America's yearly budget deficit in other words President Trump you have no choice in the matter for your second term you are on the side of House Republicans the nation describes as Budget Hawks and to set the needed tempo in the bill you push next year to raise the nation's debt limit you are going to need to put terms in it that prevents Washington from spending or cutting taxes in a manner that significantly increases yearly budget deficits. President Trump don't forget this rule until January 20th 2029 that the Second Trump Administration' fate its success rests on not significantly increasing the nation's yearly budget deficit!

One aside note the America public hears House and Senate leadership talk about as soon as they begin next year's Congress they are going to put together a great immigration bill and enact that into law and solve the illegal immigration problem for the American People. Let me turn the lights on for the American people if they need it, House and Senate Republicans are passing nothing on immigration next Congress because Republicans need sixty Senators to vote for the bill to get it through the Senate because of the filibuster rule and there will only be fifty-three Republicans in the Senate so they will need Democrat Senators to sign on to the bill and it ain't happening no way on God's green earth because the bill will look a lot like the House's current immigration bill passed this term and that bill is too onerous and unfair toward asylum claims toward the standard of what qualifies as persecution or fear of persecution to qualify for asylum!

America's recent news history indicates again that the American media needs a come to Jesus moment and stop being at their essence sellers of advertisement and get back to their roots and being good journalists that serve, bolster and work for a good America and world! It is an abject media failure that they did not know and report that over a month ago the House Ethics Committee voted to release the ethics report on Congressman Gaetz. Further, why does it take as late as two days before a government shut down that the American public learns that the CR is a Christmas tree that has things like a four percent pay raise for members of Congress, America's media really sucks these days (I am not against this cost of living raise for Congress but if the CR is not going to be a clean CR lets make sure the additions are what America needs as priority in this nation's budgetary bill!)!
What is all this shit?
View attachment 1055439]

Better than doing this again...and again...
Fool, we live in a system where it takes money to get things done. Now you need to quit suggesting ways to destroy America from your house in Canada.

Besides, trump is the one who set spending records, and his deportation plan is going to be a huge spend.
The current and new Republican leadership in Washington really seems to be dropping the ball! The Republican House is poised to release the ethics report on former Congressman Matt Gaetz. While a Congressman Matt Gaetz disgraced himself and his office on a grand scale with his sexual and drug use antics but it still does not justify releasing the ethics there is a super important institutional safeguard for the House of Representatives that House leadership is about to destroy with this ethics report release. There is a very important principle at play here that being when a member of the House resigns or leaves office the Ethics committee stops its work on that respective representative if it had an outstanding investigation proceeding on that person the logic being since that person is no longer a member of the body of the House there is no reason to make any type of ruling on ethics violations for past conduct the person is no longer a member of your chamber of Congress. This principle this rule holds great value for the House of Representative because it creates a strong incentive for members of Congress that committed an ethical wrongdoing that will cause a big public controversy and be detrimental to the work of the House to leave office so the ethics investigation will be stopped and that person's reputation will not be harmed by an ethics report release. This principle this rule get's rid of problem members for the House Chamber allowing the Chamber to more effectively function. This ethics report release on Gaetz will go a long way to nullifying or voiding this rule that resignations or leaving the House stops an ongoing ethics probe for a member. Payback against Gaetz for embarrassing House Republicans with his prior effort removing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House doesn't override the importance of the rule and neither does criticism from the media over not releasing the report or to stop a future run for Governor of Florida by Gaetz; Florida has a lot of Senior citizen retirees who don't need an ethics report to learn of Gaetz extremely immoral behavior at issue and for this group this is an election race killer, Florida Republican aren't going to run this toxic candidate!

Why did Congressional Republican leadership agree to this Continuing Resolution to continue to fund the government that is a Christmas tree for the Democrats you have Democrat leader Senator Chuck Schumer on the Senate Floor celebrating all the social program spending in the bill. I wouldn't criticize the Republicans leadership here if they got a big take away in this bill that will bolster their reputation for the next election but they didn't. Republican leadership needs to use their brains a big reason why the American people gave the reins of power in Washington to the Republicans is because they want the flood of illegal immigrants into America stopped and the existing problem remedied. President Elect Donald Trump is planning mass deportations to deliver on this promise to the American people and deporting a million to a million and a half illegal immigrants per year is not unreasonable or going over board because six plus million came in during the last four years during the Biden administration. This is big hangup in President Trump's plan he is going to need a lot of money to do this for agents to arrest the illegal immigrants and hearing officer to hear their legal rights etc.. Current Republican leadership since there was no clean CR slated for the deal should have demanded deportation monies. Because the only guarantee for President Trump to get the money he needs for his deportation plan is the reconciliation bill where he extends the 2017 tax cuts and that bill doesn't have a real chance of passage until the end of 2025 because there is going to be a lot of cutting and adjustments to the tax code to pay for the tax cut extensions and anyone that has a competent knowledge of the machinations of Congress and is candid knows that there will need to be a lot of hard negotiations with such a bill. President Trump will really be hurt if he has to wait until 2026 to get his robust deportation program for illegal immigrants up and running!

President Trump desperately needs to make some personal corrections in this life meaning he desperately needs to get some wise advisors to advise him and not become unhinged and send them to the guillotine when they tell him things he doesn't want to hear. President Trump is wrong to call for the current CR to raise the debt ceiling so he does not have to deal with the issue over the next two years. President Trump if you are only able to learn one thing from now until the end of 2028 let it be this America is dangerously close to a sovereign debt crisis like the country of Greece had in 2009 and if this happens the American economy will be indefinitely saddled with painful growth suppressing high interest rates and unless the Federal Reserve Bank steps in like their Johnny-on-the-Spot buying treasuries the world's bond and stock markets will collapse. The lesson here President Trump is that you cannot significantly increase our nation's current sky high yearly budget deficits, you do and sovereign debt investors will be charging you double digit interest rates for Treasury bonds meaning catastrophic debt crisis. To spell it out for you President Trump the reconciliation bill cannot significantly increase America's yearly budget deficit in other words President Trump you have no choice in the matter for your second term you are on the side of House Republicans the nation describes as Budget Hawks and to set the needed tempo in the bill you push next year to raise the nation's debt limit you are going to need to put terms in it that prevents Washington from spending or cutting taxes in a manner that significantly increases yearly budget deficits. President Trump don't forget this rule until January 20th 2029 that the Second Trump Administration' fate its success rests on not significantly increasing the nation's yearly budget deficit!

One aside note the America public hears House and Senate leadership talk about as soon as they begin next year's Congress they are going to put together a great immigration bill and enact that into law and solve the illegal immigration problem for the American People. Let me turn the lights on for the American people if they need it, House and Senate Republicans are passing nothing on immigration next Congress because Republicans need sixty Senators to vote for the bill to get it through the Senate because of the filibuster rule and there will only be fifty-three Republicans in the Senate so they will need Democrat Senators to sign on to the bill and it ain't happening no way on God's green earth because the bill will look a lot like the House's current immigration bill passed this term and that bill is too onerous and unfair toward asylum claims toward the standard of what qualifies as persecution or fear of persecution to qualify for asylum!

America's recent news history indicates again that the American media needs a come to Jesus moment and stop being at their essence sellers of advertisement and get back to their roots and being good journalists that serve, bolster and work for a good America and world! It is an abject media failure that they did not know and report that over a month ago the House Ethics Committee voted to release the ethics report on Congressman Gaetz. Further, why does it take as late as two days before a government shut down that the American public learns that the CR is a Christmas tree that has things like a four percent pay raise for members of Congress, America's media really sucks these days (I am not against this cost of living raise for Congress but if the CR is not going to be a clean CR lets make sure the additions are what America needs as priority in this nation's budgetary bill!)!
Releasing the ethics report is OK, and a step toward cleaning their house for the good of the country. Otherwise, it would be an open door for the bad actor to get out of Congress to take a different job in government, like a bad cop leaving to take another job as a cop without his real record following him, so people knew who they were dealing with. Moral ethical behavior is important as a leadership trait, in supposed public service.
Fool, we live in a system where it takes money to get things done. Now you need to quit suggesting ways to destroy America from your house in Canada.

Besides, trump is the one who set spending records, and his deportation plan is going to be a huge spend.

You spend $150B a YEAR in illegal immigration costs. This doesn't even take into account the amount of cash sent out of the country and back home to Mexico etc.

Wake up, you are being invaded by terrorists, human traffickers, poison pushers, spies and yes, those looking to illegally take jobs from Americans even if I don't fault them for wanting to do so.

Republicans Aren't Starting Off Well After Winning The Elections!​

You really didn't expect them to! They impeached Trump in 6 days for holding a rally in DC. For four years, the GOP could have impeached Biden for a DOZEN things.

The Republican House is poised to release the ethics report on former Congressman Matt Gaetz.
That should really help his new TV career. Anything they do to embarrass Gaetz just comes back to indirectly embarrass both themselves and Trump.

Why did Congressional Republican leadership agree to this Continuing Resolution to continue to fund the government that is a Christmas tree for the Democrats
Because Mike Johnson is a horse's ass.
You spend $150B a YEAR in illegal immigration costs. This doesn't even take into account the amount of cash sent out of the country and back home to Mexico etc.

Wake up, you are being invaded by terrorists, human traffickers, poison pushers, spies and yes, those looking to illegally take jobs from Americans even if I don't fault them for wanting to do so.
Understand this idiot, your numbers are bs. Illegal immigrants alone provide 100 billion in taxes to this country. I don't have to wake up or be told to wake up by some schmo whose ass doesn't even live here. Our greatest threat is homegrown terrorists and the motherfucker you are in love with is working with such terrorists to run this country. So again, you have a big mouth and no clue. So move here or shut the fuck up.
GOP looks uncoordinated. Some muscle lacking balance.
The current and new Republican leadership in Washington really seems to be dropping the ball! The Republican House is poised to release the ethics report on former Congressman Matt Gaetz
The >>>>SECRETIVE<<<<< Ethics Committee has ALLEGEDLY decided to release the Matt Gaetz' report and that 's important to you because .....?

The WEAPONIZED BuyTHem DOJ refused to charge Gaetz with any offense and that is telling.

Of course , those who oppose Matt Gaetz will find allegations and facts are intertwined in their world
While a Congressman Matt Gaetz disgraced himself and his office on a grand scale with his sexual and drug use antics but it still does not justify releasing the ethics there is a super important institutional safeguard for the House of Representatives that House leadership is about to destroy with this ethics report release.

While the committee’s final decision remains unclear, there is no official rule barring the release of an ethics report on a member that has resigned. Previously, the committee publicized reports on former representative William Boner in 1987, as well as Representative Donald Lukens in 1990. It’s also possible that the report will be leaked if the committee decides not to release it.
The >>>>SECRETIVE<<<<< Ethics Committee has ALLEGEDLY decided to release the Matt Gaetz' report and that 's important to you because .....?

The WEAPONIZED BuyTHem DOJ refused to charge Gaetz with any offense and that is telling.

Of course , those who oppose Matt Gaetz will find allegations and facts are intertwined in their world

Those supporting Gaetz will have to admit what a criminal sleaze he is. Just walk away from him.
LMAO most hilarious thread title this week. Stomping the shit out of Democrats in an historic ass whooping isn't starting off well? You realize none of the winners are even sworn in yet right. :itsok:
A less than 50% popularity vote and a two seat House majority is not stomping anyone.
Those supporting Gaetz will have to admit what a criminal sleaze he is. Just walk away from him.
But those supporting Joe BuyThem are somehow exempted from admitting what a criminal sleaze Joe BuyThem is even when his own daughter Ashley accused him of molesting her.

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