Republicans Can Win Elections. But They Can’t Govern


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“A bipartisan group presented a [DACA] plan that would have given immigration hard-liners several concessions in return for a dreamers fix. Yet, Mr. Trump betrayed his promise, suddenly siding with the hard-liners who demanded a long list of policy changes in return for extending dreamer protections.

The House offered to extend CHIP funding for six years. But as it became clearer that Democrats were serious about holding up government funding until Congress finally addressed both the dreamers and CHIP, Mr. Trump should have bargained. Instead, even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) complained that the president’s position was unclear. Just hours before federal funding expired, Marc Short, Mr. Trump’s legislative director, insisted that the White House had already offered its plan — which was no compromise at all. In other words, the hard-liners were in control and the president would not compromise — despite his past insistence that he wanted a bipartisan bill to sign.

If GOP leaders had allowed the majority of Congress to work its will, the shutdown might have been avoided. If, when that did not happen, the president had negotiated in good faith, the government would still be open. Forcing a shutdown is a drastic legislative act that should not be welcomed. But neither should Republicans’ unreason and inconsistency. This is no way to run a country.”

Opinion | Republicans can win elections. But they can’t govern.

In addition to being incapable of governing, Republicans represent minority government, at odds with – and in no way representative of – the majority of the American people.
Typically representatives are elected in government. Currently we have a majority in the Senate and House, along with the President. It seems Democrats refuse to be governed. Ignoring laws, being irresponsible and harming your country can only happen in a tolerant nation such as the US.
FECK 'caca daca' ------------ and BS on the rest of your post Clayton . Anyway , looks like The TRUMP is working for ME , my kids and other Americans . My interpretation of what TRUMP said at that televised meeting was simply that he was BAITING you people and your 'durbin' , schumer and other ilk like 'linsey grahamnesty' . Nothing TRUMP ever says as he negotiates means anything until it is in official language on paper and is then signed into LAW by President Trump , Clayton .
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FECK 'caca daca' ------------ and BS on the rest of your post Clayton . Anyway , looks like The TRUMP is working for ME , my kids and other Americans . My interpretation of what TRUMP said at that televised meeting was simply that he was BAITING you people and your 'durbin' , schumer and other ilk like 'linsey grahamnesty' . Nothing TRUMP ever says as he negotiates means anything until it is in official language on paper and is then signed into LAW by President Trump Clayton .

Clayton is changing his first name to Trump? That will be the day....

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