Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

The article written is from 1993.

The same regulations are not evern in place.

Why are the corporations sitting on mountains of cash if the regulations are so onerous?
The heritage foundation is a fucking right wing think tank.

They Lie for political purposes.

They are NOT a trustable source of information.

If their numbers are correct you can produce them from somewhere else more reputable.

So do Media Matters, but you seem absolutely fine with them.

You just never see your own hypocrisy, do ya?

Poor analogy. Media Matters isn't a "think tank". All they do is post actual audio of the lies spread by the corporate media...with emphasis on Faux News.

The Center for American Progress would be a better comparison.

The fact finding in Heritage Foundation studies has been found suspect before. They don't have the best record for accuracy. (Not to mention they put the Inc. in ThInck Tank...)

First Read - Calling out Media Matters' bias
So do Media Matters, but you seem absolutely fine with them.

You just never see your own hypocrisy, do ya?

Poor analogy. Media Matters isn't a "think tank". All they do is post actual audio of the lies spread by the corporate media...with emphasis on Faux News.

The Center for American Progress would be a better comparison.

The fact finding in Heritage Foundation studies has been found suspect before. They don't have the best record for accuracy. (Not to mention they put the Inc. in ThInck Tank...)

First Read - Calling out Media Matters' bias

And? When did they (or anyone else for that matter) ever claim they weren't biased? They still source their facts and do nothing more than post the actual audio of the lies touted by right wing talking heads.
Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

There are no republican ‘efforts’ to keep the economy down – but they do cheer, quietly, privately, with each bit of poor economic news. They hope the economy continues to struggle, for perceived political gain, although it means continued hardship for millions of Americans.
I have never voted for a republican for anything higher than city council.

So, in effect what you're saying here is either,

A) You only care about issues on the local level when deciding who to vote for, and on the county, state and national level you don't care, as long as they're a Dem.


B) You're deliberately trying to undermine your local city council by voting in those you don't agree with.
Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

There are no republican ‘efforts’ to keep the economy down – but they do cheer, quietly, privately, with each bit of poor economic news. They hope the economy continues to struggle, for perceived political gain, although it means continued hardship for millions of Americans.

Are you suggesting they are acting like democrats did to retake the house in 06 and the white house in 08.

That drum was banged to loudly for denial.
You people really dont care about the country do you ?

Consumer confidence is critical at this momment in a recovery.

You are either on the side of American recovery or you are on the republican side.

You cant be both.

Its either trash the economy to win the next election or help the country.

We all know what it is you will do.

Which side is Barack Obama on? Seriously. He came into office facing a severe recession with millions of people out of work. What did he do? He decided to put everything else on a back burner while he used the super majorities he had in the House and Senate to push through the progressive "holy grail" Obama Care. He also used a trillion dollar "stimulus" to fund a smorgasbord of liberal pork that grew government and nothing else. It wasn't until the mid term elections that saw Democrats take a beating at the polls that he suddenly woke up and realized that the electorate was pissed off in a major way because the economy sucked and everyone was STILL out of work.

So "now" this is suddenly the Republican's problem? You're amusing.
Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

There are no republican ‘efforts’ to keep the economy down – but they do cheer, quietly, privately, with each bit of poor economic news. They hope the economy continues to struggle, for perceived political gain, although it means continued hardship for millions of Americans.

Oh yes they are.

They are beating up any positive sign the economy shows.

This is now a consumer confidence game and they are hurling rocks at anything that looks like a positive reaction from the consumer.
Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

There are no republican ‘efforts’ to keep the economy down – but they do cheer, quietly, privately, with each bit of poor economic news. They hope the economy continues to struggle, for perceived political gain, although it means continued hardship for millions of Americans.

Oh yes they are.

They are beating up any positive sign the economy shows.

This is now a consumer confidence game and they are hurling rocks at anything that looks like a positive reaction from the consumer.

Oh not they aren't.
Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

There are no republican ‘efforts’ to keep the economy down – but they do cheer, quietly, privately, with each bit of poor economic news. They hope the economy continues to struggle, for perceived political gain, although it means continued hardship for millions of Americans.

Oh yes they are.

They are beating up any positive sign the economy shows.

This is now a consumer confidence game and they are hurling rocks at anything that looks like a positive reaction from the consumer.

Analysis of actual data makes you anal. :lmao:
I have never voted for a republican for anything higher than city council.

So, in effect what you're saying here is either,

A) You only care about issues on the local level when deciding who to vote for, and on the county, state and national level you don't care, as long as they're a Dem.


B) You're deliberately trying to undermine your local city council by voting in those you don't agree with.

C) Party over country. TruthDon'tMatter hates America, but loves Democrats - no matter how corrupt, or dishonest, or amoral they are.
The biggest threat to the economy right now is a group of Americans who will do ANYTHING to trash the economy so they can win the next election
Democrats aren't as bad as you think.

In all seriousness, the major roadblock to recovery is the sense of a constant crisis, a President that keeps threatening tax-increases, a government that appears broken, and feeling of despair equal to the Carter years.

Everything Obama has done isn't working, so resorting to
Finger-pointing seems to be his only plan. Unemployment is as high as during the Depression and his only solution is more Stimulus and higher taxes. We are supposed love getting taxed.
Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

There are no republican ‘efforts’ to keep the economy down – but they do cheer, quietly, privately, with each bit of poor economic news. They hope the economy continues to struggle, for perceived political gain, although it means continued hardship for millions of Americans.

Oh yes they are.

They are beating up any positive sign the economy shows.

This is now a consumer confidence game and they are hurling rocks at anything that looks like a positive reaction from the consumer.

I hate to point out the glaringly OBVIOUS, Truthmatters...but there really haven't been a lot of positive signs regarding the economy to "beat up on". Consumer confidence is down because consumers are looking for leadership and they are seeing a President who seems to have nothing to offer except finger pointing. What's his plan to fix unemployment? What's his plan to stimulate the economy? You've got someone who is campaigning for another four years as President when he seems to have run out of ideas two and a half years into his FIRST term. Why would anyone support such a person?
The article written is from 1993.

The same regulations are not evern in place.

Why are the corporations sitting on mountains of cash if the regulations are so onerous?

Wow, I can't believe you'd even ask such an ignorant question! Corporations are sitting on mountains of cash BECAUSE they are nervous about pending regulations. What part of that concept don't you get?
Republicans efforts to keep the economy down are failing

There are no republican ‘efforts’ to keep the economy down – but they do cheer, quietly, privately, with each bit of poor economic news. They hope the economy continues to struggle, for perceived political gain, although it means continued hardship for millions of Americans.

Yeah. We are soooooo happy that this nation is going down the drain.

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