Republicans For Hillary

Yup, post 1998 "Republicans" for Hillary have "standards" including

1. no fiscal discipline
2. total sellout to Israel on every issue
3. no patriotism to the US allowed
4. cover up 911 and Global Warming hoaxes
5. no truth allowed
6. never let a traitor go unrewarded
Of course the establishment doesn't support him. He's not part of them.
If they thought he'd be better than hillary they would support him in fact Paul Ryan endorsed him just because trump is more likely to pass his legislation. Never mind trump is dangerous.

Your hate for liberals is greater than your love of country.

She's still going to be potus

If Hillary can punk Devious Don so easily while staying within bounds of normal civil American political discourse, I can only imagine how world leaders that won't be inclined to wear Hillary's velvet gloves will put Devious Don in a box, wrap him up, put a bow in his weave and send him back to his office to tweet, pout, and lie about how his puppet dance should be viewed as leadership - giggle!
Devious Don is delusional... and voters are starting to notice.

Hillary Clinton Plays Trump Perfectly As GOP Nominee Flip Flops On Terror Watch List Gun Ban

By Jason Easley on Wed, Jun 15th, 2016

Hillary Clinton is perfectly pulling Trump’s strings as presumptive GOP nominee announced that he is flip-flopping and now supporting a bill that would prohibit people on the terror watch list from legally buying guns.


The Hillary Clinton campaign is playing Donald Trump like a fiddle. They can pull his strings and make Trump dance. His flip-flop on the gun ban for people on the terror watch list is a disaster for the Republican Party and an embarrassment for Republicans who have been opposing this legislation.

Trump is falling apart. He is changing his positions by the second. The Republican nominee will say or do anything to be elected, even if it means contradicting a speech he gave to the NRA less than a month ago.

After saying he will protect the Second Amendment, Trump now supports a restriction on buying a gun.

Hillary Clinton is campaigning circles around Trump, and the man who will be the GOP nominee is so delusional that he thinks he’s winning.

And so do the dumb fucking USMB Republicans. They need to realize this aint no midterm and high voter turn out NEVER helps their sorry asses.
By all rights, the Republicans backing Hillary should be kicked from the party. It's a disgrace. Trump sucks, sure, don't support him, but supporting Hillary is inexcusable. Washington Establishment just wants to continue in its corruption, and they know Hillary is all in for it.

The list was of people who said they wouldn't support Trump, it didn't say they said they are actually going to Hillary
If they aren't supporting Trump Hillary tweets #thanks.
Of course the establishment doesn't support him. He's not part of them.
If they thought he'd be better than hillary they would support him in fact Paul Ryan endorsed him just because trump is more likely to pass his legislation. Never mind trump is dangerous.

Your hate for liberals is greater than your love of country.

She's still going to be potus

If Hillary can punk Devious Don so easily while staying within bounds of normal civil American political discourse, I can only imagine how world leaders that won't be inclined to wear Hillary's velvet gloves will put Devious Don in a box, wrap him up, put a bow in his weave and send him back to his office to tweet, pout, and lie about how his puppet dance should be viewed as leadership - giggle!
Devious Don is delusional... and voters are starting to notice.

Hillary Clinton Plays Trump Perfectly As GOP Nominee Flip Flops On Terror Watch List Gun Ban

By Jason Easley on Wed, Jun 15th, 2016

Hillary Clinton is perfectly pulling Trump’s strings as presumptive GOP nominee announced that he is flip-flopping and now supporting a bill that would prohibit people on the terror watch list from legally buying guns.


The Hillary Clinton campaign is playing Donald Trump like a fiddle. They can pull his strings and make Trump dance. His flip-flop on the gun ban for people on the terror watch list is a disaster for the Republican Party and an embarrassment for Republicans who have been opposing this legislation.

Trump is falling apart. He is changing his positions by the second. The Republican nominee will say or do anything to be elected, even if it means contradicting a speech he gave to the NRA less than a month ago.

After saying he will protect the Second Amendment, Trump now supports a restriction on buying a gun.

Hillary Clinton is campaigning circles around Trump, and the man who will be the GOP nominee is so delusional that he thinks he’s winning.


Hillary had all she could do to put away Sanders and Trump isn't Sanders.

Should be interesting.
Not going to even be close lady. Do you see everything through those thick Republican goggles? Seriously, get a clue.

Trump's numbers are so abysmal among Hispanic voters they're almost hard to believe.

The new survey, via ABC and the Washington Post, finds that nearly 90 percent of Hispanics nationwide have an unfavorable view of Trump, with a robust 76 percent holding a "strongly unfavorable" view of the GOP's presumptive candidate.

Getting nine out of ten voters from any demographic to agree on something is a feat in modern American politics. Unfortunately for Trump, what they agree on is that he's a spectacularly bad candidate for issues that Hispanic voters care about.

You don't win the White House with these number. Wake the fuck up.
I do not like her

not with a vodka

not with moussaka

not with a macaca

or even Ralfaca

and Trump sucks the cocka
By all rights, the Republicans backing Hillary should be kicked from the party. It's a disgrace. Trump sucks, sure, don't support him, but supporting Hillary is inexcusable. Washington Establishment just wants to continue in its corruption, and they know Hillary is all in for it.
Listen. I don't like Republicans but if Democrats nominated don King ID be voting for ted cruz
Well, the Donald is closer to a Democrat than a Republican, anyway.
By all rights, the Republicans backing Hillary should be kicked from the party. It's a disgrace. Trump sucks, sure, don't support him, but supporting Hillary is inexcusable. Washington Establishment just wants to continue in its corruption, and they know Hillary is all in for it.

The list was of people who said they wouldn't support Trump, it didn't say they said they are actually going to Hillary
I ignored the list entirely, I was saying that in reference to the Republicans who are actually supporting Hillary, not the ones that chose not to support the Donald.
  • Thanks
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By all rights, the Republicans backing Hillary should be kicked from the party. It's a disgrace. Trump sucks, sure, don't support him, but supporting Hillary is inexcusable. Washington Establishment just wants to continue in its corruption, and they know Hillary is all in for it.
Listen. I don't like Republicans but if Democrats nominated don King ID be voting for ted cruz
Well, the Donald is closer to a Democrat than a Republican, anyway.
I've never seen such a train wreck of a candidate.

Donald Trump is relying heavily on the Republican Party to bolster his skeletal operation, but his campaign’s relationship with the Republican National Committee is increasingly plagued by distrust, power struggles and strategic differences, according to sources in both camps.
By all rights, the Republicans backing Hillary should be kicked from the party. It's a disgrace. Trump sucks, sure, don't support him, but supporting Hillary is inexcusable. Washington Establishment just wants to continue in its corruption, and they know Hillary is all in for it.
Listen. I don't like Republicans but if Democrats nominated don King ID be voting for ted cruz
Well, the Donald is closer to a Democrat than a Republican, anyway.
I've never seen such a train wreck of a candidate.

Donald Trump is relying heavily on the Republican Party to bolster his skeletal operation, but his campaign’s relationship with the Republican National Committee is increasingly plagued by distrust, power struggles and strategic differences, according to sources in both camps.
Anyone who's not an Establishment slave has to struggle with the Republican National Committee. If you're not them, they want you gone.

For a worse train wreck, look no further than Hillary and Bernie. One is being investigated, the other is a Socialist who thinks he can win.
By all rights, the Republicans backing Hillary should be kicked from the party. It's a disgrace. Trump sucks, sure, don't support him, but supporting Hillary is inexcusable. Washington Establishment just wants to continue in its corruption, and they know Hillary is all in for it.
Listen. I don't like Republicans but if Democrats nominated don King ID be voting for ted cruz
Well, the Donald is closer to a Democrat than a Republican, anyway.
I've never seen such a train wreck of a candidate.

Donald Trump is relying heavily on the Republican Party to bolster his skeletal operation, but his campaign’s relationship with the Republican National Committee is increasingly plagued by distrust, power struggles and strategic differences, according to sources in both camps.

What's even more amusing is all the Trump supporters who think their Messiah doesn't need the party infrastructure to win.
"What's even more amusing is all the Trump supporters who think their Messiah doesn't need the party infrastructure to win."

Let Hillary be the "insider" of both parties. She has all the qualifications...

1. pathological liar
2. greedy beyond anything we've ever seen, on the Marcos level
3. treasonous
4. murderous
5. unfaithful
6. eager to have others take the fall for her crimes
7. no concern for the fiscal solvency of the US government
8. total hatred for those who notice too much truth
9. completely sold out to the AIPAC lobby
RINO's are desperate to maintain the status quo e.g. government corruption.
I love to hear or read a Republican flinging around the acronym RINO.

"What's even more amusing is all the Trump supporters who think their Messiah doesn't need the party infrastructure to win."

Let Hillary be the "insider" of both parties. She has all the qualifications...

1. pathological liar
2. greedy beyond anything we've ever seen, on the Marcos level
3. treasonous
4. murderous
5. unfaithful
6. eager to have others take the fall for her crimes
7. no concern for the fiscal solvency of the US government
8. total hatred for those who notice too much truth
9. completely sold out to the AIPAC lobby
This is a Republican shitting their pants after all these years of bashing the Clinton's no one is listening to the boys who cry wolf.
"a Republican shitting their pants"

Nice English, socialist MORON!!!
"What's even more amusing is all the Trump supporters who think their Messiah doesn't need the party infrastructure to win."

Let Hillary be the "insider" of both parties. She has all the qualifications...

1. pathological liar
2. greedy beyond anything we've ever seen, on the Marcos level
3. treasonous
4. murderous
5. unfaithful
6. eager to have others take the fall for her crimes
7. no concern for the fiscal solvency of the US government
8. total hatred for those who notice too much truth
9. completely sold out to the AIPAC lobby

10. President
The rinos we need out self-identify.

The smart ones are making their contributions refundable if Her Thighness is not the Democrat Party Candidate. Ensuring that their money won't be wasted on the futile write-in campaign that's looking more and more like a necessity as Fauxahontas' star rises slowly over Injun' Territory!

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