Republicans: Forget Jobs-Lets Focus On "Embarrassing The President"

voting Obama out in 2012 will be the most effective job stimulus we could get!!
Gawd, the whining from the left about this President is becoming embarrassing.

People saw the writing on the wall when YOU IDIOTS went out there and voted in a INEXPERIENCD JUNIOR SENATOR OF TWO YEARS community organizer AS President.

We don't have to TRY and EMBARASS this dolt, he is a EMBARASSMENT to us people and this country. It's only you die hard Obamabots WHO don't see it.
Do you agree that Bush was an embarrassment?

Mitch McConnell said it almost immediately after Obama swore in, their goal is to make Obama a one-term President. Period. Full-stop. It doesn't matter who get's hurt or how many Americans gets hurt in the process. Even if the entire country burns down, as long as it's on Obama's watch and they can make it stick to him...they are happy.

That's their stated goal.

I don't know how much more evidence any sane and/or thinking person would need to realize this fact.

Oh please, quit whining. This is the Bush-bashing come full circle. The same liberals whining about how opposing Obama is bad for the country were main ones thumping the "Blame America First" drum when it came to Bush. Most of you don't give a shit about the country; you just don't want your guy blamed for fucking it up. Oh well, a little too late for that!
Do you believe the bashing of Bush was undeserved? Do you believe that Bush effed up the country? Why/why not?

Partian obstructionism is standard operating procedure now.

Character assassination of the POTUS is a now national past time.

This is what happens when all political discourse is based on the HATE YOUR NEIGHBOR poltical premise.

Really? well it reached fever pitch during the Bush administration.
How should Bush have been treated? What did he do right?
The Republicans aren't going to focus on jobs because they don't have a jobs plan that will work,

mainly because since 2010, the president has been going along with their jobs plan.
Mitch McConnell said it almost immediately after Obama swore in, their goal is to make Obama a one-term President. Period. Full-stop. It doesn't matter who get's hurt or how many Americans gets hurt in the process. Even if the entire country burns down, as long as it's on Obama's watch and they can make it stick to him...they are happy.

That's their stated goal.

I don't know how much more evidence any sane and/or thinking person would need to realize this fact.

On Thursday, Roll Call reported that Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) was planning to use his House Judiciary Committee gavel this fall to promote a "jobs agenda." This would represent a significant shift for a committee that has largely been focused on radical attacks on undocumented immigrants.

Smith quickly abandoned his "jobs agenda," telling right-wing radio host Joe Pagliarulo that he was now planning to hold hearings on the subject with the avowed purpose of trying to "embarrass the President." Smith also suggested that the House Appropriations Committee would defund the administration's ability to implement their plan.

Can you believe these people?: Rep. Lamar Smith Wants Hearings To "Embarrass The President" | Political Correction

The flaw in your thinking is that you believe government creates jobs. Government cannot create jobs, they can only take them from the private sector. Some of us want this President out in 2012 because he doesn't get that either. Ergo, we are pro jobs and President Obama is not.
Republicans: Forget Jobs-Lets Focus On "Embarrassing The President"

The thread title is a lie on its surface. We ARE NOT focusing on embarrassing good 'ole Barry O - he is doing a fine job of that all by himself!

Why would we want to get in the way??
Flawed premise.
The President needs no help embarassing himself.


What's embarrassing here?

You don't like bike riding?

Comparably which man looks over 60?

Bush falls on bike ride - CNN
Bush falls on bike ride

May 22, 2004|From Dana Bash CNN Washington Bureau

  • Bush_bike_fall.jpg

President Bush fell off his bicycle Saturday while riding on his ranch, according to White House spokesman Trent Duffy.
Bush, who was accompanied on his bike ride by his doctor, Richard Tubb, a military agent and a member of the Secret Service, fell about 16 miles into a 17-mile ride.
Bush suffered minor abrasions to his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees, but was able to ride back home, Duffy said.
Tubb treated the president at the scene. Bush was wearing a helmet and a mouth guard when he fell, Duffy said.
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The Republicans aren't going to focus on jobs because they don't have a jobs plan that will work,

mainly because since 2010, the president has been going along with their jobs plan.

Have you noticed that President Obama always seems to be "going along" with the jobs plan of someone else? Come on...this is the guy that you told us was brilliant? Kind of begs the question...if he really "is" brilliant...then why does everyone else have to carry the load?

The Republicans control the House. The Democrats control the Senate and the White House. Harry Reid is holding up anything the Republican House sends him and Barack Obama waits with his veto pen. What exactly is it that you think Republicans can do? There was a party that held the White House, the House and the Senate. What did THEY get done while having all that power?
Do you agree that Bush was an embarrassment?

Do you believe the bashing of Bush was undeserved? Do you believe that Bush effed up the country? Why/why not?

How should Bush have been treated? What did he do right?

No, Bush wasn't an embarrassment. He was a strong and forthright president. He should have vetoed some spending bills. But he was the kind of president other countries wouldn't want to mess with.

Democrats who were in the Senate then who are now in the administration have blood on their hands. They did everything they could to ruin the morale of the people fighting for democracy in Iraq. They practically invited Al Qaida to behead people promising them all the media and political attention the terrorists could want because that drama would hurt Bush. ETA: the people on the ground didn't know what side to choose because they didn't know whether to accept Bush's word that we were behind them or whether to believe the Democrats would get their way; that uncertainty lengthened the war.

Democrats have a lot to answer for, and no leg to stand on when it comes to suddenly demanding that people support the current president in his goals.

Such a joke. Chris Matthews suddenly going from his job as a journalist being to speak truth to power to his job as a journalist - AS A JOURNALIST! - being to help the Obama administration to be a success.

You are so full of it. We listened to Obama. We knew what he planned. We knew he was the basest kind of Chicago politician. You people who felt you were on the brink of history shot down anyone who criticized him during the campaign. And now you have a narcisstic thin skinned whiney embarrassment. And we're going to keep doing what we do. Pay attention to what's really happening and try to stop naive fools from mucking things up.

p.s., I think there are a lot of naive fools on the right too. But ALMOST anything is better than a progressive fool. Almost.
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Have you noticed that President Obama always seems to be "going along" with the jobs plan of someone else? Come on...this is the guy that you told us was brilliant? Kind of begs the question...if he really "is" brilliant...then why does everyone else have to carry the load?

Yes indeed. I think he is pretty smart. But it's a strange kind of smarts.

He learned early on how to keep his jersey clean and let others do both the heavy lifting and the dirty work. That's his genius. He knows how to lie down with dogs and wake up without anyone seeing his fleas.

He is an expert at climbing the ladder of success without doing anything. If anyone thought he would change that strategy when he took office ......
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Have you noticed that President Obama always seems to be "going along" with the jobs plan of someone else? Come on...this is the guy that you told us was brilliant? Kind of begs the question...if he really "is" brilliant...then why does everyone else have to carry the load?

Yes indeed. I think he is pretty smart. But it's a strange kind of smarts.

He learned early on how to keep his jersey clean and let others do both the heavy lifting and the dirty work. That's his genius. He knows how to lie down with dogs and wake up without anyone seeing his fleas.

He is an expert at climbing the ladder of success without doing anything. If anyone thought he would change that strategy when he took office ......

If you look at his legislative "history" since getting into politics it sums him up quite nicely. Back when he was starting out in Chicago he didn't get a single bill passed until he was taken under the wing of Emile Jones who bragged that he was going to "make" him a US Senator. Jones fed Obama other Democratic lawmaker's bills, letting him add his name to them and take credit for them. In his last year, Obama went from sponsoring zero legislation that passed (over seven years) to sponsoring 26 bills that passed.

The same thing happened once Obama reached the US Senate. Pushed as an "up and coming star" of the Democratic Party after his speech at the Democratic National Convention, he was allowed to attach his name to other people's legislation, piggybacking on their work and getting credit for it.

So is it any wonder that he's waiting on someone else to come up with a plan to get the economy on track? He's been essentially cheating off someone else's test paper for so long that he's unable to think for himself.
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Yes indeed. I think he is pretty smart. But it's a strange kind of smarts.

He learned early on how to keep his jersey clean and let others do both the heavy lifting and the dirty work. That's his genius. He knows how to lie down with dogs and wake up without anyone seeing his fleas.

He is an expert at climbing the ladder of success without doing anything. If anyone thought he would change that strategy when he took office ......

If you look at his legislative "history" since getting into politics it sums him up quite nicely. Back when he was starting out in Chicago he didn't get a single bill passed until he was taken under the wing of Emile Jones who bragged that he was going to "make" him a US Senator. Jones fed Obama other Democratic lawmaker's bills, letting him add his name to them and take credit for them. In his last year, Obama went from sponsoring zero legislation that passed (over seven years) to sponsoring 26 bills that passed.

The same thing happened once Obama reached the US Senate. Pushed as an "up and coming star" of the Democratic Party after his speech at the Democratic National Convention, he was allowed to attach his name to other people's legislation, piggybacking on their work and getting credit for it.

So is it any wonder that he's waiting on someone else to come up with a plan to get the economy on track? He's been essentially cheating off someone else's test paper for so long that he's unable to think for himself.

Wow. Just wow.

I never saw it laid out quite that way before.

He's smooth, but that doesn't excuse the media and voter malfeasance which let him get by under the radar. There were enough smoking guns. If the media had done their job the stark nakedness of this emperor would have been obvious.

So sad.
The GOP does not need to embarrass Berry, he does a good enough job of doing that himself. And incase you have not noticed, we are in a campaign season, the left did the same thing to Bush in 2004. So stop whining about it already.
You think the dems wasted any opportunity to embarass Bush43? Or McCain, a 6 year POW who was tortured many times? Glass houses, people. You don't have the high road here.
Your post epitomizes what is wrong with American politics. It's all about payback.
Absolutely! Isn't that what any half-assed doesn't have a clue what to do now group does? When all that fails, they stoop to sarcasm, expletives and insults about one's parentage.

No, the half assed, doesn't have a clue group just spends more money on the problem, never fixing the problem. And when all else fails they race bait and fear monger to get their way. Wait a second...that's not the GOP!!!
Libs - please fill in the blanks.

Since his inauguration, President Obama has created __________________ jobs

While you're whipping up that number - please keep this in mind.

November, 2008

President-elect Barack Obama has asked his economic team to draft a plan to save or create 2.5 million jobs by 2011, the Democrat told the nation in his second weekly radio address Saturday morning.

“I have already directed my economic team to come up with an Economic Recovery Plan that will mean 2.5 million more jobs by January of 2011 a plan big enough to meet the challenges we face that I intend to sign soon after taking office,” he said in the address.


That whole "Saved or create" term is such progressive/liberal/Democrat horseshit. It's a fail safe for Obama, because if he cannot create jobs he can always fall back and say they "Saved" jobs, which we all know is impossible to prove.
What's embarrassing here?

You don't like bike riding?

Comparably which man looks over 60?


Is this the same idiot who landed on an aircraft carrier and announced 'Mission accomplished'?

Mission was accomplished, we effectively defeated the Iraqi military.
Who almost choked to death on a pretzel watching football?
You've never choked on food while eating?
Who constantly embarrassed America with his inability to speak?
He just didn't care much for teleprompters. And he spoke from the heart, he didn't need someone elses speech to be displayed on a teleprompter for him to think.
The most embarrassing President since Gerald Ford.
That one goes to Berry, and the former would have been Carter.
Flawed premise.
The President needs no help embarassing himself.


Ah come on - there is only one with that distinction. He holds exclusive title as the President who embarrassed himself at every opportunity in every corner of the world without the assistance from anyone and his name, like some other stuff, will live in infamy. But his initials are GWB. :cuckoo:

I guess bowing to foreign leaders is not embarrassing to those on the left.
Flawed premise.
The President needs no help embarassing himself.


Ah come on - there is only one with that distinction. He holds exclusive title as the President who embarrassed himself at every opportunity in every corner of the world without the assistance from anyone and his name, like some other stuff, will live in infamy. But his initials are GWB. :cuckoo:

I guess bowing to foreign leaders is not embarrassing to those on the left.
Or the Right!
Comparably which man looks over 60?


Mission was accomplished, we effectively defeated the Iraqi military.

You've never choked on food while eating?

He just didn't care much for teleprompters. And he spoke from the heart, he didn't need someone elses speech to be displayed on a teleprompter for him to think.
The most embarrassing President since Gerald Ford. [/B]
That one goes to Berry, and the former would have been Carter.

This is all to ridiculous to even comment on.

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