I may sound like a lefty here but:
A consitutional republic just means one party control whereby we force the public to accept that party's laws and the public has no say in the matter. If it hadn't been for Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema, we would be living under that one party rule right now under Democrats. Fortunately, God was watching down on us and that didn't happen. While I prefer the conservative views on many things, I don't believe in one party rule, to hell with Americans.
We have two parties and most of them get reelected. The only real newbies are when there is a switch of parties. That has favored Senate Republicans this go around and again in the near future. I say we hold onto that and not give the other side an opportunity to flip seats with term limits. When you replace a republican with a republican or a democrat with a democrat, term limits mean nothing because all you get is a ditto. You're fooling yourself if that will be some kind of a change.
There ARE term limits now, as I said. If you don't like who we have then you make them a one term person. By denying a person to be on the ballot, as the left tried to do with Trump, you are minimizing elections and taking democracy away, which is why we vote, AKA democracy. The thing is, if people are so in favor of term limits then why do we just keep reelecting the same people over and over? The answer is those in favor of term limits are but a minority of voters and the majority wins.
Comparing term limits to the Christmas rush at Macy's isn't as far fetched as you think. Lobbysists are lobbysists and they will bribe anyone and everyone, whether there are term limits or not. And, you might be more apt to take more in bribes if you know your days are numbered.
I just think you are over simplyfying what you think the results of term limits would bring.