Republicans trying to dump Trump on Democrats


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Representative Carlos Curbello from Florida is suggesting that Trump is actually a plant from the Democratic Party? WTF.....every time one of their leaders goes south...(fucks up)....all of a sudden they are Democrats?
After George W. Bush tanked the country and it became apparent that he was a loser President, many conservatives started saying Bush was more left than right.....yeah, right!

This is a hoot.......the GOP is realizing that even though some on the right think Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread....he is actually what Lindsey Graham accuses him of...a wrecking ball for the GOP and some in the GOP would like for someone to step up and tell Trump to shut up. True, some Democrats like the idea that Trump doesn't hold back and is alienating so many voters....but, really? Trump a Democrat plant? Give me a break.

While Donald Trump makes many Democrats want to jump off a bridge, many are jumping for joy at the perceived damage the demagogue is doing to the Republican brand. On the flip side, GOP chair Reince Priebus is trying to get Trump to tone it down for the sake of his party.

Well, Rep. Carlos Curbelo seems to think all of the hubbub isn't a coincidence. He claims there's a chance that Trump may, in fact, be a Democratic plant out to sully the proud integrity of the Republican Party and its voters.

Last week, Curbelo was a guest on Spanish-language radio station Z 92 and offered his theory on Trump.

"I think there's a small possibility that this gentleman is a phantom candidate," Curbelo said. "Mr. Trump has a close friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton. They were at his last wedding. He has contributed to the Clintons' foundation. He has contributed to Mrs. Clinton's Senate campaigns. All of this is very suspicious," he said, according to the translation from the Miami Herald.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo Thinks Donald Trump Is a Secret Democratic Operative Miami New Times
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It would have been a great idea, if Trump had not have done it on his own. The sad truth is, however, we can't afford his price for doing this.
It would have been a great idea, if Trump had not have done it on his own. The sad truth is, however, we can't afford his price for doing this.

Well, it just goes to show that just when they think they've got something blows up in their face.....kinda reminds me of Sarah Palin back in 2008.
Now if the GOP figures out which of the their other candidates is also a Dem plant in the Republican primary they could put them at either end of the stage and the whole event would be between two plants.

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