Reshaping the Judiciary - THIS was the end game - proves the Trump presidency is a success


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Amidst the hysteria about payoffs to whores; let us not lose sight of the fact that Donald John Trump has saved the country and given us a CHANCE to preserve the Union

Activist judges have been a nightmare, and unfortunately, even 8 years of President Trump is probably not enough to undo all the damage caused

But we are making headway. Yes, what we have seen with SCOTUS nominations is a very big deal; but just as important is what we have seen on the lower courts

the red text in the 2nd quote (below) is 100% spot on

we NEVER could have hoped for judicial appointments as good as we are seeing from Bush (article references W, but HW as well)

and we could not have hoped for this type of success from any other Republican



How the Trump Administration Is Remaking the Courts

Thanks to ruthless discipline — and a plan long in the making — the G.O.P is carrying out a sweeping transformation of the federal judiciary.

While Trump has lagged behind other presidents in political appointments, the streamlining of the judicial-selection process has helped him deliver a historic number of judges to the federal bench. In 2017, the Senate confirmed 12 of Trump’s appeals court picks — the most for any president in his first year in office. This year, the Senate has already confirmed 12 appellate judges and, according to a Republican Judiciary Committee aide, hopes to confirm at least four more. The White House refers to every new batch of judicial appointees Trump selects as “waves” — in early June, it announced the “Fifteenth Wave of Judicial Nominees”— as if they’re soldiers landing on the beaches of Normandy.

Trump’s appointees have tended to be unusually well credentialed and conservative. Republicans like to emphasize their academic and professional bona fides — the summa cum laudes, the Phi Beta Kappas, the Supreme Court clerks — and jokingly celebrate their “deep bench” of candidates. Democrats, for their part, prefer to focus on the appointees’ ideology. “If someone had said or written something half as controversial as these Trump nominees, they never would have been picked by President George W. Bush,” says Kristine Lucius, a former Democratic Senate Judiciary Committee aide and now the executive vice president for policy at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “What once would have been disqualifying” — a nominee’s stated views on contraception or gay rights or consumer protection — “is now motivating this president.” Or perhaps, the nominees’ views are what’s motivating many conservatives to go along with Trump’s presidency — which is what’s motivating Trump.

MOAR heartwarming info from the article:


after just 18 months, Trump has “flipped” two circuits — the Sixth and Seventh — from liberal to conservative. Two more — the Eighth and the 11th — are on the verge of tipping. Even circuits that are decidedly liberal are undergoing significant changes.


In short, a radically new federal judiciary could be with us long after Trump is gone. Brian Fallon, a veteran Democratic operative who leads Demand Justice, a group formed to help Democrats with research and communications in the judicial wars, says, “We can win back the House this November, we can defeat Trump in 2020 and we’ll still be dealing with the lingering effects of Trumpism for the next 30 or 40 years because of the young Trump-appointed judges.”

And if Trump is re-elected? Newt Gingrich, who during the 2016 campaign began emphasizing the importance of judges to Trump, posits: “He could, by the end of his time in office, be the most important president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in shaping the judiciary.”
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Trump will be remembered as the greatest American president.
DCBL, Trump has ended the Kagan and Sotomayor type judges, which was time for that to happen.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will not take you back to the 1950s or evangelical Christianity as the civil government religion.
DCBL, Trump has ended the Kagan and Sotomayor type judges, which was time for that to happen.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will not take you back to the 1950s or evangelical Christianity as the civil government religion.
DCBL, Trump has ended the Kagan and Sotomayor type judges, which was time for that to happen.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will not take you back to the 1950s or evangelical Christianity as the civil government religion.
The 45 senators who opposed Gorsuch received almost 20 million more votes than the 54 senators who supported Gorsuch. And that was reversed for Merrick Garland.

Its likely too late to install kavanaugh, considering Trump's an unindicted co-conspirator.
Besides, kavanaugh placement would tear down all checks & balances at federal level.
The problem you have is two
Amidst the hysteria about payoffs to whores; let us not lose sight of the fact that Donald John Trump has saved the country and given us a CHANCE to preserve the Union

Activist judges have been a nightmare, and unfortunately, even 8 years of President Trump is probably not enough to undo all the damage caused

But we are making headway. Yes, what we have seen with SCOTUS nominations is a very big deal; but just as important is what we have seen on the lower courts

the red text in the 2nd quote (below) is 100% spot on

we NEVER could have hoped for judicial appointments as good as we are seeing from Bush (article references W, but HW as well)

and we could not have hoped for this type of success from any other Republican



How the Trump Administration Is Remaking the Courts

Thanks to ruthless discipline — and a plan long in the making — the G.O.P is carrying out a sweeping transformation of the federal judiciary.

While Trump has lagged behind other presidents in political appointments, the streamlining of the judicial-selection process has helped him deliver a historic number of judges to the federal bench. In 2017, the Senate confirmed 12 of Trump’s appeals court picks — the most for any president in his first year in office. This year, the Senate has already confirmed 12 appellate judges and, according to a Republican Judiciary Committee aide, hopes to confirm at least four more. The White House refers to every new batch of judicial appointees Trump selects as “waves” — in early June, it announced the “Fifteenth Wave of Judicial Nominees”— as if they’re soldiers landing on the beaches of Normandy.

Trump’s appointees have tended to be unusually well credentialed and conservative. Republicans like to emphasize their academic and professional bona fides — the summa cum laudes, the Phi Beta Kappas, the Supreme Court clerks — and jokingly celebrate their “deep bench” of candidates. Democrats, for their part, prefer to focus on the appointees’ ideology. “If someone had said or written something half as controversial as these Trump nominees, they never would have been picked by President George W. Bush,” says Kristine Lucius, a former Democratic Senate Judiciary Committee aide and now the executive vice president for policy at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “What once would have been disqualifying” — a nominee’s stated views on contraception or gay rights or consumer protection — “is now motivating this president.” Or perhaps, the nominees’ views are what’s motivating many conservatives to go along with Trump’s presidency — which is what’s motivating Trump.

MOAR heartwarming info from the article:


after just 18 months, Trump has “flipped” two circuits — the Sixth and Seventh — from liberal to conservative. Two more — the Eighth and the 11th — are on the verge of tipping. Even circuits that are decidedly liberal are undergoing significant changes.


In short, a radically new federal judiciary could be with us long after Trump is gone. Brian Fallon, a veteran Democratic operative who leads Demand Justice, a group formed to help Democrats with research and communications in the judicial wars, says, “We can win back the House this November, we can defeat Trump in 2020 and we’ll still be dealing with the lingering effects of Trumpism for the next 30 or 40 years because of the young Trump-appointed judges.”

And if Trump is re-elected? Newt Gingrich, who during the 2016 campaign began emphasizing the importance of judges to Trump, posits: “He could, by the end of his time in office, be the most important president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in shaping the judiciary.”

You only have two problems.

The judiciary is only one branch of government. Of which is checked by Congress. No decision they make is final, and can easily be changed through the legislative process.

Which brings us to your second problem.

The population demographics of the country are rapidly changing, and with each passing year becoming less white and less conservative. In just another 27 years whites will be less than 50% of the voters with conservatives being less than that.

By that time there will already be enough blue voting districts in the country to put laws into place that will effectively challenge any decisions from Trump appointees.

And this is not taking into account any deaths or impeachment’s of Trump appointees or a large enough Democratic majority in congress to appoint more justices to the Supreme Court.

One thing is a certainty. A new generation of browner more Liberal citizens sure as hell won’t be abiding by the decisions of an aging and tired ass right wing judiciary of which they do not agree.

Back to your regularly scheduled delusion now
DCBL, Trump has ended the Kagan and Sotomayor type judges, which was time for that to happen.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will not take you back to the 1950s or evangelical Christianity as the civil government religion.
The 45 senators who opposed Gorsuch received almost 20 million more votes than the 54 senators who supported Gorsuch. And that was reversed for Merrick Garland.

Its likely too late to install kavanaugh, considering Trump's an unindicted co-conspirator.
Besides, kavanaugh placement would tear down all checks & balances at federal level.

I can't find the part in the Constitution where an UNindicted president can't nominate a Scotus replacement.

How does Kavanaugh threaten the checks and balances between the three branches?
You only have two problems.

The judiciary is only one branch of government. Of which is checked by Congress. No decision they make is final, and can easily be changed through the legislative process.
Congress has become castrated when it comes to checking the USSC. Who was the last Justice impeached for miscarriage of duty?

Which brings us to your second problem.

The population demographics of the country are rapidly changing, and with each passing year becoming less white and less conservative. In just another 27 years whites will be less than 50% of the voters with conservatives being less than that.
No, the pendulum is beginning to swing back the other way, as it always does when insanity of platforms becomes so extreme that the huge throng of middle voters wake up and become rebellious.

I've met quite a few youngsters these days who are showing signs of rebelling against the rebel-left parents and adults/media influence of their younger years. Tis the nature of youth to do this. The swinging 1920s were followed by the somber 30s, followed by the War, followed by the the conservative 50s, followed by the longhair rebellion of the 60s-70s, followed by the young-republicans of the 1980s, followed by the grunge rebellion of the 1990s, followed by the millennial PC cult, fanned hotly up until 2016 where the Trumpees are turning the tide back yet again.

Human free societies do this pendulum swing and it is healthy. It's the antidote to extremes taking over. So, your predictions for your extreme LGBT cult regaining its momentum is a premature prediction. Don't want egg on your face, do you?
This "Besides, kavanaugh placement would tear down all checks & balances at federal level" is simple nonsense.

Kavanaugh is not going to bring plaque on America, either for the left or the right. He will be slight right of Roberts and Gorsuch.

Such is not going to change America at all. Abortion will be the law of the land. LGBTQ will remained a protected class.

The only difference will be when SCOTUS recognizes pysogny under the law as a criminal behavior.
The lib loons have bitten off more than they can chew.
If you think Trump is going to be removed over paying a whore via some distortion of logic that it was a campaign finance issue then you are sadly mistaken. We will not allow that to happen
If you think his attorneys tax issues somehow stick to him, you are wrong
If you think Muellers endless, directionless witch hunt will remove him, we will not allow that to happen.
100,000 Mercedes, bmw and Cadillacs can block a lot of streets in DC. Antifukk minor leaguers and emotionally addled libbies have awoken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve
You only have two problems.

The judiciary is only one branch of government. Of which is checked by Congress. No decision they make is final, and can easily be changed through the legislative process.
Congress has become castrated when it comes to checking the USSC. Who was the last Justice impeached for miscarriage of duty?

Which brings us to your second problem.

The population demographics of the country are rapidly changing, and with each passing year becoming less white and less conservative. In just another 27 years whites will be less than 50% of the voters with conservatives being less than that.
No, the pendulum is beginning to swing back the other way, as it always does when insanity of platforms becomes so extreme that the huge throng of middle voters wake up and become rebellious.

I've met quite a few youngsters these days who are showing signs of rebelling against the rebel-left parents and adults/media influence of their younger years. Tis the nature of youth to do this. The swinging 1920s were followed by the somber 30s, followed by the War, followed by the the conservative 50s, followed by the longhair rebellion of the 60s-70s, followed by the young-republicans of the 1980s, followed by the grunge rebellion of the 1990s, followed by the millennial PC cult, fanned hotly up until 2016 where the Trumpees are turning the tide back yet again.

Human free societies do this pendulum swing and it is healthy. It's the antidote to extremes taking over. So, your predictions for your extreme LGBT cult regaining its momentum is a premature prediction. Don't want egg on your face, do you?

There are no more norms. Mitch McConnell changed that with the Garland nominee. You have forever forfeited any regular procedure and only the most deluded of fools would believe there are still any rules that have to be played by.

Trump and the magamites have now created an anything goes world. Which are now the new rules your kids and grandkids will have to live with when the crowd that is a little darker than they are make the rules in which they will live by.
Trump and the magamites have now created an anything goes world. Which are now the new rules your kids and grandkids will have to live with when the crowd that is a little darker than they are make the rules in which they will live by.

So...the LGBT cult's men chopping off their dicks and insisting on using the women's showers ISN'T an "anything goes world"? :lmao:
DCBL, Trump has ended the Kagan and Sotomayor type judges, which was time for that to happen.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will not take you back to the 1950s or evangelical Christianity as the civil government religion.
The 45 senators who opposed Gorsuch received almost 20 million more votes than the 54 senators who supported Gorsuch. And that was reversed for Merrick Garland.

Its likely too late to install kavanaugh, considering Trump's an unindicted co-conspirator.
Besides, kavanaugh placement would tear down all checks & balances at federal level.

I can't find the part in the Constitution where an UNindicted president can't nominate a Scotus replacement.

How does Kavanaugh threaten the checks and balances between the three branches?
Its the Mcconnell rule, which was used to prevent Merrick Garland from being considered.

Kavanaugh has made it clear that at sitting president cannot be indicted, so if president not impeached, then president can theoretically break any law, dissolve congress, etc.
And to think, all of these wonderful things might not be happening if HIllary had put down the bottle of vodka and pills and campaigned in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Oh well, butterfly effect and all...

Tee hee
DCBL, Trump has ended the Kagan and Sotomayor type judges, which was time for that to happen.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will not take you back to the 1950s or evangelical Christianity as the civil government religion.
The 45 senators who opposed Gorsuch received almost 20 million more votes than the 54 senators who supported Gorsuch. And that was reversed for Merrick Garland.

Its likely too late to install kavanaugh, considering Trump's an unindicted co-conspirator.
Besides, kavanaugh placement would tear down all checks & balances at federal level.

I can't find the part in the Constitution where an UNindicted president can't nominate a Scotus replacement.

How does Kavanaugh threaten the checks and balances between the three branches?
Its the Mcconnell rule, which was used to prevent Merrick Garland from being considered.

Kavanaugh has made it clear that at sitting president cannot be indicted, so if president not impeached, then president can theoretically break any law, dissolve congress, etc.

You got that wrong. It was the Biden rule that prevented Garland.

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