Post-Election Subversion?

Not what you stated.
It sure is. You will not find another example of anyone doing in whole what trump has done and said.

The fat orange rapist charity thief insurrectionist felon is in a league of his own.

Look at the bright side... he finally won something!
Assuming that Trump wins the election, what actions are Democrats likely to take to sabotage his presidency before his inauguration? I think that, in addition to challenging his legal qualification for the office, the Dems will undertake subversive measures under color of law to prevent Trump from implementing any measures that would him or our country.

For example, they could enter into long term contracts with Iran to buy its oil and pay for it in advance with Treasury bonds issued to third parties. Conversely, they could attack Iran to make Middle East negotiations impossible. They could also attack Russia to make peace for Ukraine impossible. The Democrat Senate could change its rules to ramrod through left wing political appointments and judicial nominations. They could pass legislative bills before newly elected Senators could take there seats, as was done to pass Obamacare in 2010.

Equally disturbing, the Dems could sabotage technical operations in the White House, as when they disabled keyboards and stole equipment before George Bush was inaugurated in 2001. This time it could be a LOT worse.

They're going to try to kill him again. And again. And again.
It always amazes me that they'll start threads like this. Right in the teeth of what they're doing.

Do they not realize this, or are they just goofing around?
dude, hilarious.
It always amazes me that they'll start threads like this. Right in the teeth of what they're doing.

Do they not realize this, or are they just goofing around?
They know.

They just no longer care that they have a double standard. Authoritarians have to have double standards after all.
I think the Democrats will use the Jewish Space Laser to set fire to Alabama and Florida. Then they will use their weather machine to send a Category 5 hurricane to Missouri.

That Jew George Soros will send Antifa and a bunch of Negroes posing as whites to the Capitol (again) to beat up all the cops and then claim they were let in by the cops and were just trespassing.

Kamala Harris will forge fake electors in seven states in an attempt to steal the election, and as Vice President she will refuse to certify Trump's win on January 6.

And that's just for starters.
Your avi looks to close to Locke11's avi, thought it was him at fist so I thought the post was not ironic.

The fact that thought is even possible, your post not being ironic, is an indication of how fucking crazy the hard right has become.
Don't troll your own thread.

He has several criminal trials pending. You know this. Grow up.
You stated this, then you changed the parameters:

You seem a bit confused.

Only one party and its fat orange rapist leader are saying either they will win the election, or it was rigged.
You seem very confused. Your attempt to equate what anyone did with Trump's criminal attempt to steal an election is the result of either abject confusion or shameless dishonesty.

Pick your poison. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
You seem very confused. Your attempt to equate what anyone did with Trump's criminal attempt to steal an election is the result of either abject confusion or shameless dishonesty.

Pick your poison. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt as well. You moved the goalposts, then denied it.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt as well. You moved the goalposts, then denied it.
I didn't.

I used the word whole. I used it intentionally.

You misread, I assume, out of haste or excitement.

Your comparisons are shit. Your false equivalence is shit. There is no comparison to what Trump did. Even if there were, it still wouldn't be a defense of what he did.

So even if a grant you all of the implied lies and shitty comparisons as true and valid, you still have not defended the orange rapist.

That's how wrong and offbase you are.
I didn't.

I used the word whole. I used it intentionally.

You misread, I assume, out of haste or excitement.

Your comparisons are shit. Your false equivalence is shit. There is no comparison to what Trump did. Even if there were, it still wouldn't be a defense of what he did.

So even if a grant you all of the implied lies and shitty comparisons as true and valid, you still have not defended the orange rapist.

That's how wrong and offbase you are.
And you are deflecting from your obvious lack of reading comprehension.

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