Resolution introduced to expell Nancy Pelosi from the house

I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.
Obama care was nothing but another tax on all Americans.

And you repeatedly voted, knowing it was a stupid vote just to keep your crazies riled up. Here's a hint. Come up with some real legislation instead of all the crazy accusations and lies. That's what people with integrity do.
I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.

Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.
Feel free to not have health care insurance and not do to any doctor/hospital.

I pay for my own, as everyone else should do.

I'm sure as hell not paying for yours.
I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.

Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.
Feel free to not have health care insurance and not do to any doctor/hospital.
The poor are already covered under Medicaid...

If you're too cheap to buy insurance with an adequate income (and want to stick us with the bill), then, yeah, do without!!!
Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.

And you still voted many dozens of times to kill it. What's that old saying about doing the same thing over, and over, and over expecting a different outcome? Something about being crazy.

Da fuq are you talking about? President Trump effectively killed Obamacare when he dismantled it piece by piece. No more individual mandate, no more penalties for not having insurance, no more massive increases in Medicaid and recipients of Medicaid in some states have to prove that they're working or going to school.

President Trump also ended cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers, expanded access to short-term insurance plans, and slashed government funds for Obamacare signups.

Obamacare is dead and doesn't even know it.

Trump did a lot of dumb shit that will take time for the next president to reinstate. Trump's actions don't change the fact that crazy republicans voted over 60 times on the same goofy effort to kill healthcare.

LOL. Donald J. Trump will be the next President. He did so much to dismantle everything you liberals, progressives, and radical leftists worked so hard for.

Just imagine how much more of your "accomplishments" will go "poof" during his 2020-2024 term.


And he learned nothing from it. Everything he has done minus the tax cut (which was temporary anyhow) has been done by royal decree just like Obama did. What is done by EO is undone by EO as Trump has proven.

130 of them in 3 years. Which the next Democrat will have a clear mandate to get undo in 1 week.
You’re welcom
I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.

Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.
Feel free to not have health care insurance and not do to any doctor/hospital.
The poor are already covered under Medicaid...

If you're too cheap to buy insurance with an adequate income (and want to stick us with the bill), then, yeah, do without!!!

You’re welcome to run on that platform again next year. How did that work out for you in the midterms last year again?
And you still voted many dozens of times to kill it. What's that old saying about doing the same thing over, and over, and over expecting a different outcome? Something about being crazy.

Da fuq are you talking about? President Trump effectively killed Obamacare when he dismantled it piece by piece. No more individual mandate, no more penalties for not having insurance, no more massive increases in Medicaid and recipients of Medicaid in some states have to prove that they're working or going to school.

President Trump also ended cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers, expanded access to short-term insurance plans, and slashed government funds for Obamacare signups.

Obamacare is dead and doesn't even know it.

Trump did a lot of dumb shit that will take time for the next president to reinstate. Trump's actions don't change the fact that crazy republicans voted over 60 times on the same goofy effort to kill healthcare.

LOL. Donald J. Trump will be the next President. He did so much to dismantle everything you liberals, progressives, and radical leftists worked so hard for.

Just imagine how much more of your "accomplishments" will go "poof" during his 2020-2024 term.


And he learned nothing from it. Everything he has done minus the tax cut (which was temporary anyhow) has been done by royal decree just like Obama did. What is done by EO is undone by EO as Trump has proven.

130 of them in 3 years. Which the next Democrat will have a clear mandate to get undo in 1 week.

With two more conservatives on the Supreme Court by the time Trump leaves office in 2024, all I can say is "Good luck with that."

You can't seem to admit this to yourselves, but you guys and girls are going to be pretty much screwed for decades.
View attachment 285495
And you still voted many dozens of times to kill it. What's that old saying about doing the same thing over, and over, and over expecting a different outcome? Something about being crazy.

Da fuq are you talking about? President Trump effectively killed Obamacare when he dismantled it piece by piece. No more individual mandate, no more penalties for not having insurance, no more massive increases in Medicaid and recipients of Medicaid in some states have to prove that they're working or going to school.

President Trump also ended cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers, expanded access to short-term insurance plans, and slashed government funds for Obamacare signups.

Obamacare is dead and doesn't even know it.

Trump did a lot of dumb shit that will take time for the next president to reinstate. Trump's actions don't change the fact that crazy republicans voted over 60 times on the same goofy effort to kill healthcare.

LOL. Donald J. Trump will be the next President. He did so much to dismantle everything you liberals, progressives, and radical leftists worked so hard for.

Just imagine how much more of your "accomplishments" will go "poof" during his 2020-2024 term.


And he learned nothing from it. Everything he has done minus the tax cut (which was temporary anyhow) has been done by royal decree just like Obama did. What is done by EO is undone by EO as Trump has proven.

You’re welcom
I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.

Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.
Feel free to not have health care insurance and not do to any doctor/hospital.
The poor are already covered under Medicaid...

If you're too cheap to buy insurance with an adequate income (and want to stick us with the bill), then, yeah, do without!!!

You’re welcome to run on that platform again next year. How did that work out for you in the midterms last year again?

It worked out just fine. It's actually a good thing that the Democrats took the House: Now the American people know just how radical, petty, obstructive, and ineffectual they are.

Enjoy your short period of control over the House. It will revert back to the adults next congressional election time.
View attachment 285495
Da fuq are you talking about? President Trump effectively killed Obamacare when he dismantled it piece by piece. No more individual mandate, no more penalties for not having insurance, no more massive increases in Medicaid and recipients of Medicaid in some states have to prove that they're working or going to school.

President Trump also ended cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers, expanded access to short-term insurance plans, and slashed government funds for Obamacare signups.

Obamacare is dead and doesn't even know it.

Trump did a lot of dumb shit that will take time for the next president to reinstate. Trump's actions don't change the fact that crazy republicans voted over 60 times on the same goofy effort to kill healthcare.

LOL. Donald J. Trump will be the next President. He did so much to dismantle everything you liberals, progressives, and radical leftists worked so hard for.

Just imagine how much more of your "accomplishments" will go "poof" during his 2020-2024 term.


And he learned nothing from it. Everything he has done minus the tax cut (which was temporary anyhow) has been done by royal decree just like Obama did. What is done by EO is undone by EO as Trump has proven.

View attachment 285500
Hahah called it
I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.

Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.

And you still voted many dozens of times to kill it. What's that old saying about doing the same thing over, and over, and over expecting a different outcome? Something about being crazy.

Da fuq are you talking about? President Trump effectively killed Obamacare when he dismantled it piece by piece. No more individual mandate, no more penalties for not having insurance, no more massive increases in Medicaid and recipients of Medicaid in some states have to prove that they're working or going to school.

President Trump also ended cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers, expanded access to short-term insurance plans, and slashed government funds for Obamacare signups.

Obamacare is dead and doesn't even know it.

There are still a 1000 pages of rules and regulations driving hospitals out of business and making everything more expensive in the world of healthcare...

Obamacare did that. I saw several small clinics shut down because they couldn't afford to become "compliant" with the ACA. There were several doctors here who preferred to retire instead of taking on more Medicare enrollees. It also changed the way many hospitals ran their operations, in order to be complaint. The hospital in my town lost its entire medical transcription department, after the ACA mandated they outsource the transcription to another company. That was 12 people out of work.

I know this because my wife who worked there for 7 years, was one of them.

It is still doing that...that part of it is not gone, that is the problem. My wife is an RN, she deals with the dumbshit from the ACA is not gone like everyone thinks.
Why not? Lets go a little further: Investigate the Democratic party, particularly their sanctuary city agenda, when it clearly wasn't democratic and it hurt poor lower class Americans. They hurt US Americans. This should TRUMP everything else, investigate why liberals democrats swept poor Americans under the rug for cheap illegal Mexican labor. Lets do that. Lets get the facts here. By all means.
Why not? Lets go a little further: Investigate the Democratic party, particularly their sanctuary city agenda, when it clearly wasn't democratic and it hurt poor lower class Americans. They hurt US Americans. This should TRUMP everything else, investigate why liberals democrats swept poor Americans under the rug for cheap illegal Mexican labor. Lets do that. Lets get the facts here. By all means.

Cheap illegal labor is not a Democratic party problem, both parties are equally guilty of letting it happen for the last 30 plus years
Why not? Lets go a little further: Investigate the Democratic party, particularly their sanctuary city agenda, when it clearly wasn't democratic and it hurt poor lower class Americans. They hurt US Americans. This should TRUMP everything else, investigate why liberals democrats swept poor Americans under the rug for cheap illegal Mexican labor. Lets do that. Lets get the facts here. By all means.

Cheap illegal labor is not a Democratic party problem, both parties are equally guilty of letting it happen for the last 30 plus years
Only one party trying to stop it
I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.

Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.
Feel free to not have health care insurance and not do to any doctor/hospital.

I pay for my own, as everyone else should do.

I'm sure as hell not paying for yours.
Yes you are......:71: Just like you are paying my retirement.
Why not? Lets go a little further: Investigate the Democratic party, particularly their sanctuary city agenda, when it clearly wasn't democratic and it hurt poor lower class Americans. They hurt US Americans. This should TRUMP everything else, investigate why liberals democrats swept poor Americans under the rug for cheap illegal Mexican labor. Lets do that. Lets get the facts here. By all means.

Cheap illegal labor is not a Democratic party problem, both parties are equally guilty of letting it happen for the last 30 plus years
I see corruption as major issue, but democrats are making a saving grace of skirting federal immigration law and creating sanctuary cities without popular consent...doesn't that bother you?
I think there is a better chance of that than of The Donald getting impeached.

She is just another career politician who has gotten old and incompetent....when these career politicians sit up there so long they lose touch with the people they are supposed to represent.

Not even to mention her affair with Adam Schiff...she after all is a married woman.

I would rather have AOC in that position rather than least AOC is consistent and honest and has not had enough time up there to get corrupted yet.

Resolution Introduced in House to Expel Nancy Pelosi

Her latest cryptic veiled threat on the president's life is all you need.
Nancy Pelosi Says She Prays for Trump's Mental Health. No One Believes Her
She said she prays for the safety of his life and his family's life, but why would she be worried about their lives unless she is in the know of a threat or is threatening his life.

This is the branch that oversights the House TO report her latest threat:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations: 1)her latest broadcast comment regarding the threat.
2) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI and Fisa abuses.
3) Nadler and Schiff abused their positions of power by threatening people, and Schiff's recent badgering and cohersing of a witness while kicking out judicial committee house members is enough of an ethics violation to get him thrown out or at minimum recused.
Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.

And you still voted many dozens of times to kill it. What's that old saying about doing the same thing over, and over, and over expecting a different outcome? Something about being crazy.

Da fuq are you talking about? President Trump effectively killed Obamacare when he dismantled it piece by piece. No more individual mandate, no more penalties for not having insurance, no more massive increases in Medicaid and recipients of Medicaid in some states have to prove that they're working or going to school.

President Trump also ended cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers, expanded access to short-term insurance plans, and slashed government funds for Obamacare signups.

Obamacare is dead and doesn't even know it.

There are still a 1000 pages of rules and regulations driving hospitals out of business and making everything more expensive in the world of healthcare...

Obamacare did that. I saw several small clinics shut down because they couldn't afford to become "compliant" with the ACA. There were several doctors here who preferred to retire instead of taking on more Medicare enrollees. It also changed the way many hospitals ran their operations, in order to be complaint. The hospital in my town lost its entire medical transcription department, after the ACA mandated they outsource the transcription to another company. That was 12 people out of work.

I know this because my wife who worked there for 7 years, was one of them.

It is still doing that...that part of it is not gone, that is the problem. My wife is an RN, she deals with the dumbshit from the ACA is not gone like everyone thinks.
I'm sure it will go about as far as those 60 or 70 votes to kill healthcare. Right wingers are so silly.

Obamacare wasn't "health care." It was nothing more than a scam that put people into the Medicare system.
Feel free to not have health care insurance and not do to any doctor/hospital.

I pay for my own, as everyone else should do.

I'm sure as hell not paying for yours.
Yes you are......:71: Just like you are paying my retirement.


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