Retirement Rumors surrounding SC liberal justice

Saw an article earlier that Thomas, being 80, should retire to put a younger conservative, on the bench in his place
Video: Retirement rumors surround Justice Anthony Kennedy

Oh please retire! That damn seat should have been Bork's anyways god knows what rulings were wrongly done thanks to the libtarded assholes who blocked Bork. Hopefully Napolitano or Buchanan can be put on court but I doubt it...want someone younger who will be there for a LONG time.

Here ya go, the best SCOTUS nominee available.....Younger, more common sense and more rational than Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer .... :D

Video: Retirement rumors surround Justice Anthony Kennedy

Oh please retire! That damn seat should have been Bork's anyways god knows what rulings were wrongly done thanks to the libtarded assholes who blocked Bork. Hopefully Napolitano or Buchanan can be put on court but I doubt it...want someone younger who will be there for a LONG time.
Oh Goody. Can't wait for another six months of carping over who takes his place.
Video: Retirement rumors surround Justice Anthony Kennedy

Oh please retire! That damn seat should have been Bork's anyways god knows what rulings were wrongly done thanks to the libtarded assholes who blocked Bork. Hopefully Napolitano or Buchanan can be put on court but I doubt it...want someone younger who will be there for a LONG time.
Oh Goody. Can't wait for another six months of carping over who takes his place.
I think Anthony Wiener or Wasserman would be a great choice!
Video: Retirement rumors surround Justice Anthony Kennedy

Oh please retire! That damn seat should have been Bork's anyways god knows what rulings were wrongly done thanks to the libtarded assholes who blocked Bork. Hopefully Napolitano or Buchanan can be put on court but I doubt it...want someone younger who will be there for a LONG time.
Oh Goody. Can't wait for another six months of carping over who takes his place.
Who ya placing bets on?
Video: Retirement rumors surround Justice Anthony Kennedy

Oh please retire! That damn seat should have been Bork's anyways god knows what rulings were wrongly done thanks to the libtarded assholes who blocked Bork. Hopefully Napolitano or Buchanan can be put on court but I doubt it...want someone younger who will be there for a LONG time.

It is most likely Kennedy.....they will have to carry that left wing activist in a robe, ginsburg, out feet first....she is going to sink her claws into her chair and try to hold on for the next 8 years....
Saw an article earlier that Thomas, being 80, should retire to put a younger conservative, on the bench in his place

Yeah....but after he rules on a few cases first...since we can pretty much trust his vote ......
Two liberals and a swing justice retiring giving Trump 3 more SCOTUS nominations needing only 51 votes, the left's heads will explode, then the smaller pieces of their heads will explode a 2nd time. :laugh:
It is most likely Kennedy.....they will have to carry that left wing activist in a robe, ginsburg, out feet first....she is going to sink her claws into her chair and try to hold on for the next 8 years....

Only 2 years 9 Months - Remember, no nominations during the final year of a Presidents term. Remember McConnell said no action by the Senate in the last year so the people can speak during the General Election.

Video: Retirement rumors surround Justice Anthony Kennedy

Oh please retire! That damn seat should have been Bork's anyways god knows what rulings were wrongly done thanks to the libtarded assholes who blocked Bork. Hopefully Napolitano or Buchanan can be put on court but I doubt it...want someone younger who will be there for a LONG time.
Oh Goody. Can't wait for another six months of carping over who takes his place.
Who ya placing bets on?
I don't actually care. The justices are more interested in Constitutional Law than politics and their decisions will reflect that, no matter how much the politicians in D.C. try to politicize the Court. I still have faith in them.
Here ya go, the best SCOTUS nominee available.....Younger, more common sense and more rational than Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer .... :D


1. I doubt any Republicans could be convinced that our resident infant is anything other than an extreme liberal.

2. Do you really want to have to put the word "Justice" in quotation marks

3. It IS a cute photo, though would look more natural in customary garb:


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