Return of the Consent Decrees and The Task Force of the 21st Century Policing

Daryl Hunt

Your Worst Nightmare
Oct 22, 2014
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

Translation: Orange Man Bad!



Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

Translation: Orange Man Bad!



Frank, you are barking up the wrong tree. Has nothing to do with the dumb assed trump. It is all about relentless pertitioning of the courts, lawyers collecting fees and activist judges going along, thinking the federal courts should take over local government and do something for the little people. You may like federal involvement and control on a day to day basis. I do not. It is indeed pitiful when good citizens loose control or fail to exercise control over their police, but I do not favor federal court control from half way across the country. No real conservative, ever would, not even a centrist conservative such as myself. I expected better from you.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

A fresh eye from outside will often find problems that those inside do not see. If we let Airlines investigate their own crashes and accidents nothing would change. By bringing in a fresh eye we get changes to increase safety. Those changes save lives.

But what is a consent decree? It is an agreement between the DOJ and the affected police department. The Department agreed to change the policies and refrain the officers to stop doing the Unconstitutional actions that were found to be common in the investigation.

Nobody goes to jail. Nobody loses their pensions. Nobody gets fired. All that happens is the Department agrees to follow the Constitution. That’s literally it. Why is that so bad?

The only time I am aware of that someone went to jail was when the Los Angeles Sheriff ordered that people hide prisoners that the investigators were wanting to talk to. In other words Obstruction of Justice and interference with an investigation.

If the Sheriff had not done that there is almost no chance anyone would have faced criminal prosecution no matter how much they may have deserved it.

You say the locals should deal with it. OK. The Sheriff himself is involved. What Locals are left? And why is it bad that the protections enshrined in the Constitution are protected?
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

A fresh eye from outside will often find problems that those inside do not see. If we let Airlines investigate their own crashes and accidents nothing would change. By bringing in a fresh eye we get changes to increase safety. Those changes save lives.

But what is a consent decree? It is an agreement between the DOJ and the affected police department. The Department agreed to change the policies and refrain the officers to stop doing the Unconstitutional actions that were found to be common in the investigation.

Nobody goes to jail. Nobody loses their pensions. Nobody gets fired. All that happens is the Department agrees to follow the Constitution. That’s literally it. Why is that so bad?

The only time I am aware of that someone went to jail was when the Los Angeles Sheriff ordered that people hide prisoners that the investigators were wanting to talk to. In other words Obstruction of Justice and interference with an investigation.

If the Sheriff had not done that there is almost no chance anyone would have faced criminal prosecution no matter how much they may have deserved it.

You say the locals should deal with it. OK. The Sheriff himself is involved. What Locals are left? And why is it bad that the protections enshrined in the Constitution are protected?

Newark is the best example. When it was first done, the Cops, Mayor, and just about everyone fought it tooth and nail. What they found out, there was NO defunding, no firing of good cops, in fact there were more funds to hire more cops because things ran more smoothly.

The Cops got embedded into the communities. You lived in the communities you policed. Community Activists went door to door and talked with the community and let them know what was going on. And it wasn't always an armed cop that responded to a 911 call. It might be a Social Worker who had a backup cop just 90 seconds away. The Tension went way down. There were also programs to get people working. During the Floyd Protests, it was the Protesters, themselves, that prevented rioting and looting. Even the Mayor was protesting along with his staff along with the community. When it came time to take a knew for prayer, even the cops there for Security reasons took a knee out of respect. Newark, NJ has demographics of over 50% African American people and used to have a high degree of looting and rioting in the past.

Where did the money come from the afford these changes? It came from a lot of areas "Locally". For one, they weren't having to support that "Military " equipment which is expensive to support. The rest came from every Public Safety Division kicking in 2% from their budget to pay for the "Civilian" wing to support the Cops in non violent calls. The Cops noticed, after awhile, they had more time to do the more important things like Violent Crimes, Thefts, etc.. The others noted that there were fewer cases of public defacing and destruction of property. That 2% ended up more than paying for itself.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

The Police Consent Decree is a completely different animal. And the only reason to get a Police Consent Decree is when you have a Portland type environment like Newark, NJ once had. The DOJ starts out being involved but once it's setup and running, the DOJ steps back and a Federal Judge and his Advisor is in charge of it. And the City runs it. It works.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

Translation: Orange Man Bad!




In this case, Orange Man IS bad. The Consent Decree System was setup. It was a slow thing that was started back in the Reagan years and started to be worked on by Presidents and finally finalized by Obama. It wasn't just Obama. It had the fingers of a lot of other Administrations in it as well. Obama just finally put it down on paper in the form of an EO in late 2015. In 2016, the DOJ started to enact it. It was put into place in 14 very troubled Cities across the nation and it was a success. It was primed to go into others in 2017 but one of the first EOs that Rump canceled out was the Obama EO on Consent Decree. Philly had already begun working on it but it wasn't past the acceptance rate yet when that happened. Philly cancelled the program and we all know how that turned out. Rump needed the Riots and Looting to get himself reelected. The didn't have to happen. Floyd and others did NOT have to die. Cops did not have to be murdered. Businesses did not have to be looted and burned to the ground. Yes, Orange Man Bad in this case.

The good news is, one of the first things Biden is doing is reintroducing the Consent Decree for the Police Forces along with a healthy injection of funding to get it on it's feet fast. There is a reason that the inner cities have more confidence in Biden and the looting and rioting will end after awhile when the Dwellers put a stop to it themselves.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

Translation: Orange Man Bad!




In this case, Orange Man IS bad. The Consent Decree System was setup. It was a slow thing that was started back in the Reagan years and started to be worked on by Presidents and finally finalized by Obama. It wasn't just Obama. It had the fingers of a lot of other Administrations in it as well. Obama just finally put it down on paper in the form of an EO in late 2015. In 2016, the DOJ started to enact it. It was put into place in 14 very troubled Cities across the nation and it was a success. It was primed to go into others in 2017 but one of the first EOs that Rump canceled out was the Obama EO on Consent Decree. Philly had already begun working on it but it wasn't past the acceptance rate yet when that happened. Philly cancelled the program and we all know how that turned out. Rump needed the Riots and Looting to get himself reelected. The didn't have to happen. Floyd and others did NOT have to die. Cops did not have to be murdered. Businesses did not have to be looted and burned to the ground. Yes, Orange Man Bad in this case.

The good news is, one of the first things Biden is doing is reintroducing the Consent Decree for the Police Forces along with a healthy injection of funding to get it on it's feet fast. There is a reason that the inner cities have more confidence in Biden and the looting and rioting will end after awhile when the Dwellers put a stop to it themselves.
That will require of me some evaluative thought and reading, as I am only really familiar with a federal consent decree, I did not like, that in fact had the effect of lowering the educational standards across the city and county, spurring the private school market into unprecedented growth of private schools and making it impossible to buy a house, knowing what schools your kids would go to, unless you went private.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

Translation: Orange Man Bad!




In this case, Orange Man IS bad. The Consent Decree System was setup. It was a slow thing that was started back in the Reagan years and started to be worked on by Presidents and finally finalized by Obama. It wasn't just Obama. It had the fingers of a lot of other Administrations in it as well. Obama just finally put it down on paper in the form of an EO in late 2015. In 2016, the DOJ started to enact it. It was put into place in 14 very troubled Cities across the nation and it was a success. It was primed to go into others in 2017 but one of the first EOs that Rump canceled out was the Obama EO on Consent Decree. Philly had already begun working on it but it wasn't past the acceptance rate yet when that happened. Philly cancelled the program and we all know how that turned out. Rump needed the Riots and Looting to get himself reelected. The didn't have to happen. Floyd and others did NOT have to die. Cops did not have to be murdered. Businesses did not have to be looted and burned to the ground. Yes, Orange Man Bad in this case.

The good news is, one of the first things Biden is doing is reintroducing the Consent Decree for the Police Forces along with a healthy injection of funding to get it on it's feet fast. There is a reason that the inner cities have more confidence in Biden and the looting and rioting will end after awhile when the Dwellers put a stop to it themselves.
That will require of me some evaluative thought and reading, as I am only really familiar with a federal consent decree, I did not like, that in fact had the effect of lowering the educational standards across the city and county, spurring the private school market into unprecedented growth of private schools and making it impossible to buy a house, knowing what schools your kids would go to, unless you went private.

In many but not all cases the Investigations were invited by the City or County elected officials. The Mayor of Baltimore for example asked for an investigation into the Police.

This investigation such as the one for Ferguson identifies Unconstitutional Practices by the police. Nobody goes to jail. The cops are instructed to change their training to be in compliance with the Constitutional Limits of Law Enforcement.

The DOJ found that many practices of the police and the courts of Ferguson were Unconstitutional. Now they could have just sued and bankrupted the City and taken everything over through the County Sheriff or State Police. Instead they agreed to let Ferguson fix the mess.

An example of this unconstitutional action. The Ferguson PD beat a man and then charged him with destruction of public property for bleeding on them. Ferguson later settled the lawsuit. Miraculously the tape from the jail where their necessary and reasonable force took place was accidentally taped over.

The DOJ correctly said this was absolutely unreasonable. And had harsh words for the courts in Ferguson as well. Reform of the kangaroo courts was part of the consent decree.

A pattern of behavior that was unconstitutional. If the Department of Justice isn’t supposed to identify and correct that what are they supposed to do?
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

Translation: Orange Man Bad!




In this case, Orange Man IS bad. The Consent Decree System was setup. It was a slow thing that was started back in the Reagan years and started to be worked on by Presidents and finally finalized by Obama. It wasn't just Obama. It had the fingers of a lot of other Administrations in it as well. Obama just finally put it down on paper in the form of an EO in late 2015. In 2016, the DOJ started to enact it. It was put into place in 14 very troubled Cities across the nation and it was a success. It was primed to go into others in 2017 but one of the first EOs that Rump canceled out was the Obama EO on Consent Decree. Philly had already begun working on it but it wasn't past the acceptance rate yet when that happened. Philly cancelled the program and we all know how that turned out. Rump needed the Riots and Looting to get himself reelected. The didn't have to happen. Floyd and others did NOT have to die. Cops did not have to be murdered. Businesses did not have to be looted and burned to the ground. Yes, Orange Man Bad in this case.

The good news is, one of the first things Biden is doing is reintroducing the Consent Decree for the Police Forces along with a healthy injection of funding to get it on it's feet fast. There is a reason that the inner cities have more confidence in Biden and the looting and rioting will end after awhile when the Dwellers put a stop to it themselves.
That will require of me some evaluative thought and reading, as I am only really familiar with a federal consent decree, I did not like, that in fact had the effect of lowering the educational standards across the city and county, spurring the private school market into unprecedented growth of private schools and making it impossible to buy a house, knowing what schools your kids would go to, unless you went private.

This is something completely different. I already gave the links to it. It's a two or three parter that Rump threw out that lead to the Floyd (and others) death, murdered cops, rioting, burning, looting. But in the cities that had it in effect, this did not happen. And once it's setup and operating, it's largely locally ran with Judicial oversight and the DOJ steps out of the picture. NO defunding, no reducing of funds.
Task Force on 21st Century Policing
The Task Force is part of the Administration’s efforts to strengthen community policing and strengthen trust among law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The Task Force will be chaired by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.

Consent Decrees

A Jan. 5, 2017, exit memo by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ launched 23 such investigations under Obama and “is now enforcing 17 agreements with law enforcement agencies across the country, including 14 consent decrees.” Those investigations focused on the Ferguson Police Department, as well as agencies in Baltimore, Chicago and other cities.

“Consent decrees were a very important initiative to try to bring systemic change to police departments,” addressing all forms of policing including use of force, Sklansky said. The Obama administration “launched more of these investigations than any previous administration.”

Rump claimed that Obama/Biden never tried to work with the various Police Departments. When in fact, through the Consent Decree, 14 cities were under it as of 2016. When the riots and looting started under Rump, not a single one of these cities had any looting or rioting. In fact, they had peaceful Protests. Newark NJ is one of them where an outsider started to throw a brick into a Cop Car window and was verbally stopped by the protesters. And a White Newark Policeman was trying to apprehend a Black suspect when the suspect overpowered the cop. 5 local African Americans not only rendered aid to the officer, they detained the the suspect in not a very gentle way.

The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected.
I do not like Federal consent decrees as a rule, thinking local officials should step up to dealing with local problem on their own. Jackon was under a consent decree on busing and school districting. I didn't like that either. They can be long running and can even become counter productive at a point, not up to the community.

Translation: Orange Man Bad!




In this case, Orange Man IS bad. The Consent Decree System was setup. It was a slow thing that was started back in the Reagan years and started to be worked on by Presidents and finally finalized by Obama. It wasn't just Obama. It had the fingers of a lot of other Administrations in it as well. Obama just finally put it down on paper in the form of an EO in late 2015. In 2016, the DOJ started to enact it. It was put into place in 14 very troubled Cities across the nation and it was a success. It was primed to go into others in 2017 but one of the first EOs that Rump canceled out was the Obama EO on Consent Decree. Philly had already begun working on it but it wasn't past the acceptance rate yet when that happened. Philly cancelled the program and we all know how that turned out. Rump needed the Riots and Looting to get himself reelected. The didn't have to happen. Floyd and others did NOT have to die. Cops did not have to be murdered. Businesses did not have to be looted and burned to the ground. Yes, Orange Man Bad in this case.

The good news is, one of the first things Biden is doing is reintroducing the Consent Decree for the Police Forces along with a healthy injection of funding to get it on it's feet fast. There is a reason that the inner cities have more confidence in Biden and the looting and rioting will end after awhile when the Dwellers put a stop to it themselves.
That will require of me some evaluative thought and reading, as I am only really familiar with a federal consent decree, I did not like, that in fact had the effect of lowering the educational standards across the city and county, spurring the private school market into unprecedented growth of private schools and making it impossible to buy a house, knowing what schools your kids would go to, unless you went private.

In many but not all cases the Investigations were invited by the City or County elected officials. The Mayor of Baltimore for example asked for an investigation into the Police.

This investigation such as the one for Ferguson identifies Unconstitutional Practices by the police. Nobody goes to jail. The cops are instructed to change their training to be in compliance with the Constitutional Limits of Law Enforcement.

The DOJ found that many practices of the police and the courts of Ferguson were Unconstitutional. Now they could have just sued and bankrupted the City and taken everything over through the County Sheriff or State Police. Instead they agreed to let Ferguson fix the mess.

An example of this unconstitutional action. The Ferguson PD beat a man and then charged him with destruction of public property for bleeding on them. Ferguson later settled the lawsuit. Miraculously the tape from the jail where their necessary and reasonable force took place was accidentally taped over.

The DOJ correctly said this was absolutely unreasonable. And had harsh words for the courts in Ferguson as well. Reform of the kangaroo courts was part of the consent decree.

A pattern of behavior that was unconstitutional. If the Department of Justice isn’t supposed to identify and correct that what are they supposed to do?

Baltimore was on the next list for the Consent list but it was stopped due to Rump canceling the Consent Decree in early 2017. All of this could have been avoided.
Leftists are so gullible. :auiqs.jpg:

Those damned fools expecting Police to obey the Constitution. How silly. Don’t they know might makes right?
"The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected."

That's horseshit. Gullible idiots believe it, though.
Leftists are so gullible. :auiqs.jpg:

Those damned fools expecting Police to obey the Constitution. How silly. Don’t they know might makes right?
"The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected."

That's horseshit. Gullible idiots believe it, though.

Help me out then Scooter. Cities that have enacted the decree have fewer situations where lethal force is used. The police are retrained in de-escalation techniques. So fewer situations where cops, suspects, and bystanders are threatened by extreme use of force situations. Better yet. Cops don’t face trial for shooting someone. They don’t go to prison for Manslaughter or Murder.

How exactly is this bad?
Leftists are so gullible. :auiqs.jpg:

Those damned fools expecting Police to obey the Constitution. How silly. Don’t they know might makes right?
"The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected."

That's horseshit. Gullible idiots believe it, though.

Help me out then Scooter. Cities that have enacted the decree have fewer situations where lethal force is used. The police are retrained in de-escalation techniques. So fewer situations where cops, suspects, and bystanders are threatened by extreme use of force situations. Better yet. Cops don’t face trial for shooting someone. They don’t go to prison for Manslaughter or Murder.

How exactly is this bad?
"The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting."

How many times do I have to repeat this before you smell the bullshit it's made of?

The Obama/Biden Admin encouraged lawless riots. Democrats still do.
Leftists are so gullible. :auiqs.jpg:

Those damned fools expecting Police to obey the Constitution. How silly. Don’t they know might makes right?
"The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting. That was a product of stopping the Consent Decree program. Baltimore was one of the ones to get it next but Rump and Sessions nixed it. Rump created the looting and Rioting for his purposes to get reelected."

That's horseshit. Gullible idiots believe it, though.

Help me out then Scooter. Cities that have enacted the decree have fewer situations where lethal force is used. The police are retrained in de-escalation techniques. So fewer situations where cops, suspects, and bystanders are threatened by extreme use of force situations. Better yet. Cops don’t face trial for shooting someone. They don’t go to prison for Manslaughter or Murder.

How exactly is this bad?
"The Obama/Biden Admin didn't create the looting and Rioting."

How many times do I have to repeat this before you smell the bullshit it's made of?

The Obama/Biden Admin encouraged lawless riots. Democrats still do.

I am wondering the same thing. What do I have to say for you to realize how insane your nonsense sounds?

So let’s try this. You prefer the streets to be as dangerous as possible for cops?

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