Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative


Apr 23, 2009
One of the women that is accusing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sex crimes appears to have worked with a group that has connections to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
James D. Catlin, a lawyer who recently represented Assange, said the sex assault investigation into the WikiLeaks founder is based on claims he didn't use condoms during sex with two Swedish women.
Swedish prosecutors told AOL News last week that Assange was not wanted for rape as has been reported, but for something called "sex by surprise" or "unexpected sex."
One accuser, Anna Ardin, may have "ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups," according to Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett, writing for CounterPunch.
While in Cuba, Ardin worked with the Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White), a feminist anti-Castro group.
Professor Michael Seltzer pointed out that the group is led by Carlos Alberto Montaner who is reportedly connected to the CIA.
Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative | Raw Story
It IS rather convenient that this guy's status as a SEX CRIMINAL happened AFTER he'd pissed off the US government, isn't it?

And his sex crime?

Having sex without a condom?!

He just got arrested in London, BTW.

On what?

On this insane Swedish sex rime law, that's what.
They need to locate him to build an espionage case. If he had oustanding parking tickets, they probably would have used that. Happens all the time.

But I find that Swedish law bizarre.
[ame=""]Julian Assange's London lawyer Mark Stevens interviewed last night - 12/6/10 - alongside former US assistant secretary of state Colleen Graffy and British Conservative MP and former diplomat (British governer of southern Iraq, Basra) Rory Stuart, by Emily Maitlis on BBC's Newsnight.[/ame]
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One of the women that is accusing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sex crimes appears to have worked with a group that has connections to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
James D. Catlin, a lawyer who recently represented Assange, said the sex assault investigation into the WikiLeaks founder is based on claims he didn't use condoms during sex with two Swedish women.
Swedish prosecutors told AOL News last week that Assange was not wanted for rape as has been reported, but for something called "sex by surprise" or "unexpected sex."
One accuser, Anna Ardin, may have "ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups," according to Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett, writing for CounterPunch.
While in Cuba, Ardin worked with the Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White), a feminist anti-Castro group.
Professor Michael Seltzer pointed out that the group is led by Carlos Alberto Montaner who is reportedly connected to the CIA.
Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative | Raw Story
:lol: This is like the Kevin Bacon game.

Hey, Buttemia, I've given money to the Ladies in White...does that mean I'm connected to the CIA? :lol::lol:
"... appears to have links". Key word: 'Appears'.

I'll wait until all the facts are known rather than jumping to conclusions. I don't know why... I'm just anal like that.... I prefer to form opinions based on all the facts rather than a few 'appears'.
Julian Assange has just been refused bail. But let's not forget that the supposed defendant, Anna Ardin, is a radical feminist who was one of the people that invited Assange to Sweden in the first place and notoriously wrote on her blog a guide to getting revenge.

And let's not also forget that her cousin and near friend is Lieutenant Colonel Mattias Ardin, Deputy Head of Operations, Swedish Joint Forces Land Component Command, who works with Nato Operations ... in Afghanistan.

Now, tell me that doesn't suggests there's a possible C.I.A or MI6 connection.
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As ridiculous as it is to have an international police agency going after someone who committed the "crime" of having sex without a condom, this stuff is like it's straight out of a spy thriller. If I was in Assange's shoes, I'd spend my time behind bars writing an autobiography on all this.
As ridiculous as it is to have an international police agency going after someone who committed the "crime" of having sex without a condom, this stuff is like it's straight out of a spy thriller. If I was in Assange's shoes, I'd spend my time behind bars writing an autobiography on all this.

In between waterboardings.
"Appears to have worked with..."

"May have ties to..."

"Reportedly connected to..."

Yeah, get back to me when you have something a little more solid than "appears to have," "may have," and "reportedly." Any one who did not anticipate the eventual "linking" of the accuser to various government agencies is an idiot. Anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence could see this truck barrelling down the highway weeks ago...

Now, tell me that you didn't expect Assange and his lawyers and his acolytes wouldn't suggest a possible C.I.A or MI6 connection...
As ridiculous as it is to have an international police agency going after someone who committed the "crime" of having sex without a condom, this stuff is like it's straight out of a spy thriller. If I was in Assange's shoes, I'd spend my time behind bars writing an autobiography on all this.

In between waterboardings.

I wouldn't think of it as waterboardings. More like xtreme showering.

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