REVEALED: Full List Of 1,049 Victims, Crimes Committed During Cologne New Year’s muslim Sex Assaults


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Breitbart ^ | 21 Jan 2016 | by Oliver Lane
The North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state government has released the full log of offences recorded in the city centre on New Year's Eve, which lists in detail the forms of crimes committed, and the genders of those attacked. With crimes ranging from mere pickpocketing to full blown "group rape", what Germany's Bild newspaper calls the "list of shame" runs to a staggering 821 complaints. When considering all the major cities of the NRW state including Cologne, Dusseldorf, Dortmund and Bielefeld the number of complaints is closer to 1,000. In the list, sexual offences are recorded 359 times, and 659 women are..


I'd like to see how many sexual assaults Cologne has in 1 year....vs that one night.
Muslims must think New Year's Eve is Rape Night...

More than 1,200 women were assaulted on New Year's Eve in Germany
July 11, 2016 -- More than 1,200 women were sexually assaulted across Germany on New Year's Eve, according to a terrifying new report in German media.
More than 600 women were assaulted in Cologne and about another 400 assaulted in Hamburg Dec. 31 by about 2,000 men, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper reported Sunday. The paper obtained a leaked police document that identified 120 suspects, most of whom were non-Germans. At least 90 women filed police reports in January claiming sexual assault and one reported being raped.

Nearly 1,000 men were identified as possible suspects when the investigation began, with four already convicted and several more trials to come. A 50-page report by the Federal Office of Criminal Investigations dispels the common belief that the assaults happened only in Cologne and actually happened in multiple German cities that night.


More than 1,200 women reported alleged sexual assaults across Germany on New Year's Eve, according to a newly leaked police report. The authors of the report conclude that many of the assaults were allegedly committed by non-Germans and might have been connected to the massive influx of Middle Eastern refugees in 2015.​

Groups of men were reportedly responsible for many of the crimes, but the report concludes that there are simply too many men involved for them all to be brought to justice. "We need to assume that many of the perpetrators will not be investigated," said Holger Münch, head of the Federal Office of Criminal Investigations. The report also concludes what is sure to maintain racial tensions and anti-immigrant feeling in Germany, stating "there is clearly a connection between the appearance of this phenomenon and the mass immigration of 2015."

More than 1,200 women were assaulted on New Year's Eve in Germany

See also:

New year sex attacks in Germany 'likely to remain unsolved'
Tuesday 12th July, 2016 - A top German police officer has said it may prove impossible to find many of the perpetrators of hundreds of sexual offences committed against women on New Year's Eve.
Reports claim that police have concluded some 1,200 women were victims of sexual offences in German cities, attacks which were largely blamed on foreigners. Some 650 were assaulted in Cologne alone.


Demonstrations took place across Germany in the aftermath of a string of New Year's Eve sexual assaults and robberies​

Officers estimate more than 2,000 men were involved, but the draft Federal Criminal Police Office report said only 120 suspects were traced. There have been four convictions so far. German police would not immediately confirm the figures.

Top officer Holger Muench told broadcasters NDR and WDR and the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung that the investigations have not yet been concluded, but "we must assume (the perpetrators) of many of these acts can't be found".

New year sex attacks in Germany 'likely to remain unsolved' -


Survey: Europeans worry migrants may increase terror threat
Jul 11,`16 -- The refugee crisis and the threat of terrorism in Europe are very much related to one another in the minds of many Europeans, according to a survey conducted across the continent.
Monday's poll by the Pew Research Center found that in eight of the ten European nations surveyed, half or more believe that the influx of migrants increases the likelihood of terrorism in their country. Many Europeans also worry that migrants will become an economic burden and take away their jobs and social benefits. The survey covered the European countries of Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Poland. It was conducted from April to May - before the British referendum to leave the European Union and the extremist attack at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport last month. The continent saw an overwhelming influx of more than one million migrants in 2015 - with the majority arriving from Muslim countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Almost all of them applied for asylum in the EU with Germany and Sweden as their top destinations.

Meanwhile, populist parties all over the continent successfully increased their numbers by campaigning against Muslim migrants, including the National Front in France, the UK Independence Party, the right-wing Alternative for Germany and Austria's Freedom Party. Europe has recently suffered several major terrorist attacks, including the assaults by the Islamic State group on Paris and Brussels that killed scores of people. Many of the attackers were European-born, but some are believed to have traveled to Syria to join IS before returning to carry out the attacks - a few of them by mixing in with migrant flows to avoid detection on their way home. Some 76 percent of people surveyed in Hungary said they're concerned that refugees will increase the likelihood of terrorism in their country, followed by the Polish with 71 percent. Majorities in all other surveyed countries shared this belief - with the exception of Spain and France.


A woman holds a placard during a Pegida demonstration against immigration and Islamisation in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The refugee crisis and the threat of terrorism in Europe are very much related to one another in the minds of many Europeans, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center across the continent. Many Europeans also worry that migrants will become an economic burden and take away their jobs and social benefits. Populist parties all over the continent have successfully increased their numbers by campaigning against Muslim migrants including the right-wing Alternative for Germany or Austria’s Freedom Party.​

Citizens of both Hungary and Poland also worried more than other Europeans that refugees would be a burden to their countries because they would take their jobs and social benefits. "It is important to note that worries about refugees are not necessarily related to the number of migrants coming to the country," the report states. It said Poland, where 73 percent say refugees are an overall major threat, has had only several thousand asylum applications, while just 31 percent of Germans are generally concerned about refugees after seeing their country register almost 1.1 million asylum seekers last year.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the successful handling of the refugee crisis her top priority and has told Germans time and again that "we will manage this." The government of Hungary, on the other hand has been an insistent voice against migrants, especially against Muslims. Germany and Sweden - which took in the second most asylum seekers in 2015 - are the only countries where at least half say refugees make their nations stronger because of their work and talent. When asked more generally, whether having an increasing number of people of many different races, ethnic groups and nationalities in their country makes the society a better place to live in, only few Europeans said diversity has a positive impact. At 36 percent, Sweden registers the highest percentage that believes diversity makes their country a better place to live.

The prevailing attitude in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain is that diversity is neither a plus nor a minus in term of quality of life. At the same time, 63 percent in Greece and 53 percent in Italy believe that growing diversity makes their country a worse place to live. These attitudes stand in a stark contrast to the U.S. There, some 58 percent of Americans said having more people of many different races, ethnic groups and nationalities makes the U.S. a better place to live. Only 7 percent said increasing diversity makes life worse, according to a Pew Reserach Center poll conducted in March. The poll was conducted from April 4 to May 12 among 11,494 people in Europe and the United States. Data from the U.S. was mostly used for comparisons. The margin of error ranged from 3.1 to 4.6 percent.

News from The Associated Press
Germans shall stop to vote for the United socialist party - Lefts-Greens-SPD-CDU-CSU-FDP and begin to give their voices only for AFD, otherwise Berlin's stasi commies will completely ruin Germany and transform it to a Muslim turd sewage.It was a failure that the capital of Germany was relocated from Bonn to Berlin: all public offices are now full of former DDR activists and Stasi-KGB agents who are hardly working on erecting of DDR 2.0 ( a Mixing between Orwell's totalitarian states and Sharia societies ).

Below commie Merkel is laughing among other commies.Once communist is always communist.


I'd like to see how many sexual assaults Cologne has in 1 year....vs that one night.

Due to the lack of police Merkel will prohibit celebration of Silvester, like she did with spring carnivals.
BTW German police persecute only Germans or old retired people.It is too coward and too politically correct to fight against Muslims.
Only insane people believe that 40k street cops can save german woman from millions of sex obsessed Muslims.
Alleged offences.

Oh, I think we're way beyond the "alleged" part. Don't you?
I dont know. For such a huge amount of alleged offences there have been very few arrests or convictions. Its not beyond the neo nazis to invent things to push their agenda so I have an open mind on this.

Yes, the German politicians have abandoned their people to support the failing policies of the EU. The mayor of Cologne had the unmitigated gall to blame the attacks on what the women were wearing. Face it tainty, in your perfect world women are chattel and an be treated any way the man desires.

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