

Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day when the subject of Guns, the 2nd Amendment and Uprisings came up.

Won't bore you with all of it but I do want to bring up what I told him at one point on the topic of 'Revolution'

We have a Revolution every four years. It's called a Presidential Election.

This time, we won. Bigly

And dimocrap scum are pissed about it. So pissed, they're openly talking about armed resistance and violent measures to keep the Legitimately Elected POTUS from taking his rightful place.

Here is one of many examples --

Protesters planning to blockade inauguration checkpoints, 'party' outside Pence home

The thing is this -- dimocraps are brave when they know they're not in any danger. Ever notice that?

They always seem to riot in Cities with lots and lots of Cops around. Think they don't notice that?

They know, for a fact, that teh Cops are there to protect THEM.

Ever notice how when they riot, they always do it IN THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS or in areas where there's a bunch of Cops??

Anyway, just wanted to bring it to your attention.

This is what we're fighting, people. Not good citizens that believe in the Constitution -- Punks, thugs, bullies and violent extremists.

THAT is your dimocrap party of today.

I call them 'dimocraps' because they are such scum, they don't deserve to have the same moniker as such great Men as Harry Truman, JFK and, yes, FDR.

It isn't sad, it is disgusting
Just gonna park this here. Nobody seems interested in this thread anyway.

More proof that Republicans and Conservative News is out of touch and unpopular

THU JAN 12, 2017

MSNBC MADDOW 2,004,000
MSNBC HAYES 1,416,000
CNN COOPER 1,404,000
CNN TAPPER 1,224,000
HBO VICE 277,000
I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day when the subject of Guns, the 2nd Amendment and Uprisings came up.

Won't bore you with all of it but I do want to bring up what I told him at one point on the topic of 'Revolution'

We have a Revolution every four years. It's called a Presidential Election.

This time, we won. Bigly

And dimocrap scum are pissed about it. So pissed, they're openly talking about armed resistance and violent measures to keep the Legitimately Elected POTUS from taking his rightful place.

Here is one of many examples --

Protesters planning to blockade inauguration checkpoints, 'party' outside Pence home

The thing is this -- dimocraps are brave when they know they're not in any danger. Ever notice that?

They always seem to riot in Cities with lots and lots of Cops around. Think they don't notice that?

They know, for a fact, that teh Cops are there to protect THEM.

Ever notice how when they riot, they always do it IN THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS or in areas where there's a bunch of Cops??

Anyway, just wanted to bring it to your attention.

This is what we're fighting, people. Not good citizens that believe in the Constitution -- Punks, thugs, bullies and violent extremists.

THAT is your dimocrap party of today.

I call them 'dimocraps' because they are such scum, they don't deserve to have the same moniker as such great Men as Harry Truman, JFK and, yes, FDR.

It isn't sad, it is disgusting

You were supposed to win—the party out of power almost always wins after 8 years. And while winning the electoral vote, you actually lost the popular vote. Bigly.

On top of that, Democrats picked up seats in both the Senate and House.
You were supposed to win—the party out of power almost always wins after 8 years. And while winning the electoral vote, you actually lost the popular vote. Bigly.

On top of that, Democrats picked up seats in both the Senate and House.

Wow..... Just --


304 - 227, sugar plum
I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day when the subject of Guns, the 2nd Amendment and Uprisings came up.

Won't bore you with all of it but I do want to bring up what I told him at one point on the topic of 'Revolution'

We have a Revolution every four years. It's called a Presidential Election.

This time, we won. Bigly

And dimocrap scum are pissed about it. So pissed, they're openly talking about armed resistance and violent measures to keep the Legitimately Elected POTUS from taking his rightful place.

Here is one of many examples --

Protesters planning to blockade inauguration checkpoints, 'party' outside Pence home

The thing is this -- dimocraps are brave when they know they're not in any danger. Ever notice that?

They always seem to riot in Cities with lots and lots of Cops around. Think they don't notice that?

They know, for a fact, that teh Cops are there to protect THEM.

Ever notice how when they riot, they always do it IN THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS or in areas where there's a bunch of Cops??

Anyway, just wanted to bring it to your attention.

This is what we're fighting, people. Not good citizens that believe in the Constitution -- Punks, thugs, bullies and violent extremists.

THAT is your dimocrap party of today.

I call them 'dimocraps' because they are such scum, they don't deserve to have the same moniker as such great Men as Harry Truman, JFK and, yes, FDR.

It isn't sad, it is disgusting

You were supposed to win—the party out of power almost always wins after 8 years. And while winning the electoral vote, you actually lost the popular vote. Bigly.

On top of that, Democrats picked up seats in both the Senate and House.
What did we lose?

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