RFK Jr. Directly Accuses Fauci of Mass Murder: Said Fauci “Knew” COVID Protocol Remdesivir “Would Kill You”

I'd say this is where they say in the papers "The gloves are off..."

"RFK Jr. is now in all important ways directly accusing Fauci of mass murder.

The federal government powerfully incentivized use of Remdesivir in treatment of COVID, at any stage for people of all ages.

WND: ‘The Remdesivir Papers’ raises scary questions about military medical care”

“In a revealing 5,400-word report dubbed “The Remdesivir Papers” just published today, a military whistleblower has come forward to offer evidence that 64% of service members and veterans whose deaths were attributed to COVID-19 were also administered remdesivir – a drug with a known lethal past.

According to the report, first published by the Gateway Pundit, “the data clearly depict the liberal usage of remdesivir in military treatment facilities (MTF) and other civilian facilities, as well as its potential contribution to, at minimum, hundreds of untimely deaths” between 2020 and 2024.”

RFK Jr. said of Fauci in April of 2023: “Our protocol was no treatment until you go to the hospital. Then your treatment is two things that are bound to kill you: ventilators and remdesivir and Tony Fauci knew that remdesivir would kill you.”

RFK Jr. ” Tony Fauci knew that remdesivir would kill you.” (view at Rumble)

But in November of 2020 even the World Health Organization (WHO) advised against using Remdesivir for COVID, due to lack of efficacy. NBC News reported:

“The antiviral remdesivir should not be used as treatment for hospitalized Covid-19 patients, the World Health Organization said Thursday, only a month after the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug to treat patients over age 12 who are hospitalized with Covid-19.”

In Massachusetts an independent researcher received all the death certificates in that state from 2015 to 2022, finding 1,840 excess deaths from acute renal (kidney) failure from January 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022, which he believes may be due to remdesivir. COVID does not attack the kidneys, but Remdesivir is well-known to.

In August 2022, Medical News Today reported:

“Researchers in a 2021 studyTrusted Source searched the international adverse effects database of the World Health Organization (WHO) for cases of acute renal failure (ARF) in people receiving treatment with remdesivir. They also searched for cases of ARF in people taking other drugs for COVID-19. They found a significantly higher number of cases of ARF in those who received remdesivir.

Another 2021 studyTrusted Source found similar results. They noted that, compared with other antiviral medications to treat COVID-19, remdesivir was more likely to cause kidney issues, most notably acute kidney injury.

A 2022 study noted that acute kidney injury is a potential complication of COVID-19 that could be due to the use of remdesivir. The authors highlighted the significant association between remdesivir and acute kidney injury and urged the need for more studies into its safety.”

Below source


It has been long pointed out that administering Remdesivir was not only harmful but lucratve, allowing hospitals to tack another 20% on every deemed-COVID patient’s entire Medicare hospital bill.

The Vaccine Reaction: “The PREP Act’s Role in Shielding Big Pharma and Incentivizing Harmful COVID-19 Treatments”:

  • CARES Act Funding: Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,6 hospitals treating COVID-19 patients received a 20% add-on payment for Medicare patients diagnosed with the virus. This increase in reimbursement created a financial incentive not only to identify more patients as having COVID-19 but also to adopt specific treatments, like Remdesivir, which was included in the government’s COVID-19 treatment guidelines.

  • Increased Reimbursement for Remdesivir: The federal government quickly endorsed Remdesivir as one of the FDA-approved treatments for COVID-19. As a result, hospitals received increased Medicare payments when they treated patients with this drug, making it an appealing option even though Remdesivir had known side effects, such as kidney problems, liver toxicity, and cardiovascular issues. “
A list of scientific articles discussing the dangers of Remdesivir can be found at “Running List of (15) Studies Showing Remdesivir Is Harmful and Not Effective.”

Despite strong evidence of kidney damage, incredibly, in 2023 Remdesivir was approved by the FDA for use in COVID patients even for patients with already damaged kidneys.

In the American Thinker it was written:

“Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID. Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs. Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients. Does anybody else feel as if the FDA is shoving its power in our faces and laughing at us?

I’ve been joining online support groups for people who lost loved ones to the Remdesivir Protocol — a nightmarish sequence in which a patient is isolated in the hospital, bullied into taking Remdesivir, ventilated, and then sedated to death. Thousands of Americans were killed this way, possibly hundreds of thousands.”

“I can’t believe the FDA would approve this,” MaryLou said. “My son was 37 years old. He went into the hospital with two blood clots, but his kidneys were functioning. They gave him Remdesivir, and in twelve hours, his kidneys stopped working, and his organs began to fail. We never saw him open his eyes again.””

The military whistleblower’ revelations and other testimonies stoke suspicions that many deaths deemed as being from COVID in 2020 were not from primarily from COVID at all, but from its treatment protocols such as Remdesivir and lung intubation."... MORE...

Anthony "Josef Mengele" Fauci has the right to sue RFK Jr for slander or defamation . But He won't because he is guilty as charged.
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Those behind the Covid scam and mass murdering "FRAUD Vax" are all.... CHOSEN....

You’re truly an idiot.

Everything Republicans can’t understand or don’t want to believe, is a “scam”.

Climate change is a scam. Covid is a scam. Russian interference in elections is a scam. Elections are a scam - when they lose.

This is why you’re failing.
Senator Dr. Rand Paul has accused Fauci of criminal actions regarding Covid-19.
Either Fauci faces up to his wring doing, or the hammer will fall...

Rand Paul? An idiot. A failed eye doctor.

Any attempt to prosecute Faucci will fail utterly.

Why don’t you prosecute the guy who made the decisions that killed one million Americans - Donald Trump?
I'd say this is where they say in the papers "The gloves are off..."

His dad must be rolling in his grave.

Junior has been huffing too many chemtrails.
You’re truly an idiot.

Everything Republicans can’t understand or don’t want to believe, is a “scam”.

Climate change is a scam. Covid is a scam. Russian interference in elections is a scam. Elections are a scam - when they lose.

This is why you’re failing.

Rand Paul? An idiot. A failed eye doctor.

Any attempt to prosecute Faucci will fail utterly.

Why don’t you prosecute the guy who made the decisions that killed one million Americans - Donald Trump?
It`s time, actually, it`s beyond time to build a wall around this country to keep our madness and stupidity from infecting the first-tier nations. Lock us up! Lock us up!
Everything Republicans can’t understand or don’t want to believe, is a “scam”.

Climate change is a scam. Covid is a scam. Russian interference in elections is a scam. Elections are a scam - when they lose.
From the Socialist Demon Rats standpoint everything which aggrandizes the swamp is real : the junk science known as globull warming , CONvid, Russia's ALLEGED interference in the election , ad nauseam
America needs to bring its traitors to justice or America as a nation is finished.

The covid crowd, the border human traffickers, the diddy/epstein people, the weaponized law enforcement, and all their minions need to be brought to trial.

Nuremberg 2.0 is near.
We don't even need a "hearing." If you can document the person mandated Murderous FRAUD Vax, that person is OFFED, no trial.
Employers mandated the vaccine and people were free to find other jobs. I`m old enough to remember the 2 people living on our street that had to wear braces because of polio. It wasn`t funny at all, and I`m sure there were nutty parents who refused the polio shot and fucked their kids up for life. You morons aren`t breaking any new ground here. The world has always had morons.
From the Socialist Demon Rats standpoint everything which aggrandizes the swamp is real : the junk science known as globull warming , CONvid, Russia's ALLEGED interference in the election , ad nauseam

Demon rats??? The Swamp??? Junk science. The idiot trifecta. Who talks like this??

Do you have any concept how stupid you sound when you post this garbage?

Another idiot heard from.

Who do you know that died from the vaccine???? With millions dying, everyone must know dozens of people who died from the vaccine.

80% of the residents of my county were vaccinated. Nobody died. How lucky were we?

In Canada 90 people got sick from the 100,000,000 shots given. Guess Canada is the luckiest country in the world.
Demon rats??? The Swamp??? Junk science. The idiot trifecta. Who talks like this??

Do you have any concept how stupid you sound when you post this garbage?
The "dragon lady" admits that Socialist Demon Rats have adopted a woke , schizophasic dialect which they mix with Orwellian Double Speak and no longer understand the basic English Language
The "dragon lady" admits that Socialist Demon Rats have adopted a woke , schizophasic dialect which they mix with Orwellian Double Speak and no longer understand the basic English Language

The vocabulary is that of right wing loons like yourselves. Your the ones fighting non existent “woke” wars.

Yours is the language of the MAGA Cult and conspiracy theorists.

Idiots all.
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