So now we have a very easy way to understand the differential geometry.
Which, we need to understand the difference between the way computers do things, and the way the brain does things.
First of all, we need to establish the a vector is a geometric invariant. It looks the same in any coordinate system, it's just that the coefficients change depending on our choice of basis vectors.
For example - you're used to the Cartesian coordinate system, where the basis vectors are the same everywhere in space. Let's call the basis vectors E. In Cartesian coordinates then, E(x) is (1,0) and E(y) is (0,1), that kind of thing.
But in polar coordinates, the basis vectors change at every point in space. We can sée this from the transformation formula, x = r cos theta, and y = r sin theta, where the polar basis vectors are r and theta.
To determine the distance between two points on a curved surface, we need the metric tensor. Which is why we need differential geometry. In differential geometry, the basis vectors become the derivative operators, in the direction of the coordinates. This is why we use the tangent plane TpM at a point p, because in a small neighborhood around p the surface is "approximately flat", which means we can use calculus to obtain the tangent vectors in any given direction.
So in this case, if we have Cartesian coordinates and we want to translate them to polar coordinates, we use the Jacobian matrix (actually its transpose, but I'll just call it the Jacobian to keep it simple).
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And similarly, if we start with polar coordinates and want to convert to Cartesian, we can use the inverse Jacobian.
To get the metric tensor though, we need the dot product operation, and we can do that in one of two ways. If we know the lengths and angles, we can calculate the dot product from the norm and the cosine of the angle. Or, we can use the metric tensor to calculate the dot product using matrix multiplication, according to the formula g(v,w) where g is the metric tensor and v and w are any two vectors. This formula can also be rewritten as p = J'cJ, where p are polar coordinates and c are Cartesian coordinates, and J is the Jacobian matrix that converts between them.
So for example - in the retinotopic mapping from the thalamus to the first area of the visual cortex V1, we have a complex log spatial mapping that converts polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates, as mentioned earlier. This means we lose our polar coordinates, and if we need them again we have to recalculate them. It also means that feedback from the cortex to the thalamus has to perform the inverse mapping if we want it to remain retinotopic.
It is certainly easier to calculate dot products in Cartesian coordinates, where the metric tensor is just the identity matrix everywhere in space - which is why the brain does it that way. The purpose of the dot products is to compute the projections of surface vectors into the coordinate system. We need this to calculate binocular disparity, and for subsequent calculation of surface boundaries in 3 dimensions.
But here's the twist: the complex log mapping doesn't change the motion information. It remains encoded in polar coordinates from the retina. For that reason, the orientation columns are not simple alignment vectors, they also process
spatial frequency which is the co-vectors. From a tensor algebra point of view, if you have the vectors and co-vectors you can generate any tensor, which includes any linear map.
So you can see why things are the way they are: if we want to calculate the Jacobian and inverse Jacobian (which we need because they're our forward and backward transforms for coordinate systems), we need the projections of arbitrary surface vectors which means the sines and cosines. To translate these back to polar coordinates (to extract and map the motion information) we need the metric tensor. The reason we can't just scrape these from the retina is because we need the integrated "cyclopean" view in 3 dimensions. To get this "directly" in polar coordinates would be computationally difficult (and time consuming). So the brain does the clever thing: it first maps to Cartesian coordinates (using a hardware mapping which is computationally "free"), where calculations are much easier because the basis vectors are spatially consistent. Then it extracts the vectors and co-vectors using edge detectors and spatial frequency detectors. Then it uses those to build the surfaces by aligning the input from the two eyes (which can now be mapped by co-moving edges and spatial frequencies). Finally it assigns motion to the surfaces, the information for which has been multiplexed into the communication channels all the way from the retina, through every stage of processing.
This whole chain of computation is very quick, because it only uses matrix math. Everything that's computationally expensive is done in hardware, including change of coordinates, determination of angles and distances, and extraction of vectors and co-vectors. All of these things are done in a single alpha cycle, by V1 and V2 using TTFS (discussed earlier). A second alpha cycle is then required to calculate surfaces ("objects") from binocular disparity. A third alpha cycle is only needed for object recognition - so it makes perfect sense that a P300 should occur at the third alpha cycle (and not before) when the object information is nonsensical or surprising.
What is missing from this description is the role of synchronization - or more specifically its inverse, desynchronization. The short story is we just don't know. So far it looks like it has something to do with attention, and something to do with memory. We do know that visual hot spots (important stimuli that require attention) can drive the cortex into criticality (extreme desynchronization). And, the amount and precision of information being processed in such a state is 100x greater than normal. No one knows what this means, yet.
But the rest of it is becoming cut and dried. Research on visual processing by neurons started in 1959, so it's taken 65 years to get this far. Thousands of rats, cats, and monkeys had to give their lives to make it happen. Now we can do it with machines, on sub-nanosecond time scales. The next frontier is photonic computing using micro-ring resonators which requires practically no energy, and when combined with quantum memristors the memory can be made permanent at zero processing cost.