Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car

A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.

Mass transit when available as an option is really sometimes the best way to get in and out of city core areas.

Mass transit when proposed as a replacement is a form of control.

I personally never drive into Manhattan if I can help it. Trains and buses are easier. On the other hand my job requires me to visit multiple sites in the outer boroughs so a car is a better option in those cases.

And as for having fun, Mass transit to the bar area, Uber home.
A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.
Look at future traffic studies if mass transit is not at least considered we will be moving at horse and buggy rate by 2030 accordinbg many traffic studies. I think we are already there where I live about half the time I am not fond of mass transit but some thing must be done to eleviate traffic issues. Youi want to realy be scared see what the president of the UNited Automobile Association thinks is going to happen to the industry! Scary stuff I will look for the link I read it quite a while ago, it did not please me when I read it!
A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.
Look at future traffic studies if mass transit is not at least considered we will be moving at horse and buggy rate by 2030 accordinbg many traffic studies. I think we are already there where I live about half the time I am not fond of mass transit but some thing must be done to eleviate traffic issues. Youi want to realy be scared see what the president of the UNited Automobile Association thinks is going to happen to the industry! Scary stuff I will look for the link I read it quite a while ago, it did not please me when I read it!

One of the ways to counteract traffic jams (especially in cities) is to ride a bicycle. For the last 8 years that I was in the Navy, I didn't have a car, just a racing bicycle. Interesting thing was that when I was living in Norfolk, and about 4 miles away from the base, I could make it to work in 30 min or less, while my neighbors who worked on base had to leave 1 1/2 to 2 hours prior to working hours.

Same thing when I was stationed in Newport RI. One day, a friend of mine bet me that he was faster in a car than I was on a bike during the summer. We took off from where I lived in Middletown RI to a coffee shop in downtown Newport RI. Well, during the summertime, traffic is a serious hassle, and by the time he had gotten to downtown, found parking and parked his car, and finally got to the shop, he was a full 30 min. behind me.
A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.
Look at future traffic studies if mass transit is not at least considered we will be moving at horse and buggy rate by 2030 accordinbg many traffic studies. I think we are already there where I live about half the time I am not fond of mass transit but some thing must be done to eleviate traffic issues. Youi want to realy be scared see what the president of the UNited Automobile Association thinks is going to happen to the industry! Scary stuff I will look for the link I read it quite a while ago, it did not please me when I read it!

One of the ways to counteract traffic jams (especially in cities) is to ride a bicycle. For the last 8 years that I was in the Navy, I didn't have a car, just a racing bicycle. Interesting thing was that when I was living in Norfolk, and about 4 miles away from the base, I could make it to work in 30 min or less, while my neighbors who worked on base had to leave 1 1/2 to 2 hours prior to working hours.

Same thing when I was stationed in Newport RI. One day, a friend of mine bet me that he was faster in a car than I was on a bike during the summer. We took off from where I lived in Middletown RI to a coffee shop in downtown Newport RI. Well, during the summertime, traffic is a serious hassle, and by the time he had gotten to downtown, found parking and parked his car, and finally got to the shop, he was a full 30 min. behind me.
Exactly what I am talking about, it will be this way in more and more areas. I too use a bike and a motorcycle to ease this pain.
A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.
Lol, "the left" is gonna getcha!
Why cram yourself into a smelly sardine can when you can drive yourself in comfort?
A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.

Try "thinking" again.
I seriously cannot think of one good reason to take public transportation
Where do you live? Certainly not in a city with an effective mass transit system. Boston, Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C. are places where driving, and particularly parking are not entirely "comfortable".

You know, I actually kinda liked riding the subway in NYC.
Here's a story from my time driving the Clark County municipal bus.

Reached a stop and opened the door. Several people got on and paid there fares. One black came on board and refused to pay. I explained that he would have to pay or get off. I also pointed out it would be unfair to let him ride for free when everyone else on the bus had paid.

He got belligerent, called me a f**king whitie racist, and refused to get off the bus.

I explained that I was not going to move the vehicle until he either paid or got off.

I was about to radio for assistance when two very large black males came from the back of the bus and removed the guy from the vehicle, pointing out that he would get his "ass whupped" if he tried to get back on.

They came back aboard and without a word, returned to their seats and I closed the door, driving off.
They came from the back of the bus? Damn institutional racism!
I seriously cannot think of one good reason to take public transportation
Where do you live? Certainly not in a city with an effective mass transit system. Boston, Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C. are places where driving, and particularly parking are not entirely "comfortable".

You know, I actually kinda liked riding the subway in NYC.
Beats paying $25 to park! The NYC subway system is the easiest way to make your way around town.
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I seriously cannot think of one good reason to take public transportation
Where do you live? Certainly not in a city with an effective mass transit system. Boston, Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C. are places where driving, and particularly parking are not entirely "comfortable".

You know, I actually kinda liked riding the subway in NYC.
Beats paying $25 to park! The NUC subway system is the easiest way to make your way around town.

Not only that, but sometimes the things you see on the subway can be kinda funny and entertaining. Granted, some can be disturbing or scary, but there are some cool things that can happen on the subway.

And you're right................probably the best way to get around the city. When I went there to visit some friends for a week, that is the only way we traveled.
Well I live on an Island… 125 physical miles around the Island and a quite a bit less by navigable road... I do not own a vehicle of any sort... I do not miss driving at all... I can by a bus pass, good for 1 year for $35.00... Senior/Handicap pass... Takes me just about anywhere I want to go... "Da Bus" is 24/7 365... Parking is a major issue on this Island... Any where you go... Riding Mass trans is less of a hassle and a hell of a lot less expensive than buying a vehicle, paying for or just finding parking and the cost of insurance... My first wife has a Mercedes I can use in case of extreme need, But I don't miss driving at all... I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I have other places for my money to go to...

I have been riding the bus for a little over a year... I have had 2 issues in my experiences on the bus... Both with Bus Drivers... Gave them the benefit of the doubt and let it slide as I blamed it on stress they were dealing with... Sit next to a fellow one time that I know was loaded on Heroin... He was nodding in the worse way and kept trying to lean on me... I gave the bus driver a heads up on what the situation was when I got off the bus...

City and County of HNL is building a 25 mile rail system that will be done in a couple of years, maybe... Don't know how that will work out but it will alleviate some of the congestion on freeways and "Da Bus"

Twenty years ago if you told me I would have been riding the "Da Bus" I would have called you a damn liar... Oh and I am no energy conversation, renewable energy, sustainable transportation geek...

TheBus (Honolulu) - Wikipedia
You know another place that has excellent mass transit? Baltimore MD. We spent time up there for a couple of months for a shipyard period. The mass transit rail system was right next to the hotel we stayed at, and for 2.00, you could get an all day pass that you could use to ride both the rail system AND the bus system.

Best part? They allowed you to bring bicycles on both, so on the weekend, I would jump on the train with my racing bike, ride to wherever, and then cycle around the city, then go back, jump on whatever I needed to get home, and went back.

All for only 2.00/day. And, you could buy the passes at the rail station from a little automatic ticket machine.
A hot-headed mother went on a racist, expletive-laced tirade against an Asian woman aboard a packed city subway — knocking her to the floor over a seat, disturbing video of the incident shows.

The two-minute clip, which was posted to YouTube last week, shows the foul-mouthed mom losing her cool after her young daughter apparently was forced to give up her seat.

“He didn’t get up for me because my daughter is black. He didn’t get up for me to sit with my daughter,” the seated mother shouts to the Asian woman, who also is sitting on a double seat next to two young children on the train.

The Asian woman is then calmly heard telling the angry woman: “Mind your language … be calm.”


I think this is why the left want us in mass transit.
Dang, is that woman going to the "Blacks for Trump" convention with her daughter?
I don't see the posting of this having any cause. I now qualify as a "senior." I no longer own a car and use public transit. I live right outside of Washington, So far, the white/b;lack/brown drivers address me as "ma'am". I particularly like one African-American driver who told me he would hold up his bus if he saw me coming, and the driver from Ethiopia, with whom I shall visit Lake Tana, one day, God willing.
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You don't need to use public transportation to find those kinds of people, they go to stores:

They feel empowered because of the current political situation.

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