Right Wing Looking for a Personality to Rally Behind: Out of Principles & Ideas

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Right Wing Looking for a Personality to Rally Behind: Out of Principles & Ideas

Rush was talking about Rand and Cruz and Rubio. The right is looking for a savior.

Romney/Ryan? GOP get out the vote (they did, they are shrinking)? Ben Ghazzi? Kerry nomination? Hagel nomination? Filibuster? These dogs won't hunt. :eusa_shhh:
Well, Freedom Works and the Koch Bros are not out of principles or ideas. However, their principles and ideas are policial losers. Moreover, they are losers because they make no sense, and are not good for America.

So, the gop looks for a new Reagan to sell borax. The problem is whenver one of them sells something to the party, they end up looking like idiots: Rubio, Cruz and Jeb.
Right Wing Looking for a Personality to Rally Behind: Out of Principles & Ideas

Rush was talking about Rand and Cruz and Rubio. The right is looking for a savior.

Romney/Ryan? GOP get out the vote (they did, they are shrinking)? Ben Ghazzi? Kerry nomination? Hagel nomination? Filibuster? These dogs won't hunt. :eusa_shhh:

Anybody remember their last conservative hero? It was Dubya. They just LOVED him. Remember? How did that work out?
they have no person to rally arround because they demand stupidity out of their ranks
Hey, I can do that!

I now officially offer myself as the next GOP Presidential candidate. Since their right wing extremist message won't sell anymore, and I'm hardly a right wing extremist, I ought to be perfect for the job....don't you think? :D
Dubya was not a conservative. And therein lies the GOP's basic problem. They attempt to justify his epic blunders (such as McCain grumbling about Hagel actually being right), and then when they try to flip back to actual conservative views (like opposing blowing up Americans on the Potus's individual decision) they look like buffons with two left feet.
Right Wing Looking for a Personality to Rally Behind: Out of Principles & Ideas

Rush was talking about Rand and Cruz and Rubio. The right is looking for a savior.

Romney/Ryan? GOP get out the vote (they did, they are shrinking)? Ben Ghazzi? Kerry nomination? Hagel nomination? Filibuster? These dogs won't hunt. :eusa_shhh:

Will the left ever quit whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the government? Why does the left care about Rand Paul and Marco Rubio?
Hey, I can do that!

I now officially offer myself as the next GOP Presidential candidate. Since their right wing extremist message won't sell anymore, and I'm hardly a right wing extremist, I ought to be perfect for the job....don't you think? :D

its baciscally their future.

They will have to moderate if they want to win elections again.

The quickest way for the republican party to heal is to DUMP these racist right wing nutters.

If they dont they will shrink and shrink.

The two party system needs two partys not one and a half partys.

There needs to be two strong partys so that they can police each other.

I want a strong and smart republican ( or any other name) to help police My democratic party and keep it clean and healthy.

If not then the powerful party will just be beset by the wealthy trying to buy it
Dubya was not a conservative. And therein lies the GOP's basic problem. They attempt to justify his epic blunders (such as McCain grumbling about Hagel actually being right), and then when they try to flip back to actual conservative views (like opposing blowing up Americans on the Potus's individual decision) they look like buffons with two left feet.

No republicans are real conservatives.

They always abondon that idea once in office
Right Wing Looking for a Personality to Rally Behind: Out of Principles & Ideas

Rush was talking about Rand and Cruz and Rubio. The right is looking for a savior.

Romney/Ryan? GOP get out the vote (they did, they are shrinking)? Ben Ghazzi? Kerry nomination? Hagel nomination? Filibuster? These dogs won't hunt. :eusa_shhh:

Will the left ever quit whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the government? Why does the left care about Rand Paul and Marco Rubio?

When the supreme court decrees that corporations, owned largely by the top 10%, have a free speech right that cannot be regulated by dollar limits, and the gop doesn't call for breaking up banks that are too big to fail, please don't complain of the gop's political standing.
Dubya was not a conservative. And therein lies the GOP's basic problem. They attempt to justify his epic blunders (such as McCain grumbling about Hagel actually being right), and then when they try to flip back to actual conservative views (like opposing blowing up Americans on the Potus's individual decision) they look like buffons with two left feet.
You say that now, every time CON$ fail they suddenly are not CON$, but when he was elected they were saying that unlike his "compassionate-CON$ervative" father, Jr was a REAL CON$ervative.
Right Wing Looking for a Personality to Rally Behind: Out of Principles & Ideas

Rush was talking about Rand and Cruz and Rubio. The right is looking for a savior.

Romney/Ryan? GOP get out the vote (they did, they are shrinking)? Ben Ghazzi? Kerry nomination? Hagel nomination? Filibuster? These dogs won't hunt. :eusa_shhh:

Anybody remember their last conservative hero? It was Dubya. They just LOVED him. Remember? How did that work out?


Rush was telling listeners unlike Obama who gets a free ride and defenders, the W was attacked every day and no one was defending him. :eek:
Dubya was not a conservative. And therein lies the GOP's basic problem. They attempt to justify his epic blunders (such as McCain grumbling about Hagel actually being right), and then when they try to flip back to actual conservative views (like opposing blowing up Americans on the Potus's individual decision) they look like buffons with two left feet.
You say that now, every time CON$ fail they suddenly are not CON$, but when he was elected they were saying that unlike his "compassionate-CON$ervative" father, Jr was a REAL CON$ervative.

Actually, I stopped being a Republican in 2003, when the horrible reality hit home.

Was HW a conservative? He was a technocrat, and not an ideologue. He correctly saw that Reagan's economic program was not small govt/balanced budget, but his buddy from the House days was a Mississippi Democrat whose political views were pretty close to Scoop Jackson.

So, the answer is what's conservative. Were Ike and Nixon conservative? If so yes. They viewed govt as having a role in actually determining society's views. Reagan altered the party and national debate. I'd argue the party's current refusal to allow any regulation of markets to even increase transparency, the expansionist for policy and refusal to require the top 10% to contribute disporportionately to the middle class entitlements, will keep them a minority party for another 13 years.
Right Wing Looking for a Personality to Rally Behind: Out of Principles & Ideas

Rush was talking about Rand and Cruz and Rubio. The right is looking for a savior.

Romney/Ryan? GOP get out the vote (they did, they are shrinking)? Ben Ghazzi? Kerry nomination? Hagel nomination? Filibuster? These dogs won't hunt. :eusa_shhh:

Anybody remember their last conservative hero? It was Dubya. They just LOVED him. Remember? How did that work out?


Rush was telling listeners unlike Obama who gets a free ride and defenders, the W was attacked every day and no one was defending him. :eek:

Conservatives sure do love to discard their former heroes, don't they?

Someone should tell that to Rubio. They love him now. A year or two from now, they could be cursing his name. It reminds me of teenage girls falling in and out of love.
Curious. I looked at W and saw a teenage bully who should have been taken down, and look at Paul and think the same.

I have some hope for Christie, but the party will turn on him. I don't really have a problem with Rubio, assuming he's not overly pedantic with his views on taxes and God's divine intervention, but the gop nominating a latino..... I don't think so. Paul Ryan's got sort of a bipolar disorder between Ayn Rand and strict Roman Catholcism, and I'm not sure he can be medicated.

Of course, after Hillary, the dems are pretty rudderless. Obama casts a long shadow
Anybody remember their last conservative hero? It was Dubya. They just LOVED him. Remember? How did that work out?


Rush was telling listeners unlike Obama who gets a free ride and defenders, the W was attacked every day and no one was defending him. :eek:

Conservatives sure do love to discard their former heroes, don't they?

Someone should tell that to Rubio. They love him now. A year or two from now, they could be cursing his name. It reminds me of teenage girls falling in and out of love.

When they were pumping their fists and puffing out their chests for the wars under Bush, we referred to them as the Girlyman/boys of the right.

always hysteria and alarm from them
If only Republicans had a minority controlling the majority of the information like the Dems do. The only reason they don't is because its wrong.
Curious. I looked at W and saw a teenage bully who should have been taken down, and look at Paul and think the same.

I have some hope for Christie, but the party will turn on him. I don't really have a problem with Rubio, assuming he's not overly pedantic with his views on taxes and God's divine intervention, but the gop nominating a latino..... I don't think so. Paul Ryan's got sort of a bipolar disorder between Ayn Rand and strict Roman Catholcism, and I'm not sure he can be medicated.

Of course, after Hillary, the dems are pretty rudderless. Obama casts a long shadow

another one who makes Presidential primary bets this far out? you have no clue what can happen between then and now and neither does anyone else. People like me rarely even engage discussions that mention or bet this far out, who will run or be a good candidate for the time. 4 and 3 and even 2 years out can be lifetimes in American politics
Oh great, another Liberal whose worried about the Republican party thread.

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