RightWingers...If Torture Techniques Are Truly Responsible


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
For getting the intelligence that led to the discovery and killing of Osama Bin Laden, then...

a.) What SPECIFIC information was it?


2.) WHY wasn't it done 6 or even 4 years ago?

What you people want us to buy is that somehow, some kind of VERY important information was garnered from beating the living snot out of some Muslims that is just NOW baring fruit.

Anyone who would actually believe that should have their head examined.

Can you enlighten the rest of us?
What is Torture? The Lefty Wingnuts can't seem to be very consistent on their definitions. If dunking a brutal Terrorist's head in some water is so awful,then what do theses same Wingers say about murdering Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren or murdering an unarmed man in his home in front of his children (Bin Laden)? If murdering Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren isn't a War Crime then there is no such thing as a War Crime anymore.
For getting the intelligence that led to the discovery and killing of Osama Bin Laden, then...

a.) What SPECIFIC information was it?


2.) WHY wasn't it done 6 or even 4 years ago?

What you people want us to buy is that somehow, some kind of VERY important information was garnered from beating the living snot out of some Muslims that is just NOW baring fruit.

Anyone who would actually believe that should have their head examined.

Can you enlighten the rest of us?
Nobody was tortured. They were waterboarded.

What it revealed was that Osama was reduced to using couriers to communicate. This in turn led to the nickname of his #1 courier. Which in turn eventually led to the identity of the courier, and a way to track his phone.

Yes, intel can take years to piece everything together.....Kudos to GWB for enacting policies that helped eventually kill Bin laden.

It's just driving you loony lib's fuckin' bonkers to know that all those claims made by your loony liberal hero's, too include Barack Hussein Obama, that waterbaording doesn't work, were just flushed down the fucking toilet.......Once again, idiotic liberals were fully proven to be WRONG, yet AGAIN, on another very important issue.

Stupid idiots!:cuckoo:
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For getting the intelligence that led to the discovery and killing of Osama Bin Laden, then...

a.) What SPECIFIC information was it?


2.) WHY wasn't it done 6 or even 4 years ago?

What you people want us to buy is that somehow, some kind of VERY important information was garnered from beating the living snot out of some Muslims that is just NOW baring fruit.

Anyone who would actually believe that should have their head examined.

Can you enlighten the rest of us?

You're a fucking fool. The last waterboarding (that has been admitted to) was in 2003, it led to the information that EVENTUALLY led to Bin Laden.

It took 8 years to unravel the whole thing. do you think intelligence gathering is just some dude sitting at his desk and one day a letter arrives in the mail "Dr Obama , Bin Laden is located at ________________?"

fucking idiot.
Cheney on Waterboarding

Posted by Butler Shaffer on April 21, 2009 11:43 AM

Dick Cheney is once again defending water torture on the grounds that it has provided much useful information. Most psychologists dispute this. It seems to me there is an effective way to test Cheney’s assertion: subject him to a test – at the hands of the same kind of skilled torturers the CIA has been using – for the purpose of extracting from him the most deeply-held secrets of his tenure as vice-president. If he begins confessing to detailed criminal wrongdoing on his part, he will have proved his point!
Cheney on Waterboarding

Posted by Butler Shaffer on April 21, 2009 11:43 AM

Dick Cheney is once again defending water torture on the grounds that it has provided much useful information. Most psychologists dispute this. It seems to me there is an effective way to test Cheney’s assertion: subject him to a test – at the hands of the same kind of skilled torturers the CIA has been using – for the purpose of extracting from him the most deeply-held secrets of his tenure as vice-president. If he begins confessing to detailed criminal wrongdoing on his part, he will have proved his point!
Most psychologists are nuttier than those they treat.
Nice try...

Not all enhanced interrogation techniques are 'torture'

Don't you have some racially charged activist meeting to attend??
Yeah.....I thought valued-info (from "enhanced"-interrogation) was bullshit, as well.

Every once-in-a-while you get one correct.

From NewsMax, well-known diehard conservative news site's exclusive interview with Rumsfeld:

Rumsfeld Exclusive: There Was No Waterboarding of Courier Source

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld tells Newsmax the information that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden was obtained through “normal interrogation approaches.”


“The United States Department of Defense did not do waterboarding for interrogation purposes to anyone. It is true that some information that came from normal interrogation approaches at Guantanamo did lead to information that was beneficial in this instance. But it was not harsh treatment and it was not waterboarding.”

A number of news reports suggest that information obtained from either Al Qaeda deputy Khalid Sheik Mohammed or Abu Faraj al-Libbi, a former senior al Qaeda officer who was captured in 2005, was the key to finding Bin Laden. Like the al Qaeda figurehead, neither man was found on a battlefield in Afghanistan or Iraq. American intelligence agents tracked al-Libbi's cell phone to Mardan, Pakistan, about 75 miles north of Islamabad. They tipped off Pakistani intelligence agents who picked him up and eventually transferred him to U.S. custody. Mohammed was captured by our ally's security forces in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

As one might expect, some observers are claiming that the intelligence gleaned from these "high value detainees" is proof that torture works. But that claim isn't supported by what we know so far. According to Newsweek's Evan Thomas, al-Libbi was first interrogated by the FBI, “but when the FBI wanted to use its normal, go-slow methods, the prisoner was turned over to the CIA—who promptly turned him over to the Egyptians.” He was later returned to American custody and interrogated again by the FBI, where former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld insists that he yielded the information under “normal interrogation approaches ...[it was] not harsh treatment and it was not waterboarding.”

But we know that while being tortured by the Egyptians, “al-Libbi talked of plots and agents,” and the information he provided “was used to make the case for war against Iraq.” As Evan Thomas noted, “there was only one problem: al-Libbi later recanted, saying that he had lied to stop the torture.”

Mohammed was also subject to torture. It was under duress that he told interrogators that al Qaeda sleeper cells had "hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will unleash a 'nuclear hellstorm' if Osama bin Laden is captured" -- yet more faulty information. He did not reveal the courier's name or information during waterboarding, only providing that information during regular interrogation over four years later.

So waterboarding led to the phony intelligence that got us into Iraq and was not responsible for helping us capture Bin Laden.
From the CIA:

According to the CIA, regarding the courier who led us to bin Laden:

Detainees gave us his nom de guerre or his nickname and identified him as both a protégé of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of September 11th, and a trusted assistant of Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the former number three of al Qaeda who was captured in 2005.

Detainees also identified this man as one of the few al Qaeda couriers trusted by bin Laden. They indicated he might be living with and protecting bin Laden. But for years, we were unable to identify his true name or his location.

Four years ago, we uncovered his identity, and for operational reasons, I can’t go into details about his name or how we identified him, but about two years ago, after months of persistent effort, we identified areas in Pakistan where the courier and his brother operated.

So despite being waterboarded dozens and dozens of times in a secret prison, neither al-Libbi nor KSM revealed the name of Osama's courier... until, at least 4 years after their waterboarding stopped and they had been transferred back to American custody to be interrogated by the FBI and military interrogators explicitly NOT using harsh interrogation techniques. Then they finally gave up his real name during "normal interrogation" which allowed us in 2009 to find out where he was, this August track him down, and this weekend kill him after he led us to Osama bin Laden.

So during waterboarding? No intel used to get bin Laden.
During regular interrogation? Intel used to get bin Laden.

According to the CIA's own timeline and champion of waterboarding Donald Rumsfeld's own comments.

Can't claim this one as a victory for torture, sorry to burst your bubble.
What is Torture?

Whew! You really-do need to catch-up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LPubUCJv58]YouTube - Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR)[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pAB0l9yYJ8]YouTube - O'Reilly/Hitchens on torture and water-boarding[/ame]

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For getting the intelligence that led to the discovery and killing of Osama Bin Laden, then...

a.) What SPECIFIC information was it?


2.) WHY wasn't it done 6 or even 4 years ago?

What you people want us to buy is that somehow, some kind of VERY important information was garnered from beating the living snot out of some Muslims that is just NOW baring fruit.

Anyone who would actually believe that should have their head examined.

Can you enlighten the rest of us?

a)The question of the role such techniques played in this mission arose after the Associated Press reported that it was two key detainees -- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Faraj al-Libi -- who gave American officials the nickname of a courier who ultimately led U.S. intelligence officials to bin Laden. The two detainees reportedly gave the information up at foreign CIA "black sites," where waterboarding occurred.
Debate continues over role of waterboarding in gathering bin Laden intel - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

b) no idea, it took big 0 almost 3 years of his time in office for him to be found.
Yup dunking a brutal Terrorist's head in some water is so awful and bombing and murdering Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren isn't a War Crime either. Man,Lefty Wingnuts are sounding more hypocritical and irrational by the day. The UN & NATO Leaders should be arrested for War Crimes for what they did to Gaddafi's Son & Grandchildren. But "Water-Boarding??" Yea i'm just not too outraged over that one.
Yup dunking a brutal Terrorist's head in some water is so awful and bombing and murdering Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren isn't a War Crime either. Man,Lefty Wingnuts are sounding more hypocritical and irrational by the day. The UN & NATO Leaders should be arrested for War Crimes for what they did to Gaddafi's Son & Grandchildren. But "Water-Boarding??" Yea i'm just not too outraged over that one.

Waterboarding is childs play compared to what countries like Iran, China, North Korea, Syria and Egypt do to torture their citizens.

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