RIP Adam West

Leaving only Burt Ward, his able side kick, and Julie Newmar, (my favorite Catwoman), left of the stars of the series.
I watched Batman religiously when I was a kid. And speaking of Burt Ward, aside from him being the drummer in Black Sabbath, my favorite episode was when Batman and Robin got into a fight with the Green Hornet and Kato. You see Vance Johnson and Adam West exchanging blows and every few seconds, you see Robin flying by the screen in the background. That was too funny!
Best things about the Batman tv series?




and last but not least

Leaving only Burt Ward, his able side kick, and Julie Newmar, (my favorite Catwoman), left of the stars of the series.
I watched Batman religiously when I was a kid. And speaking of Burt Ward, aside from him being the drummer in Black Sabbath, my favorite episode was when Batman and Robin got into a fight with the Green Hornet and Kato. You see Vance Johnson and Adam West exchanging blows and every few seconds, you see Robin flying by the screen in the background. That was too funny!
And speaking of Burt Ward, aside from him being the drummer in Black Sabbath,


Black Sabbath had a drummer named Bill Ward, but didn't know Burt drummed for them

Black Sabbath had a drummer named Bill Ward, but didn't know Burt drummed for them
Since you couldn't see I was being facetious, I stand corrected. I was wrong. I admit it. Now I will be pointing to this post in the future as proof that I always admit when I have been shown to be wrong. Thank you for sharing.

BTW, I saw Black Sabbath twice in concert.
Here is his acceptance speech when he got the star on the walk of fame. I saw the special a few years ago (I believe on Showtime) about the push to get him this star. I don't think he really cared all that much, but he did want it. I am sure they will be running that pretty soon. I recommend you DVR it. It was worth the watch.

Many of his fans really pushed for it. Seth McFarland did a lot for him.

This is a pretty interesting interview too, how he was cast for Batman.

Glad he did not take himself too seriously. He seemed to have a kind disposition and rather unaffected by the nuances of life. Although I do know he went through a period of depression.

Glad to see good things happen to good people.

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I remember watching him on Tuesday's and then on Thursday's. I loved that show, I got older and I thought what a silly show, then later in life I saw the underlying humor. Adam West will always be Batman.

A Adam West tribute song.


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