RIP Bob Barker

RIP Bob Baker. 99 years is a good run.

I heard about this this morning. It's very sad news for die hard game show fans like me. 99 years is a heck of lot older than I ever care to live to be. Regardless of what one thinks of him as a person, most people would agree he was a great host. My condolences to all his loved ones.
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Bob was an institution! What a legend!

He always had the hottest milfs on his show, too. :tomato:
So handsome....For those who want to watch Bob he is Pluto, Price is Right. They do the 80'-90's on there.

RIP Bob...
I remember him kicking happy Gilmore’s ass
I think she was my first crush. I bet she's a GMILF now.

I didn't know much about him have reached the age of 99 is a great thing!

RIP Bob Baker

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