Robert A.M. Stephens: "Golden Retrievers Are Receiving Alien Implants!"

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
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Gersten: Just a few questions if you don't mind. You stated in a prior e-mail that 'over 40 years there has been documented over 1.3 million implants worldwide of unknown construct.' From where is this information obtained?

Stephens: This information was obtained by medical, science, universities, military, other academia, world wide--all nations, over 40 years or longer, since the first non-Earth implant was discovered in a patient's forearm, a young woman, 17, in Chunking, China in July of 1937.

Gersten: Who is being implanted?

Stephens: There is no set pattern or corollary as to a defined group. Implants appear in anyone, everyone. All nations, all humanities. It is unknown as to why. They are also found in some animals but this is inconclusive. Golden Retrievers, to name one species, is a favored host, inexplicably.
This is so interesting! RAMS do you have any more info about implants and alien activity that you witnessed?

Mods: I don't think this belongs in the "Taunting Zone" because those are RAMS' actual words!
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o hell no....dont even be hatin on of the best dogs i have ever had was a golden....damn good dog...damn good dog...
omg my dog jake is a mixed golden....we had to have a tumor removed from his head...or at least that is what they told us it you think it was an implant? it would explain a lot of his crazy behavior
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]
Gersten: Just a few questions if you don't mind. You stated in a prior e-mail that 'over 40 years there has been documented over 1.3 million implants worldwide of unknown construct.' From where is this information obtained?

Stephens: This information was obtained by medical, science, universities, military, other academia, world wide--all nations, over 40 years or longer, since the first non-Earth implant was discovered in a patient's forearm, a young woman, 17, in Chunking, China in July of 1937.

Gersten: Who is being implanted?

Stephens: There is no set pattern or corollary as to a defined group. Implants appear in anyone, everyone. All nations, all humanities. It is unknown as to why. They are also found in some animals but this is inconclusive. Golden Retrievers, to name one species, is a favored host, inexplicably.
This is so interesting! RAMS do you have any more info about implants and alien activity that you witnessed?

Mods: I don't think this belongs in the "Taunting Zone" because those are RAMS' actual words!

Gerstens words, not mine. Bell and he were having a blast and creating so much fake stuff it was hard to keep up. Sort of like our own "Mad Scientist" is doing to me here without provocation.

I had forgotten about Gersten putting that sort of thing up on the net. I love the implant idea for Golden Retrievers. What a find. Too funny.

Strangely, to be fair to psycho Bell, everyone was doing the same thing to him and he himself could not keep up either. He condemned himself, but still, he finally had had enough. After he lost the lawsuit, he left the country.

Too, he would use Golden Retrievers, he knew I loved them and had many. The current one is down home in Majahual-- his name as always, Riley. Too funny. GRs are so insane anyway, the last thing they need is an "alien implant". Too funny.........hysterically funny.

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]
Gersten: Just a few questions if you don't mind. You stated in a prior e-mail that 'over 40 years there has been documented over 1.3 million implants worldwide of unknown construct.' From where is this information obtained?

Stephens: This information was obtained by medical, science, universities, military, other academia, world wide--all nations, over 40 years or longer, since the first non-Earth implant was discovered in a patient's forearm, a young woman, 17, in Chunking, China in July of 1937.

Gersten: Who is being implanted?

Stephens: There is no set pattern or corollary as to a defined group. Implants appear in anyone, everyone. All nations, all humanities. It is unknown as to why. They are also found in some animals but this is inconclusive. Golden Retrievers, to name one species, is a favored host, inexplicably.
This is so interesting! RAMS do you have any more info about implants and alien activity that you witnessed?

Mods: I don't think this belongs in the "Taunting Zone" because those are RAMS' actual words!

Gerstens words, not mine. Bell and he were having a blast and creating so much fake stuff it was hard to keep up. Sort of like our own "Mad Scientist" is doing to me here without provocation.

I had forgotten about Gersten putting that sort of thing up on the net. I love the implant idea for Golden Retrievers. What a find. Too funny.

Strangely, to be fair to psycho Bell, everyone was doing the same thing to him and he himself could not keep up either. He condemned himself, but still, he finally had had enough. After he lost the lawsuit, he left the country.


Yeah so I'm pretty confused about this. Do you think golden retrievers have received some type of implant by extra-terrestrials?

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]
Gersten: Just a few questions if you don't mind. You stated in a prior e-mail that 'over 40 years there has been documented over 1.3 million implants worldwide of unknown construct.' From where is this information obtained?

Stephens: This information was obtained by medical, science, universities, military, other academia, world wide--all nations, over 40 years or longer, since the first non-Earth implant was discovered in a patient's forearm, a young woman, 17, in Chunking, China in July of 1937.

Gersten: Who is being implanted?

Stephens: There is no set pattern or corollary as to a defined group. Implants appear in anyone, everyone. All nations, all humanities. It is unknown as to why. They are also found in some animals but this is inconclusive. Golden Retrievers, to name one species, is a favored host, inexplicably.
This is so interesting! RAMS do you have any more info about implants and alien activity that you witnessed?

Mods: I don't think this belongs in the "Taunting Zone" because those are RAMS' actual words!

Gerstens words, not mine. Bell and he were having a blast and creating so much fake stuff it was hard to keep up. Sort of like our own "Mad Scientist" is doing to me here without provocation.

I had forgotten about Gersten putting that sort of thing up on the net. I love the implant idea for Golden Retrievers. What a find. Too funny.

Strangely, to be fair to psycho Bell, everyone was doing the same thing to him and he himself could not keep up either. He condemned himself, but still, he finally had had enough. After he lost the lawsuit, he left the country.


What you have put on the net is your undoing.
Sorry I like your painting but the act is transparent Nasa doesn't need defending from the kooks on C2C Am
Especially from a fraud.
o hell no....dont even be hatin on of the best dogs i have ever had was a golden....damn good dog...damn good dog...

Goldens are the greatest dog the Lord ever built. Grew up with them and with my syrupy, happy, smiling, obnoxious "I love everybody" personna, have been called a "human Golden Retriever" often in my life thus far. An honor. The greatest companion ever made. Great post!!!!!

"Heaven is filled with children and Golden Retrievers"...--unknown

Damn contractors can't ever get anything right, I told them not to implant Dogs.
Strangely, to be fair to psycho Bell, everyone was doing the same thing to him and he himself could not keep up either. He condemned himself, but still, he finally had had enough. After he lost the lawsuit, he left the country.

Let's be honest, shall we. He never "lost the lawsuit". You basically refused to be served, hid in the closet as it were. Bell just gave it up as a lost cause. I guess if running away is considered winning, then you won.

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