Robert Gibbs said Obama lied


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Roberts Gibbs Told Not To Acknowledge Drone Program Exists As White House Press Secretary

Apparently former press secretary Robert Gibbs is now saying that President Obama told him to lie about the drone program. He was told to deny the existence of the program if put on the spot during a press conference.

Now all President Obama needs is another transparency award, so that they can shove it up his arse. Of course, anyone with half a brain knows this sort of thing goes on, even with the left''s messiah, but it is quiet another thing for high ranking officials to admit to lying to the American people. Is there now bad blood between Gibbs and Obama, and if so, will their be any consequences for Gibbs talking like this?
What Drone program?

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Now that the figurative dam has been broken, what other things are we going to find out that Obama has been lying, or told others to lie, about?
Now that the figurative dam has been broken, what other things are we going to find out that Obama has been lying, or told others to lie, about?

He called George W. Bush a patriot and said that he was able to build on his efforts to get Bin actually get Bin Laden.

Think he was lying about that?

Now that the figurative dam has been broken, what other things are we going to find out that Obama has been lying, or told others to lie, about?

Good point. More and more people are out and out calling obama a liar. Bob Woodward called both obama and Lew liars. It will be interesting to see this little snowball roll down the hill.
Rule one when you will speak for this president: Forget transparency and don't worry about the truth. Obama and the rest of them work for us. It should be considered a serious crime to lie to the American people. We would be in deep trouble for lying to any government official, yet they all lie (both parties) and it's dismissed as politics. It's pretty sick that we've come to expect that politicians will lie and we're never supposed to hold their feet to the fire.

Gibbs: I was told not to acknowledge existence of drone program as Obama press secretary

Robert Gibbs, President Barack Obama's former press secretary, says that he was once instructed by the White House not to acknowledge the administration's use of drones.
"When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program," Gibbs said on MSNBC's "Up With Chris Hayes" on Sunday. "You're not even to discuss that it exists."

Gibbs: I was told not to acknowledge existence of drone program as Obama press secretary | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Gibbs was told to keep something from the American people. I guess the left is hard pressed to defend this.
Oh geez. The drone program is run by the CIA. The CIA is a clandestine service.

Hard pressed my tushie.

Regards from Rosie
Now that the figurative dam has been broken, what other things are we going to find out that Obama has been lying, or told others to lie, about?

Good point. More and more people are out and out calling obama a liar. Bob Woodward called both obama and Lew liars. It will be interesting to see this little snowball roll down the hill.

Why is no one painting Gibbs as a right winged, Tea Bagging, racist, extremist?
the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall

The mindless souless left have nothint "left". No Faux News to attack, no right winged fanatic to discredit. It is truly something to behold. For the first time, they must come to terms with their own drone status.

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