Robert Reich: Trump and the Art of the No Deal


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018

I would ask Trumpbots to disprove what Reich said with links to unbiased facts....but the many of us know that ain't going to happen.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
Robert Reich???? he is the biggest moron in DC...he was the one that said all of the new jobs Obama was going to create should go to African Americans only.....but that was a fail because there were no jobs created under Obuttface....
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I would ask Trumpbots to disprove what Reich said with links to unbiased facts....but the many of us know that ain't going to happen.

Well let’s see...

There’s the Trump Tax Cuts that has spurred the economy.

Unemployment is the lowest in decades. Over 300,000 manufacturing jobs added during the Trump Presidency, and another 350,000 in construction.

He negotiated the release of 17 American captives from overseas, including North Korea.

Pulled out of trade agreements that did nothing but fleece America to the benefit of foreign countries.

Has already got the EU to agree to drop their tariffs against US goods, without us giving anything up.

Obliterated ISIS, and had not started any new unnecessary wars.

Justice Gorsuch and soon to be Justice Kavanaugh.

That enough for ya, OP?
Just because the man is a moron doesn't mean what he says is wrong.

Take D-Hank Johnson....the man who said if we put any more troops on Guam the Island would CAPSIZE...for example:

Sure, he was laughed at and mocked...but you notice we never put any more additional troops on Guam. We swapped them out but never put additional troops there at the same time....

So as far as we know, Johnson's theory was never proven to be wrong.



I would ask Trumpbots to disprove what Reich said with links to unbiased facts....but the many of us know that ain't going to happen.

Here ya go, I heard this helps butthurt:


The Anal Retentive Sire the Anal Receptive

The H in Preparation H stands for Hillarrhoids. Sales have skyrocketed. Demantiffies spin that to say it shows how She would have improved the economy.

I would ask Trumpbots to disprove what Reich said with links to unbiased facts....but the many of us know that ain't going to happen.

I could write a book on how many times that weasel has flipped on Economic Policy to his self enrichment.

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