Rolling Stones Rock Tel Aviv

Israel is so inclusive for its concerts, be popular music, classical, jazz etc., that it won't be just Jewish people who are allowed to purchase tickets but citizens of Israel of all religions. That is why Israeli-Arab citizens prefer to live in Israel and do not want a sharia law state. As I mentioned last year they even petitioned the Knesset not to relinquish land to the Palestinian Authority. Israel-Arabs prefer the wonderful freedom, equality and quality of life in Israel to living in some sharia country where they have to watch their step.
Excellent point & so very true. Is there ANYONE here who knows of a single Arab Israeli citizen who has left or wants to leave Israel for some other place to live?

Israel is so inclusive for its concerts, be popular music, classical, jazz etc., that it won't be just Jewish people who are allowed to purchase tickets but citizens of Israel of all religions. That is why Israeli-Arab citizens prefer to live in Israel and do not want a sharia law state. As I mentioned last year they even petitioned the Knesset not to relinquish land to the Palestinian Authority. Israel-Arabs prefer the wonderful freedom, equality and quality of life in Israel to living in some sharia country where they have to watch their step.

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