Zone1 Romani or Gypsies?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
"Until the first day in school... They told me You can be as good as you want but you will always be Gypsy"... "So I realised first time for the others, to be Roma is something very bad".... "For the others you will remain your whole life gypsy, they will try to hurt you, to discriminate you"

You need to disclose that you are Alvin Bragg .
If you promise never to sing again and tell us about your experiences as a Drag Queen, you might be forgiven by some .
What is the term that you prefer?
Gypsy or Romani?

In Germany there is an ongoing discussion whether to use the term "Zigeuner" or the term "Roma und Sinti".
Again: Instead of Zigeuner the correct word is now: Roma and Sinti.
Can one still say Gypsy in the US?
What is the term that you prefer?
Gypsy or Romani?

In Germany there is an ongoing discussion whether to use the term "Zigeuner" or the term "Roma und Sinti".

Ich hab auch nichts gegen das Wort Zigeuner, aber es wird oft herablassend benutzt und auch als Schimpfwort umgangssprachlich auch für jemanden der nichtmal Roma ist. Ich hab selbst Polizisten gehört die gesagt haben das sie jetzt Zigeuner beobachten die da im "Park herumhängen" obwohl es nur Junkies und Assoziale waren. Ich würde mich nicht gern selber als "Zigeuner" betiteln. Aber ich würde es auch nicht verbieten das man das sagt wenn es respektvoll gesagt wird ohne die ganzen Klischees und Vorurteile und Verallgemeinerungen.
One can say Roma, Gypsy, traveling tinker, and caravaner. There are no restrictions. And to be accurate, probably 80% of Americans have only the dimmest sense of the Romani, who they are, and where they are. "Peaky Blinders" is the most prevalent exposure of the Romani to most Americans.
Ich hab auch nichts gegen das Wort Zigeuner, aber es wird oft herablassend benutzt und auch als Schimpfwort umgangssprachlich auch für jemanden der nichtmal Roma ist. Ich hab selbst Polizisten gehört die gesagt haben das sie jetzt Zigeuner beobachten die da im "Park herumhängen" obwohl es nur Junkies und Assoziale waren. Ich würde mich nicht gern selber als "Zigeuner" betiteln. Aber ich würde es auch nicht verbieten das man das sagt wenn es respektvoll gesagt wird ohne die ganzen Klischees und Vorurteile und Verallgemeinerungen.
In the word "Zigeuner-Schnitzel" the word Zigeuner is used in a very pleasant and positive context. :)
One can say Roma, Gypsy, traveling tinker, and caravaner. There are no restrictions. And to be accurate, probably 80% of Americans have only the dimmest sense of the Romani, who they are, and where they are. "Peaky Blinders" is the most prevalent exposure of the Romani to most Americans.
That's good - if that terrible and fanatical "political correctness" takes a break - for once. :)
In the word "Zigeuner-Schnitzel" the word Zigeuner is used in a very pleasant and positive context. :)

It can be used in a positive context yes, but that is not always the case, and more often it is a negative context. I guess there is no problem calling Zigeuner Schnitzel, Zigeuner Schnitzel. Depends on the context.
It can be used in a positive context yes, but that is not always the case, and more often it is a negative context. I guess there is no problem calling Zigeuner Schnitzel, Zigeuner Schnitzel. Depends on the context.
It depends on the context!

But in Germany it is "verboten" to use "Zigeunerschnitzel" in any context.
Some Germans can be even more fanatically "politically correct" than elsewhere.
Same thing with the word "Mohrenkopf" - a very pleasant sweet. :)
It depends on the context!

But in Germany it is "verboten" to use "Zigeunerschnitzel" in any context.
Some Germans can be even more fanatically "politically correct" than elsewhere.
Same thing with the word "Mohrenkopf" - a very pleasant sweet. :)

I personally think that it doesnt make much of a difference if you say Zigeuner Schnitzel or not. I think Zigeuner Schnitzel and also Zigeuner Wirt can stay, it has much more to do with respect to other people, if you treat me with respect. That is my video about, everything else is "technicalities" which dont change much or less or more.
I personally think that it doesnt make much of a difference if you say Zigeuner Schnitzel or not. I think Zigeuner Schnitzel and also Zigeuner Wirt can stay, it has much more to do with respect to other people, if you treat me with respect. That is my video about, everything else is "technicalities" which dont change much or less or more.
I agree completely!
People may say "Zigeunerschnitzel" - but still be absolutely fair towards all gypsies - or whatever the politically correct word of today is.
And other people may use only politically correct words - but be "character swines = Charakterschweine" as we say in German.

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