Romney Bain Dilemma;Did The Left Forget About Rangel,Corzine & 50 Billion Chevy Volt?

Oct 10, 2011

Are The Far Left and Demorats planning on using Bain Capitol as the only target against Romney all year? So what if Romney has cash set aside in the Caymen Islands? What about Charlie Rangel who has a rental property in South America? No of his cronies complained when he didn't claim that income on his taxes, and he walks away Scott Free.
And what about John Corzine? Where did the missing Billion Go?
Franklin Raines, takes 90 Million of tax money and runs for the hills.
50 Billion given to GM for the failing Chevy Volt?
These are just some of the Cronie Decisions passed through the Obama Administration, and we know there are many more of which will never be discussed on PMSNBC & CNN.
So BIG DEAL !!! over Bain's Capitol !! At least Mitt Romney didn't use Tax Payers Money !!!
a real comparison is Romney VS Rangel. The left bitches over what Romney did during his time at Bain, but what about Charlie Rangel getting away with cheating on his taxes,,and keeping in mind,,he writes the tax laws !
and what is Obama gonna tell the 47 States of where he has an average of a 45% Approval? Latest polls say Obama will only win in 10 States, He doesn't have time to campaign in 57 states this year! whos gonna mind the store? Wasserman? Biden?
The deal with Bain is they went into a place and fired everyone doing anything important, sold the assets and then ran off with the cash. The idea behind the rescue of GM was that it kept the GM workers (except the guys at Saturn) employed and the union pension plans above water. Sort of the opposite of what happened at Bain.
The Volt was tested, so far it gets about 26 miles on a full charge. Yipeee!!

That was Car and Driver driving driving it "worst case scenario", 80 mph plus- a Volt driver could also get up tp 50 miles. But thanks for the GD BULLSHYTTE RW propaganda spin, dittohead. How do like playing your part in screwing up the recovery, for your elitist power-mad a-hole heroes?

"Still, the Volt strikes us as the closest in concept to the winning formula of the Prius, albeit with the next generation of propulsion and the whole thing inverted. Nothing else has so successfully incorporated all of the key aspects of Toyota’s golden child—big fuel-economy numbers, a unique name and styling, and enough range and people and cargo space that it can be an only and everyday car. Those traits have enabled the sales of nearly 2 million Priuses worldwide since its 1997 debut. With the possible exception of a fairly cramped back seat and an undersized cargo hold, the Volt checks all the boxes, plus it outdrives the hybrid competition. This is without a doubt the most important new car since the advent of hybrids in the late ’90s, and GM has nailed it. Is this the handing off of the Prius’s very illustrious torch?"

2011 Chevrolet Volt Full Test - Road Test - Car Reviews - Car and Driver
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But as a whole, just compare the billions wasted under Obama compared to the setbacks that happened under Bain Capitol. {actually more like 5 trillion injected into the economy and no net jobs}
The deal with Bain is they went into a place and fired everyone doing anything important, sold the assets and then ran off with the cash. The idea behind the rescue of GM was that it kept the GM workers (except the guys at Saturn) employed and the union pension plans above water. Sort of the opposite of what happened at Bain.

how is O'Bozo gonna explain all this when questioned during the October debates? uhmm,,,argh,,,,it was because of the Japan Earthquake?,,,,,is that your final answer Barry?
how is O'Bozo gonna explain all this when questioned during the October debates? uhmm,,,argh,,,,it was because of the Japan Earthquake?,,,,,is that your final answer Barry?

He'll probably resort to facts, unlike the BS your heroes spout. But thanks to them for the depression and doing everything in their power to screw up the recovery. Only brainwashed morons haven't noticed...
Thank God Romney has the best set of VP choices ever! If not Rubio, we will be just as Happy with Ryan,McDonnell or John Thune! (unless it winds up being Trump,,,,which is not likely) any of the VP choices would seal the deal for Romney.
The deal with Bain is they went into a place and fired everyone doing anything important, sold the assets and then ran off with the cash. The idea behind the rescue of GM was that it kept the GM workers (except the guys at Saturn) employed and the union pension plans above water. Sort of the opposite of what happened at Bain.

Well...the guys and gals at Pontiac sort of took it in the shorts too.

GM is the largest manufacturer of automobiles in the world once again. What was everybody thinking?
Thank God Romney has the best set of VP choices ever! If not Rubio, we will be just as Happy with Ryan,McDonnell or John Thune! (unless it winds up being Trump,,,,which is not likely) any of the VP choices would seal the deal for Romney.

I'm a conservative. Dress Romney up any way you want. He can't buy my vote.
I agree that Romney wasn't most conservatives top choice, but its either Romney or the end of America, take your pic. hey, I was hoping for either Daniels,Thune or Pence. I was pissed they all bowed out.
It isn't the end. Just four more years of gridlock, which is preferable to a liberal Republican misleading the House and then being supported by the Democratic Senate.
well we can plan on a few million conservatives&republicans who will vote for Romney {despite not their choice} as a spite vote against Obama. By November 2012, if we are still in a state of financial panic, the average american who is hurting will vote according to their wallets/bank accounts. The unemployment will likely not budge much either,,,and if Romney wins, we will likely have that stagnant DOW week prior to the election, then see it shoot up 500 points on the 7th!
With all the negativity directed at Bain and Romney, here is an interesting article that will give a different point of view and dispel alot of the hack attacks.

Henninger: Bain Capital Saved America -

Mitt Romney is not my first choice for Republican nominee. However, if he is the nominee, I will still vote for him. When it comes to the economy, Mitt will destroy Obama in debates, as Obama is completely clueless and out of touch with the private sector. Bad news for Obama is, this election will be very much about the economy.
And when it comes time for the debates, who will ask Obama to explain all of the billions he invested in various green/auto/misc projects and still no profit, and/or bankruptcy? will they ask Obama?

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