Romney, RNC undermine national security with lies to gain votes


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
this is a FRIGGEN joke right?

Undermines National Security

you people have all went off the cliff, we have A RIGHT to criticize Obama's handling of things
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It's apparent that Romney is the only one that knows whats gong on on the worlds stage. barry is to busy eating shaved ice and playing basketball with reggie love worry about governing the country.
interesting the barry administration criticizes team romney lacks experience in foreign matters, and then issues statements that sez the same thing. \
zero is a disgrace
this is a FRIGGEN joke right?

Undermines National Security

you people have all went off the cliff, we have A RIGHT to criticize Obama's handling of things

This may be a good point. Mitten knows nothing about national security. Regardless, he shouldn't be undermining his country to score cheap political points.
I am so sick of the people who support this administration telling us we have NO RIGHT to speak or criticize him

VOTE him out people, this administration is SICK
What is wrong with these pukes?

Mitt Romney seized on the embassy attacks as an opportunity to condemn Obama’s “disgraceful” handling of the situation in a statement late Tuesday. Despite the embassy’s assertion that its statement was drafted before protests began, Romney slammed the White House for turning to apologies as the “first response” to violence.

State Dept. Confirms Death In Libya; Romney Attacks ‘Disgraceful’ White House | TPM2012

Obama choosing to campaign rather than do his job isn't something worth mentioning?

Apologizing for being attacked, as this administration is prone to doing, is disgraceful.
I am so sick of the people who support this administration telling us we have NO RIGHT to speak or criticize him

VOTE him out people, this administration is SICK

Who said he doesn't have a right to? Not me, but he'd be more believable if he just moved to the middle east and joined them against the US.
this is a FRIGGEN joke right?

Undermines National Security

you people have all went off the cliff, we have A RIGHT to criticize Obama's handling of things

This may be a good point. Mitten knows nothing about national security. Regardless, he shouldn't be undermining his country to score cheap political points.

I wonder who criticized the Iraq War while a Senator and while running for President.
I wonder who said we should close down GITMO?
I wonder who said that increasing the debt was unpatriotic?
I wonder who used all of these issues to help get into the White House?
I am so sick of the people who support this administration telling us we have NO RIGHT to speak or criticize him

VOTE him out people, this administration is SICK

Who said he doesn't have a right to? Not me, but he'd be more believable if he just moved to the middle east and joined them against the US.

You move there and then see if you have the right to say such idiotic things
this is a FRIGGEN joke right?

Undermines National Security

you people have all went off the cliff, we have A RIGHT to criticize Obama's handling of things

This may be a good point. Mitten knows nothing about national security. Regardless, he shouldn't be undermining his country to score cheap political points.

Netanyahew and Romney became good friends while Romney was governor of Mass. Shows how much you "really" know.
But lets say your narrative were true. zero still is a post smoking, racist, failure.
I am so sick of the people who support this administration telling us we have NO RIGHT to speak or criticize him

VOTE him out people, this administration is SICK

Who said he doesn't have a right to? Not me, but he'd be more believable if he just moved to the middle east and joined them against the US.

Deal, and all of the low-lifes that celebrated Abu Garab should move over there as well. That would empty most of San Francisco.
You asses coming off like you're now worried about National Security...You sure as hell didn't care about our military or National SECURITY when you all MARCHING in the streets over Iraq

just go vote for Obama and shut the hell the up
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Politics is politics. What's wrong with this picture is that it is yet ANOTHER example of taking crap out of context to score political points with people too lazy or closed minded to get the facts.
What is wrong with these pukes?

Mitt Romney seized on the embassy attacks as an opportunity to condemn Obama’s “disgraceful” handling of the situation in a statement late Tuesday. Despite the embassy’s assertion that its statement was drafted before protests began, Romney slammed the White House for turning to apologies as the “first response” to violence.

State Dept. Confirms Death In Libya; Romney Attacks ‘Disgraceful’ White House | TPM2012
Yes. Obviously, the Romney campaign should have praised Obama for his masterful handling of a crisis.

Anything less is treason.
this is a FRIGGEN joke right?

Undermines National Security

you people have all went off the cliff, we have A RIGHT to criticize Obama's handling of things

This may be a good point. Mitten knows nothing about national security. Regardless, he shouldn't be undermining his country to score cheap political points.
Point of order:

Obama is not the country. Please stop making that mistake.
this is a FRIGGEN joke right?

Undermines National Security

you people have all went off the cliff, we have A RIGHT to criticize Obama's handling of things

This may be a good point. Mitten knows nothing about national security. Regardless, he shouldn't be undermining his country to score cheap political points.

I wonder who criticized the Iraq War while a Senator and while running for President.
I wonder who said we should close down GITMO?
I wonder who said that increasing the debt was unpatriotic?
I wonder who used all of these issues to help get into the White House?
That's different. Somehow. It just is. You racist!!

Right, Ravi?
[ame=]Obama Said The Surge Would Actually Worsen Sectarian Violenc - YouTube[/ame]

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