Romney up by only 5 in MT; 9 in AZ. Very Interesting....

The Governor actually 48/47 unfavorable in Montana.

I doubt the DNC/Obama Campaign will push too hard in either state but it is tightening up in areas that we once thought were safe Romney areas.

He's circling the drain folks.

I'm beginning to think the Republicans never wanted to win the Presidency in 2012. I'd say it's pretty much a certainty that whichever party wins in November will not win in 2016.
I dont belive the polls... not even when Romney is "said" to be ahead.

There is too much bullshit that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is doing that should have him down by 20 points everywhere... so I dont buy any of it.

Just one trollz opinion though.
I dont belive the polls... not even when Romney is "said" to be ahead.

There is too much bullshit that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is doing that should have him down by 20 points everywhere... so I dont buy any of it.

Just one trollz opinion though.

The polls pretty much reflect the way the country feels about him. He's a good President; not great. The facts bear that out.
I dont belive the polls... not even when Romney is "said" to be ahead.

There is too much bullshit that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is doing that should have him down by 20 points everywhere... so I dont buy any of it.

Just one trollz opinion though.

Perhaps you're a tad out of the mainstream.
The real clear politics poll has Romney up by +10.3 Arizona and up by +11.0 in Montana if Obama has a three or four point lead in a state the left calls it a slam dunk for Obama Romney has a double digit and the states are getting tighter.LMAO
The real clear politics poll has Romney up by +10.3 Arizona and up by +11.0 in Montana if Obama has a three or four point lead in a state the left calls it a slam dunk for Obama Romney has a double digit and the states are getting tighter.LMAO

Montana and Arizona should be slam dunks for Romney. All I'm saying is the race is getting tighter. It shows the shallowness of the support Romney has from people like you...remember: people on this board called him a "shitty choice", "windsock", "king flip-flopper", and "turd."

His unfavorability being higher than his favorables in MONTANA should emphasize that nicely.

I'm sure MT an AZ will be in Romney's column come election day but the fact that Obama is narrowing his advantage is a harbinger of doom for the Romney campaign.
The Governor actually 48/47 unfavorable in Montana.

I doubt the DNC/Obama Campaign will push too hard in either state but it is tightening up in areas that we once thought were safe Romney areas.

He's circling the drain folks.

McCain never even got 50% of the vote in Montana in 2008 so Romney is polling better than he performed. And 53-44 is exactly what the result was between McCain and Obama.
The real clear politics poll has Romney up by +10.3 Arizona and up by +11.0 in Montana if Obama has a three or four point lead in a state the left calls it a slam dunk for Obama Romney has a double digit and the states are getting tighter.LMAO

Montana and Arizona should be slam dunks for Romney. All I'm saying is the race is getting tighter. It shows the shallowness of the support Romney has from people like you...remember: people on this board called him a "shitty choice", "windsock", "king flip-flopper", and "turd."

His unfavorability being higher than his favorables in MONTANA should emphasize that nicely.

I'm sure MT an AZ will be in Romney's column come election day but the fact that Obama is narrowing his advantage is a harbinger of doom for the Romney campaign.

Where is he narrowing the lead he trails by double digits in both states that is not narrowing. On a personal note you can take that shallowness comment and shove it just because I am not a blind partisan who try's to spin everything in one candidates favor does not translate to shallow and you might remember people have said the exact same type of things about Obama.
The real clear politics poll has Romney up by +10.3 Arizona and up by +11.0 in Montana if Obama has a three or four point lead in a state the left calls it a slam dunk for Obama Romney has a double digit and the states are getting tighter.LMAO

Montana and Arizona should be slam dunks for Romney. All I'm saying is the race is getting tighter. It shows the shallowness of the support Romney has from people like you...remember: people on this board called him a "shitty choice", "windsock", "king flip-flopper", and "turd."

His unfavorability being higher than his favorables in MONTANA should emphasize that nicely.

I'm sure MT an AZ will be in Romney's column come election day but the fact that Obama is narrowing his advantage is a harbinger of doom for the Romney campaign.

Where is he narrowing the lead he trails by double digits in both states that is not narrowing. On a personal note you can take that shallowness comment and shove it just because I am not a blind partisan who try's to spin everything in one candidates favor does not translate to shallow and you might remember people have said the exact same type of things about Obama.

The recent polls cited in the OP differ but we'll see I suppose. That any poll is showing him within striking distance in Montana should explain to you just what a walloping the Governor is in for this November.

The support for Romney is nearly non existent. The support for the Republican nominee is strong though. He'd be doing worse than the Libertarian candidate if he didn't have a "R" next to his name. You know it too. Fortunately for the Democrats, the TEA party has infected the GOP, pushed it to the right, and the GOP rank and file did the rest. So you gave up the moderates at the behest of the TEA party then offended labor, blacks, Hispanics, the poor, and women all on your own.

But on a personal note,

Tell me specifically what the single best idea Romney offers you as a supposed Romney supporter. Remember, be specific. In other words, put some quantitative data behind your statement.
I dont belive the polls... not even when Romney is "said" to be ahead.

There is too much bullshit that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is doing that should have him down by 20 points everywhere... so I dont buy any of it.

Just one trollz opinion though.

Perhaps you're a tad out of the mainstream.
He's slightly to the right of Genghis Kahn.
The Governor actually 48/47 unfavorable in Montana.

I doubt the DNC/Obama Campaign will push too hard in either state but it is tightening up in areas that we once thought were safe Romney areas.

He's circling the drain folks.

I'm beginning to think the Republicans never wanted to win the Presidency in 2012. I'd say it's pretty much a certainty that whichever party wins in November will not win in 2016.

If Obama wins, and the economy improves significantly during his second term, then the next Democratic nominee will almost certainly be elected. On the other hand, if the economy continues to stagnate under a second Obama term, then yes, it would seem unlikely the Dems would hold on to the White House. The biggest question is who would the Republicans throw out there? Jeb? Christie ain't gonna cut it.
The Governor actually 48/47 unfavorable in Montana.

I doubt the DNC/Obama Campaign will push too hard in either state but it is tightening up in areas that we once thought were safe Romney areas.

He's circling the drain folks. dream. Obama has about as much chance of taking Montana and Arizona as Koshergirl does of getting a boyfriend.
The real clear politics poll has Romney up by +10.3 Arizona and up by +11.0 in Montana if Obama has a three or four point lead in a state the left calls it a slam dunk for Obama Romney has a double digit and the states are getting tighter.LMAO

Montana and Arizona should be slam dunks for Romney. All I'm saying is the race is getting tighter. It shows the shallowness of the support Romney has from people like you...remember: people on this board called him a "shitty choice", "windsock", "king flip-flopper", and "turd."

His unfavorability being higher than his favorables in MONTANA should emphasize that nicely.

I'm sure MT an AZ will be in Romney's column come election day but the fact that Obama is narrowing his advantage is a harbinger of doom for the Romney campaign.

No it just means that Obama got a solid convention bounce which is already starting to dry up. Look, people like Obama as a person and that means they really want to find a reason to vote for him. The problem is they are really struggling to do that and once the debates start it's only going to get worse because Romney should absolutely shred Obama. At the very least people will become far more acquainted with Romney and that is going to result in a good 4%-5% swing.

Now here's some things you have to keep in mind. Obama beat McCain in 2008 in a situation where the election happened right after the stock market collapse and people were hemorrhaging money and completely livid with the GOP. He had captured the popular imagination with promises of "hope and change". He had record breaking turnout among minorities who wanted to see the nations first POTUS who wasn't white. There was so much going on in his favor it was sick. Now he has none of those things. The economy still sucks and has shown no recovery, "hope and change" turned out to be "same old shit", and while minorities will still support him big time there won't be nearly the amount of voter enthusiasm in those demographics. Add on that the recent upheaval in the Middle East sure aint doing Obama any favors. Despite what the media would like to claim, most people I know feel Romney's comments were spot on...and I live in one of the most liberal cities in one of the most liberal states in America. What that means is there's no chance he will match his results of 2008. He can kiss an additional 3%-5% goodbye state by state on conditions alone.

Well in 2008 he won Virginia with 53%. Think he will get 53% this time? No way. He'll be lucky to pull 49% and it will probably be more like 45% - 46%.

He won Florida with only 51% despite all the things favoring him in 2008. This time it will be more like 44% - 45%.

He squeaked out Ohio with 52%. This time maybe 45%-46%.

Well with those three situations, Obama is done because at that point Romney is at 270* so Colorado, Nevada, and Wisconsin don't mean jack (and frankly Romney will probably win at least one of those states anyhow).

So I wouldn't get too excited about the recent polling. It's about what we would expect to see after the DNC and before the debates and the reality is that Obama's lead isn't nearly enough because Romney will gain a good 5% at minimum between now and election day.

*This is with the assumption that Romney will take North Carolina (an almost certainty) and Iowa (a strong probability)
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The real clear politics poll has Romney up by +10.3 Arizona and up by +11.0 in Montana if Obama has a three or four point lead in a state the left calls it a slam dunk for Obama Romney has a double digit and the states are getting tighter.LMAO

Montana and Arizona should be slam dunks for Romney. All I'm saying is the race is getting tighter. It shows the shallowness of the support Romney has from people like you...remember: people on this board called him a "shitty choice", "windsock", "king flip-flopper", and "turd."

His unfavorability being higher than his favorables in MONTANA should emphasize that nicely.

I'm sure MT an AZ will be in Romney's column come election day but the fact that Obama is narrowing his advantage is a harbinger of doom for the Romney campaign.

Where is he narrowing the lead he trails by double digits in both states that is not narrowing. On a personal note you can take that shallowness comment and shove it just because I am not a blind partisan who try's to spin everything in one candidates favor does not translate to shallow and you might remember people have said the exact same type of things about Obama.

if you want to talk about narrowing in a state that actually matters look at Wisconsin. It's worth note that after both the RNC and DNC Romney actually gained ground despite the DNC being last and getting the "last word bounce". Candycorn is all giddy about a 5 point Romney lead in Montana, when he should actually be terrified of the razor thin 1.4 point lead Obama has in Wisconsin. Hell even PPP(D) has Romney ahead in Wisconsin and they are about as liberally biased as an agency can get.

Furthermore, George Allen has started to pull ahead in the Virginia Senatorial election and that means that the GOP will probably re-take the Senate as well. So in reality it's looking like a GOP House, a GOP Senate, a GOP White House, and a GOP SCOTUS. Just the way it ought to be.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama
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Candy your poll got refuted with evidence yet you persist. You're quite the devoted sheep.

Drinking early today?

Actually the RCP is an average of all polls. The average says one thing. When you look at the polls that make the average, you get these the ones that show them closer than further apart. Arizona was done on the 9th and MT was done on Tuesday. Perhaps it's a trend.

In the final analysis; it's a great sign for the President.

As for said Romney was a "shitty choice" yet you're voting for him. You should say "baaaaaaaaa" next time you open your mouth.
The Governor actually 48/47 unfavorable in Montana.

I doubt the DNC/Obama Campaign will push too hard in either state but it is tightening up in areas that we once thought were safe Romney areas.

He's circling the drain folks. dream. Obama has about as much chance of taking Montana and Arizona as Koshergirl does of getting a boyfriend.

His chances aren't that bad.

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