Romney won't campaign with Rick Scott


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Florida Governor Rick Scott keeps
alienating the people he’s trying to befriend.
The Republican’s effort to win support from Cuban-Americans resulted in threats of a lawsuit. At a lunch to charm black lawmakers, he offended them. He turned a goodwill mission into comedy-show fodder when he greeted Spain’s king by asking about the monarch’s politically sensitive elephant hunt.

The governor’s gaffes, along with an approval rating that hasn’t gone above 41 percent in Quinnipiac University polls, may hurt his party’s presidential contender, Mitt Romney. Florida is one of the most competitive electoral battlegrounds, with the past three presidential races decided by 5 percentage points or less. Romney hasn’t campaigned with Scott.

“Rick Scott doesn’t seem to have any political skills at all,” said Tom Slade, the former co-chairman of Scott’s campaign and ex-chairman of the Republican Party of Florida. “I’d give him a B for governing. I’d give him an A for strangeness.”

Adding to Scott’s misery: His office is facing a criminal investigation over missing e-mail; the federal government is suing the state over purging voters from the rolls; and the governor recently hired his third chief of staff in 18 months.

Scott, 59, moved to Florida about a decade ago while he was running his own private-equity firm. A former chief executive officer of HCA Holdings Inc. (HCA), a Nashville, Tennessee-based hospital operator, he was forced out amid a Medicare fraud investigation that resulted in criminal charges against the company.

Florida Governor Snubbed by Romney After Political Gaffes - Bloomberg
Actually Scott has been a good governor so far, He has keep to his campaign promises and is getting Florida's budget under control. Too bad for Romney, it is his loss not to campaign with a politician that actually kept his word.
Chris, I'd really rather hear you tell us all again about how Scott Walker will soon be indicted and convicted in WI. Please, we love that story... tell us again!
Romney doesn't want to be seen with the governor because of gaffes??? Bwaaaaaaaaahaha!

The governor’s gaffes, along with an approval rating that hasn’t gone above 41 percent in Quinnipiac University polls, may hurt his party’s presidential contender, Mitt Romney. Florida is one of the most competitive electoral battlegrounds, with the past three presidential races decided by 5 percentage points or less. Romney hasn’t campaigned with Scott.

This does make some sense in the weird world of Florida politics: a vote for Obama is a vote against Scott.
Florida Governor Rick Scott keeps
alienating the people he’s trying to befriend.
The Republican’s effort to win support from Cuban-Americans resulted in threats of a lawsuit. At a lunch to charm black lawmakers, he offended them. He turned a goodwill mission into comedy-show fodder when he greeted Spain’s king by asking about the monarch’s politically sensitive elephant hunt.

The governor’s gaffes, along with an approval rating that hasn’t gone above 41 percent in Quinnipiac University polls, may hurt his party’s presidential contender, Mitt Romney. Florida is one of the most competitive electoral battlegrounds, with the past three presidential races decided by 5 percentage points or less. Romney hasn’t campaigned with Scott.

“Rick Scott doesn’t seem to have any political skills at all,” said Tom Slade, the former co-chairman of Scott’s campaign and ex-chairman of the Republican Party of Florida. “I’d give him a B for governing. I’d give him an A for strangeness.”

Adding to Scott’s misery: His office is facing a criminal investigation over missing e-mail; the federal government is suing the state over purging voters from the rolls; and the governor recently hired his third chief of staff in 18 months.

Scott, 59, moved to Florida about a decade ago while he was running his own private-equity firm. A former chief executive officer of HCA Holdings Inc. (HCA), a Nashville, Tennessee-based hospital operator, he was forced out amid a Medicare fraud investigation that resulted in criminal charges against the company.

Florida Governor Snubbed by Romney After Political Gaffes - Bloomberg

What a bunch of bunk. Scott is liked less than Jeb, more than any living Democrat. He's so-so on results he and his team promised, which puts him head and shoulders above Obama.

He's not a lesbian though, but Democrats sure love making that a smear on the Lt. Gov.
And after Scott won it broke Bush sr heart and he cried. Poor guy, now no sons are in govt. awwww. Let us elect jeb as US Federal Dogcatcher.
Well we all know how Obama campaigned for Tom Barrett in Wisconsin, he actually flew over Milwaukee a couple of times and waved from Air Force One.

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